It's been a while since I posted here. Now is as good as a time as any.
Here are my COVID updates, if anyone is interested.
1. Third baby (a boy) was born on 3/15. No nurses or docs had masks due to the shortages. Most docs tried to keep distant which was interesting. Baby and momma are fine and at home. Due to the baby, we missed any grocery shopping, and now we've had a hell of a time getting staples. I am pissed at the hoarders. I am also pissed that grocery chains didn't put limits on shit early on. They made a fuckton of money. Now, I look like a dick for trying to buy a couple weeks worth of groceries.
2. We had my in-laws flight coming in from overseas on the 15th of April, but that is likely going to be cancelled. At this point, we've told them they shouldn't come until things blow over. We may have to eat the airfare.
3. My job will only last as long as supple chains last. If our suppliers shut down, we shut down. Also, I work with a bunch of morons who think I am paranoid about social distancing. I should sneeze on the next fucker that gets within 3 feet of me (joking, kind of). I have accepted a new position at a different company as of Feb 24th. I delayed the start date b/c of the baby. Now they have indefinitely delayed the start date b/c of the virus.
4. They are laying off people left and right at my wife's work. She might be protected since she is on maternity leave, but who knows what happens after.
5. I have volunteered my skills at the local university to help with the testing. Right now they are going a RT-PCR test which I am highly-skilled at. We'll see what happens.
6. My elderly parents came from rural Oklahoma to visit for the baby. Now I worry that they may get the virus while they are here. They would have been low risk if they would have stayed where they were.
Good luck Halforumites. Godspeed.