Coronavirus Thread

Eh... I dunno, half of this battle is about mobilizing voters. Anything that makes people perceive Trump a bit less like a crazy egomaniac and a bit more like a statesman is bad, and every moment not spent convincing unmotivated voters that the other guy is actually good is also bad.
The conclusions themselves aren't especially interesting; they're expected from a report with partisan aims. But the method used to reach those conclusions is often striking: The Republican majority engages in a process of systematically changing the standard of evidence needed for it to reach a conclusion. For a conclusion the report's authors favor, they'll happily accept evidence from computer models or arguments from an editorial in the popular press; for conclusions they disfavor, they demand double-blind controlled clinical trials.
"If you take the results (and also disregard this detail here, here, and here), a pattern starts to emerge."

The best part of having a lingering sinus headache -- doing the responsible thing, getting a COVID kit, and swabbing my nose to make sure I'm not going to make anyone else sick.

The upside is that it's just sinuses.
I am a big fan of Nebraska. I love driving down there, and the people are generally okayish.

Gaines county in western TX, Friday, February 7th. -- 9 confirmed cases of measles.
Gaines county in western TX, Tuesday, February 11th -- 24 confirmed cases of measles.

Hey, if you live anywhere near the TX/NM border, or plan on going there for any length of time, you might want to make sure your MMR is up to date--just sayin'.

Gaines county in western TX, Friday, February 7th. -- 9 confirmed cases of measles.
Gaines county in western TX, Tuesday, February 11th -- 24 confirmed cases of measles.
Gaines county in western TX, Friday, February 14th -- 42 confirmed cases of measles, with an additional 6 more in neighboring counties (where vaccination rates are 90-95 percent instead of Gaines' paltry 82 percent).

...might want to make sure your MMR is up to date no matter where you live in the US at this point.
