EA Needs to F*** off and die

If that's really a problem in SC, they've actually gone backwards in development. SC3K had people keeping their houses for, I think, a year, before considering moving, based on work and whatnot, and had "smarter" police and fire trucks.

Also, I own Tropico 3 and 4 (haven't gotten around to playing much if 4 yet), and I'd have loved to have gotten that bundle :( Missed it through working the whole weekend :(
Unfortunately his point is valid. We are the gaming minority now.
No, it's not. He said that gamers deserve this. I'm a gamer, you're a gamer, hell, HE'S a gamer, we DON'T deserve this. Then again, I haven't seen a post from Frank that's not all full of pent up rage in a while, so I should probably take what he says with a grain of salt.
Unfortunately his point is valid. We are the gaming minority now.
His point is valid but as Bowielee pointed out. The majority are not gamers. They're bros, mobile phone tweens, and a few other outside demographics but I wouldn't call any of their categories gamers. Sadly though, those demographics put together are now the majority that game companies are trying to cater too. Unfortunately for them, systems like the PS3, where they're putting all these social aspects and shit that actual gamers don't want, is the system least played by those demographics.
Also, it's going to take a lot more than one or two poorly-selling games for big companies like EA, Capcom, Squeenix, etc to take notice of anything. At this point they're already swimming in money from decades of effort and have allowed themselves to now wallow in mediocrity and shit.
So which gaming IP is EA going to take a dump on next? So far we have Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Simcity that have been defiled horribly. What else is popular that they own that they haven't totally ruined yet?


Staff member
So which gaming IP is EA going to take a dump on next? So far we have Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Simcity that have been defiled horribly. What else is popular that they own that they haven't totally ruined yet?
Warha.... never mind.

Battlef.... nope.

Burnou... huh.

Dead sp... ehhh...

Need for Sp... hrm.

Uh... Chuck Yeager's Air Combat?
Yeah, you wanna know why they do? They keep buying this shit. Gamers keep shoveling money at these terrible ideas.[DOUBLEPOST=1363171654][/DOUBLEPOST]Here's some interesting things about why traffic in the game is apparently broken.

I laughed. I laughed hard. That article made me fucking cackle. What shit. That's hilarious.

Also, you buy a crappy game, you deserve a crappy game. Everyone who bought this SimCity, remember it next time EA flashes some crap that might interest you. Remember that they don't care about longevity--they're looking for quick cash and they'll sacrifice everything you loved and enjoyed to get it. If you want good games, boycott the companies that do this shit to you, and buy from the companies that do right by you.

I believe Frank was included the mobile tweens and dudebros in the "gamers" cap, as in people who play video games. This is the gaming future that game-players have brought. We only have to suffer as much garbage as we buy.
What I've always felt a -gamer- was by defention someone who enjoyed the world of gaming, the art of it, in one aspect or another as something more than -Something to pass time- either at the doctor's office or as a drinking/bro-rage outlet game.

Someone who appreciates games either for their art direction, storyline depths, innovative gameplay or because it takes them to a world they revel in. Very much the way a movie lover or book lover are disgusted when a shitty film makes millions (Jack & Jill) when a solid well made film is snubbed or when the largest selling books of all time are Harry Potter and 50 Shades of Grey. It's the same kind of insult when someone were to say to them -Book/Movie lovers brought this on themselves-. That's where I disagree completely. It's because of outside demographics, who have no real love or appreciation for the media that's being abused, are funneling millions into said media, only to ignore it when the next shiny thing comes along. The idiot producers of said media think they can keep those demographics interested by flooding the media with more and more generic bullshit, while straying away what captivated their original fanbase/audience.

TLDR; - Brogamers/Tween+Bored Housewife Mobilegamers are ruining gaming. Twi-Tards are ruining movies and 50 Shade Morons are ruining books. Not the original fans of each media. They don't deserve it/brought it on themselves as previously stated.
Oh well, as long as they don't foul up Command and Conquer, I'm good. It's been a good decision not to release anything from that IP after 2008. *cough*
I disagree when you say that all gamers don't want these new "features". My friend's boyfriend is a prime example. He loves shooters. He primarily spends his late nights playing Mass Effect 3, Call of Duty, whatever, whatever, whatever. He buys shitty merchandise that unlocks guns in games (like that God awful Vega Mass Effect anime because it unlocks some new gun in multiplayer). He complains about having to buy shit to get shit in games and when I tell him he doesn't have to buy anything, he responds with his whole, I'm a collector, I can't not get everything bullshit. He also has one of the biggest SNES collections I've ever seen and even makes little pearler bead sprite art for his game room. He also loves RPGs. If anyone is considered a gamer, it's that guy.

