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  1. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    A trial run for christmas and an attempt at fancy plating. Pork belly, roast fennel sauce, pumpkin puree, pickled green apple, sage. Not super happy with the pork belly texture, the skin wasn't really all that crispy, but the flavors definitely worked.
  2. Wahad

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    My friend's new Dalmatian pup, Odin. Bonus Chihuahua, Mila, in the background
  3. Wahad

    Wanna do some 2021 Happy Dookmas stuff?

    Sure, I'll emerge from the shadows to make the yearly offering and renew the communal bond.
  4. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    Cooked for my granma today - Vietnamese-ish chicken, pickled cucumber salad, coconut rice.
  5. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    Pulled some pork for my birthday. 24 hour sous vide, 90 minutes in the oven. Served, of course, with some coleslaw and barbecue sauce (both homemade as well).
  6. Wahad

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    This movie is gonna make me cry, y'all.
  7. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    I smashed a burg. Hidden accoutrements: burger sauce, bacon, pickle.
  8. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    I made a vegan poke bowl with some marinaded tofu, mango salsa and avocado cream: And a panna cotta with raspberry coulis for dessert:
  9. Wahad

    [Announcement] Happy 2021!

    Welcome to the new year, same as the old year.
  10. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    My family christmas dinner was last night, due to visits being separated out w/r/t the pandemic. Crab salad with apple, avocado and artichoke Truffled canneloni Shortrib lasagna with a side salad of baby spinach, pear, cranberry & hazelnut. Mandarin sorbet tart with hazelnut chocolate swirl
  11. Wahad

    Christmas Pictures 2020

    I have no decorations, but I made Chef John's gingerbread biscotti as a holiday gift for the family this year, so the pic of that goes in here:
  12. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    A mysterious package from China arrived... and this was inside! Since Santa @Far mentioned there was another package to come after I'd gotten all of my books, I'm gonna presume this is it, despite the lack of description in the package otherwise. Thanks so much for your generosity!
  13. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    They're all here @Far ! Looks like I have some reading to do over Christmas break. Thanks a bunch!
  14. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    Package 2 has arrived, @Far . Third book (it was a trilogy, right?) still seems to be underway. I'll post another pic when they're all here.
  15. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    That's correct, it was the only one. I'm working from home the rest of the week, though, so I'll be around when they show up.
  16. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    Secret Santa did me a spook by getting my package delivered at almost 9pm in the evening. I was very suspicious of the poor package delivery woman, which she absolutely did not deserve, but the package was, indeed, addressed to me. Thanks, Santa @Far !
  17. Wahad

    What are you playing?

    I recently bought the Arkane collection for my Xbox because it was on sale in the MS Store (30 bucks for Dishonored, Death of the Outsider, D2, and Prey) and have been playing through Dishonored first. Good stuff.
  18. Wahad

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Turn on the sound for this one.
  19. Wahad

    Whats for Dinner?

    I make-a da bread (with cheese and jalapenos)
  20. Wahad

    Secret Santa 2020 - Have a Very Covid Christmas

    I would love to join in again, but just to clarify, is Our Lady of the Doomweasel good with taking on the organizational end again? Not that I doubt the word of Her Strigiform Herald, but, well, times being as they are it would give me some peace of mind if we get some confirmation before I sign up.