Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread


Staff member
This might be a dumb question, but is this new information? Didn't we already know he tried to overturn the election? There was that recorded phone call between him and I believe the governor of Georgia, for example.
There's what's known, and what's *documented* and in the court record. The former is a lot easier to brush off than the latter.
Of course, that's assuming he doesn't have the judge in his pocket, and actually conforms to any judgements (remember how he recently quoted Jackson, "The Judge has made his decision, let's see him enforce it")
I wanted to mention this yesterday, but I'm glad I waited because it managed to make itself worse:

A house along the main road in my town put up a bunch of Trump yard signs, like, at least 8. Not that surprising: they visibly supported Trump in 2016 (though not in 2020, but that's a ponder for another time). But the thing that catches your attention the most is not just that these signs are beaten up and look like they were fished out of the garbage, but they all say "Trump/Pence". It true Trump cheapskate-form, they couldn't even be bothered to get the correct signs.

-But today! To add to the KLASSY-ness of it all, they went out to each sign and put a piece of black duct tape over "Pence". So now it's an even bigger sloppy mess. Is it going to get worse? Possibly! Good times. :rolleyes:
We have someone down the street from us who has been flying the same T/P sign constantly since 2016. It looks like it's barely hanging on its frame, one side is sliding down, it's dirty and wrinkled together, but they're defiantly still leaving it up.

"who else can fill up big places like this at three o'clock in the afternoon?"
So... You're saying your supporters are mainly retired or unemployed?
I don't even understand how that's a boast.
This might be a dumb question, but is this new information? Didn't we already know he tried to overturn the election? There was that recorded phone call between him and I believe the governor of Georgia, for example.
The big difference is that, even though we already know what happened in general, this new filing fills in the details.

If there is anyone still on the fence about Trump (no, I don't know why anyone would be either), this provides one more reason to vote against him.

I just appreciated the irony that most of the discussion that I have seen about a hypothetical "October Surprise" was focused on what the Republicans were going to come up with against Harris.
Maybe we can measure the size of the skull and the ratio and determine if someone is a criminal based on that?
Oh, did you know that phlogiston is real and the sky is in fact a dome over the earth, which the sun revolves around?

... Seriously, this guy. THIS guy has 45% of the voters choosing him.
There's an article in The Atlantic, Donald Trump's Fascist Romp, focusing on statements Trump made about using the National Guard and military against the "radical left" (i.e. American citizens)--who he calls "the enemy within"--and he specifically names Rep. Adam Schiff of California as one of them. In a CNN interview, Jake Tapper presses Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia about Trump's direct quotes of wanting to use the military against American citizens. Youngking falls all over himself claiming it's actually about violent illegal immigrants (TIL Schiff is an illegal immigrant?).

If The Atlantic is paywalled for you, here's the CNN interview. It's pretty self-explanatory why The Atlantic has an article about it.

tldr; "The Party told him to reject the evidence of his eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -- George Orwell, 1984
Trump did a "town hall" in Oaks, PA yesterday where he took 4 questions, there was a medical emergency in the crowd, the PA played "Ave Maria" (which...weird, but maybe that was the only thing they could get authorization on), and then...Trump just gave up answering questions and stood silently on stage for 30 minutes while music played, and then it ended. People walked out in droves, no words were said, no clarification was made, and no questions were answered.

Sometimes I wonder if he really wants this and his ego won't let him quit. His behavior seems so contradictory to someone who wants to win. It's like he can't stand losing but doesn't really want the job. He wants attention, just not negative attention. What a damned weirdo. Fuck off already.
He doesn't want to talk to them and shows much less gusto for it because he's fucking terrified now after two assassination attempts or psuedo-attempt because both of them were MAGA.

When he stands in front of crowds now, he only feels fear and that rocks. Die.
Sometimes I wonder if he really wants this and his ego won't let him quit. His behavior seems so contradictory to someone who wants to win. It's like he can't stand losing but doesn't really want the job. He wants attention, just not negative attention. What a damned weirdo. Fuck off already.
That's how we got here in 2015/2016, so not much has changed, it seems. But he really is breaking down rapidly. More media people need to call him out on it. Not just late night, but the regular news as well:
That's how we got here in 2015/2016, so not much has changed, it seems. But he really is breaking down rapidly. More media people need to call him out on it. Not just late night, but the regular news as well:
We suggest these things as if it would make a difference. Trump could be a rotting corpse, only held up by a post, and he still won’t loose a single dedicated voter.
Maybe? A not small amount of his supporters get their reassurance from Fox and it's lessers (OAN, whatever), but even regular news casts don't call him out on his degenerate as they should. They believe whatever the TV tells them. They trust TV more than... well, reality. They don't really understand policy, but they will understand someone being called "feeble, weak". I don't think it would make him lose all his votes, and unlikely they'd vote for Harris instead (they'd probably sit out), but I think it would take away some of his base.
Trump just gave up answering questions and stood silently on stage for 30 minutes while music played, and then it ended. People walked out in droves, no words were said, no clarification was made, and no questions were answered.

Hey now, according to CNN (you know, that extremely left wing propaganda rag that only spreads lies and attacks Trump for no reason according to... Well, Trump) he didn't "stand there", he "turned it into an impromptu dance hall" and "danced for thirty minutes", proving his health and endurance.
I wish I was making that up.
The people at the top want that sweet ad revenue, and Trump and his insanity was very lucrative for the 24 hour news cycle. Biden is "boring" because he gets stuff done without screaming at shadows or pepper spraying pastors.

They also want at least the idea of a close race because people won't tune in to terror watch reporting on a Harris landslide, so they "sanewash" him as much as possible so it feels closer then it probably is. Honestly, the whole thing feels criminal. We need real journalism again and not a bunch of stations that are basically a mouthpiece for their owners special interests.

Speaking about the weird town hall, people kept fainting in the crowd because they didn't have adequate AC and they locked all the doors, turning the room into a big oven. Why were the doors locked? Because ever since the debate one of the few things Trump has been cognizant about is that people leave his rallies before he finishes and now he can't unsee it. He does everything to force people to stay there.

So why did he stop the town hall? Because they had to open the doors again to combat the heat and he fucking hated it. He gave up on the whole thing because by ending it, people were not leaving because they were bored of him, but because it was over.
Trump could be a rotting corpse, only held up by a post, and he still won’t [lose] a single dedicated voter.
I have never seen Trump as anything other than a proxy for his handlers, even back in 2016.
The people who want Trump in power want him there because they know he won't interfere with what they want to do going forward, from the high-ranking GOP members with their agenda all the way down to that "traditional" voter who just wants to regain the freedom to knock their uppity spouse back down a peg whenever necessary.