He's part of the problem. Many, many, many gamers are.
I disagree when you say that all gamers don't want these new "features". My friend's boyfriend is a prime example. He loves shooters. He primarily spends his late nights playing Mass Effect 3, Call of Duty, whatever, whatever, whatever. He buys shitty merchandise that unlocks guns in games (like that God awful Vega Mass Effect anime because it unlocks some new gun in multiplayer). He complains about having to buy shit to get shit in games and when I tell him he doesn't have to buy anything, he responds with his whole, I'm a collector, I can't not get everything bullshit. He also has one of the biggest SNES collections I've ever seen and even makes little pearler bead sprite art for his game room. He also loves RPGs. If anyone is considered a gamer, it's that guy.

He's part of the problem. Many, many, many gamers are.
Yeah, he's in the minority of the type of people that are the problem. The bigger problem are from my example, not people like him.
You think so, look at the Bioware forums. They swarm with those kinds of fans. The ones who buy all the nonsense. There's a lot of them than you think.

The incredible amount of money they've made selling slot machine upgrades for ME3 multiplayer is proof of that.
And that's really the thing. I don't know if it's a particular group or type of people, but there are people out there that are buying all this crap.

Some examples:

-On TF2, I've played it on days when something brand new was released. And on that one server, I'll see at least two or three people with the new hats, weapons, whatever. When the Pyroland stuff went up, I saw TONS of people with that stuff.
-On a whim, I've checked out PS3's Home, which is basically a glorified chat channel with little mini-games and stuff. And there are scores of people wearing those $10, $20, even $30 outfits.

So I don't think gamers as a whole deserve what we're getting now in terms of DLC and such. The problem is that there's enough of them out there that actually buy the crap. Companies will only see the numbers and realize they can make money off these idiots. As a result, we all suffer.
You think so, look at the Bioware forums. They swarm with those kinds of fans. The ones who buy all the nonsense. There's a lot of them than you think.

The incredible amount of money they've made selling slot machine upgrades for ME3 multiplayer is proof of that.
Fanboys are actually a minority, it's much like comparing the Wow forums to the actual WoW population. The WoW forums have maybe, 100-200k posters, the actual population is over 7mil. Not exactly a prime example of what the actual customer is.
And that's really the thing. I don't know if it's a particular group or type of people, but there are people out there that are buying all this crap.

Some examples:

-On TF2, I've played it on days when something brand new was released. And on that one server, I'll see at least two or three people with the new hats, weapons, whatever. When the Pyroland stuff went up, I saw TONS of people with that stuff.
-On a whim, I've checked out PS3's Home, which is basically a glorified chat channel with little mini-games and stuff. And there are scores of people wearing those $10, $20, even $30 outfits.

