EA Needs to F*** off and die

This is how "awesome" sim city is.
So I bought the game for my wife because she likes that stuff and I made a city as well. I hit all the borders in a few hours or so and after a bit of trial an error I am probably about 12 hours into my game right now and there is nothing more for me to do. I'm making millions per month (even though I'm losing 60k an hour my trade is huge) and the disasters do nothing but set me back half a million when I have over 10 million and make up the difference in a matter tens of minutes. So that's where we are, twelve hours in and there's nothing left to do but watch the city make money. I could start a new city in the region I guess. but then I would send it millions and have it set up in 30 minutes or so and then be done with it too. blah.
So, you know how EA won the Golden Turd award from the Consumerist worst company in America poll for the second year running prompting the game's press and developer industry to react thusly (spoilered for size)

Gamers lack perspective? IT'S A DOPEY INTERNET POLL THAT MEANS FUCKING NOTHING YOU SYCOPHANTIC FUCKMOUTHS. You are the pot calling the kettle entitled...or lacking perspective or whatever other term you shitbreathers bounce around your giant corporation you one day hope to have a job at's circle jerk echo chamber. Go into your bathrooms, take a huge oily EA lubed up shit and fucking eat it.

Thank you.
CliffyB has such a hard-on for EA it's not even funny.[DOUBLEPOST=1365806300][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Phil Fish is a raging dickbag, I have no idea who the rest of those people are. Beyond that, it's a joke for the most part. At least EA gets all upset about winning, I'm sure if any other company on the list got that golden turd they wouldn't even care.
I love that most of those twitter comments are not actually defending EA's qualities, just pointing out that other companies exist which could be argued are objectively worse.

If your best quality about your company is "Well at least they're not Hitler," you may have a problem.
He has been such a raging anti-consumer fuckbag since he left Epic, there is no shitty policy a publisher pushes out that he won't defend with personal attacks and douchery.
You don't get it man, he's a rebel industry outsider that's brave enough to speak the truth!

Well, Bioware'sn ot terrible RPG-wise. But the Jedi will be drinking a New Coke Light ad the Gungans will advice you to drink Red Bull while playing *sigh*

The "what project would you like to see" made me think of sequels to games I wanted, and I realised most had actually been made - but had gotten the EA treatment and were unrecognisable pieces of trash with the name of a great IP. *sigh*.
At least they didn't grab the other Lucasarts properties.
Some of those are already owned by others. For instance, the Sam and Max rights are owned by Telltale now, and I think they have Fullthrottle too. I wouldn't be surprised if Double Fine is going to make a move on Grim Fandango but then again, I could see Disney wanting to do a movie with those rights. Mercenaries is probably going to go to EA eventually as well, but that actually seems like a game that is right up their alley.
As of last night: SimCity has been officially cracked and fully playable offline by a popular pirate group.

Did it take longer than usual? Yep. Did they lose more sales due to this DRM than to actual piracy? Yep. Did the DRM work? You decide.
As of last night: SimCity has been officially cracked and fully playable offline by a popular pirate group.

Did it take longer than usual? Yep. Did they lose more sales due to this DRM than to actual piracy? Yep. Did the DRM work? You decide.
It's the fastest selling Sim City ever. I dunno if it lost too many sales.
If you bought this game (or preordered it stupidly), despite warnings of buying an EA product, you deserved what you had coming to you.
BBC News interviewed a top EA guy to ask how he thinks EA is doing 30 years after they released an advert asking "Can a computer make you cry?". His answer was "Certainly the Mass Effect 3 ending caused a few people to cry, so I think we achieved some level of emotional impact":facepalm:
BBC News interviewed a top EA guy to ask how he thinks EA is doing 30 years after they released an advert asking "Can a computer make you cry?". His answer was "Certainly the Mass Effect 3 ending caused a few people to cry, so I think we achieved some level of emotional impact":facepalm:

Well... he's not wrong... :facepalm:
Precisely. Disgust, disappointment and irritation are all emotions.

This image is still a better ending than what we got.

I don't care how non-canon it is, he deserved to be there.