So I don't think gamers as a whole deserve what we're getting now in terms of DLC and such. The problem is that there's enough of them out there that actually buy the crap. Companies will only see the numbers and realize they can make money off these idiots. As a result, we all suffer.
Both of your examples are free to play. That has nothing to do with this discussion.
No, it doesn't, like at all. Free to play games make their revenue solely through those transactions. TF2 used to not be, but when it launched, there you were paying for the game upfront.
I wish more online games would embrace the F2P with microtransaction model. For MMOs it's fantastic for a cheap bastard like me who only cares about playing the game, not the fancy cosmetic shit I can buy. If Rift went F2P I'd be back on it in a heartbeat.
No, it doesn't, like at all. Free to play games make their revenue solely through those transactions. TF2 used to not be, but when it launched, there you were paying for the game upfront.
I'm not talking about free to play or anything, I'm just talking about microtransactions in general. It's ridiculous to see people paying $10+ for a couple of pixels that don't add anything to the game. I could buy two, full, cheap Steam games for that same price.
I wish more online games would embrace the F2P with microtransaction model. For MMOs it's fantastic for a cheap bastard like me who only cares about playing the game, not the fancy cosmetic shit I can buy. If Rift went F2P I'd be back on it in a heartbeat.
That easily becomes pay-to-win though.
I'm not talking about free to play or anything, I'm just talking about microtransactions in general. It's ridiculous to see people paying $10+ for a couple of pixels that don't add anything to the game. I could buy two, full, cheap Steam games for that same price.
I've easily spent more than that for champion reskins on League of Legends, that do nothing but change the way the character looks. But I also greatly enjoy the game, and I don't mind tossing in a few dollars to make sure they keep making bank and keep making new stuffs.
You are talking about Free to play, because those where the examples given.
Oh for God's sake. It doesn't matter. A microtransaction is a fucking microtransaction, whether it's free to play or not. THAT'S MY GODDAMN POINT. Portal 2 has the same useless crap. City of Heroes had it, even before it went free. Champions, too. How about, say, Little Big Planet. Almost every week, there's a new costume to buy for $0.99. Arkham City had the costumes pack. The Sims has scores of stuff.

My entire point, which you're completely fucking missing, is that microtransactions are overpriced because they're just useless, overpriced additions to the game.
Oh for God's sake. It doesn't matter. A microtransaction is a fucking microtransaction, whether it's free to play or not. THAT'S MY GODDAMN POINT. Portal 2 has the same useless crap. City of Heroes had it, even before it went free. Champions, too. How about, say, Little Big Planet. Almost every week, there's a new costume to buy for $0.99. Arkham City had the costumes pack. The Sims has scores of stuff.

My entire point, which you're completely fucking missing, is that microtransactions are overpriced because they're just useless, overpriced additions to the game.
A microtransaction in a F2P game is completely different than a microtransaction in a full priced retail game. It is how they fund the game. Unless you believe that software developers should just work for free. One microtransaction funds the actual game itself, the other is just soaking additional money out of customers.
Oh for God's sake. It doesn't matter. A microtransaction is a fucking microtransaction, whether it's free to play or not. THAT'S MY GODDAMN POINT. Portal 2 has the same useless crap. City of Heroes had it, even before it went free. Champions, too. How about, say, Little Big Planet. Almost every week, there's a new costume to buy for $0.99. Arkham City had the costumes pack. The Sims has scores of stuff.

My entire point, which you're completely fucking missing, is that microtransactions are overpriced because they're just useless, overpriced additions to the game.
Then don't buy them.

I do not understand why you're upset about them when they do not alter the gameplay. I, personally, prefer them this way. I much prefer cosmetic or aesthetic extras put behind paywalls than core gameplay mechanics.
A microtransaction in a F2P game is completely different than a microtransaction in a full priced retail game. It is how they fund the game. Unless you believe that software developers should just work for free. One microtransaction funds the actual game itself, the other is just soaking additional money out of customers.
This I agree with. Free to play is fine in most cases (not Old Republic), Fee to play games are often nickel and diming nonsense.
The best F2P games are the ones that started out as sub based. City of Heroes gave you nearly all the content for free, with only certain special story archs, costumes, and power sets that you needed to buy. LOTRO has the entire pre-Mines of Moria experience (1-50, I believe), plus more. Virtually everything except Power Customization and additional costumes and power sets is free in Champions Online. Star Trek Online has a dearth of content as well.

It's really only terrible when a game is designed from the ground up with micro-transactions as a major part of it.
The best F2P games are the ones that started out as sub based. City of Heroes gave you nearly all the content for free, with only certain special story archs, costumes, and power sets that you needed to buy. LOTRO has the entire pre-Mines of Moria experience (1-50, I believe), plus more. Virtually everything except Power Customization and additional costumes and power sets is free in Champions Online. Star Trek Online has a dearth of content as well.

It's really only terrible when a game is designed from the ground up with micro-transactions as a major part of it.
I dunno, looking at STO it seems like you get a pretty decent amount of stuff without any sort of payment, the big drawback being some chat/fleet-building restrictions. Looks like about the same amount of content as LotRO, at least.
I think Ash just used dearth incorrectly and what he means is the opposite. You can play through nigh all of STO without dropping a dime.