[11:04] <+Edrondol> Who registered repixel?!?
[11:04] <+Calleja> ok
[11:04] <+Calleja> Zen is in
[11:04] <+gate_eeepc> Who the FUCK
[11:04] <+Calleja> that it's Repixel is not a dealbreaker
[11:04] <+Edrondol> I just went ot get it and it's fucking GONE!
[11:04] * BlackAngus (~chatzilla@cloak-6B357FD5.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net) has joined #pvponline
[11:04] <+Calleja> im getting people on facebook to go to bomb shelter
[11:04] <+gate_eeepc> ...
[11:04] <+gate_eeepc> IN AN HOUR?
[11:04] <%moss> Calleja
[11:04] <+Calleja> WHAT?!
[11:04] <%moss> you have twitter right?
[11:04] <+gate_eeepc> WHAT THE FUCK
[11:04] <+Calleja> yes
[11:04] <%moss>
[11:05] <%moss> go forth!
[11:05] <+Calleja> ive had him for months moss
[11:05] <@Abalistar> Watch it pop up as a mirror for PVP. >_>
[11:05] <+futureking> XD
[11:05] <%moss> oh
[11:05] <+Calleja> i follow SHAQ
[11:05] <+gate_eeepc> Ed, try .org or .net?
[11:05] <%moss> well message heem!
[11:05] <+Calleja> and Warren Ellis
[11:05] <+gate_eeepc> .co.uk perhaps?
[11:05] <+Calleja> and Brian Mendis
[11:05] <+Edrondol> Nah. What was the other name?
[11:05] <+Calleja> deadpixel
[11:05] <%moss> Calleja: message tom!
[11:05] <@Abalistar> Deadpixel is taken.
[11:05] <+Calleja> that will prolly be taken
[11:05] <+Calleja> crap
[11:05] <+Calleja> wait
[11:05] <%moss> we need our bringer of death!
[11:05] <+futureking> wearepixel?
[11:05] <+Calleja> lets get zenmonkey into here
[11:05] <+Mav> fucking facebook....
[11:06] <@Abalistar> I checked when gate was checking repixel.
[11:06] <%moss> PVE?
[11:06] <+gate_eeepc> I like the pixel theme
[11:06] <@Abalistar> How about "PixelFuck"
[11:06] <+gate_eeepc> Pixelated
[11:06] <%moss> pixelante
[11:06] <@Abalistar> You might get some some good porns on the forum then.
[11:06] <+gate_eeepc> moss, pixelante is taken
[11:06] <%moss> aw
[11:06] <+futureking> lexip then
[11:06] <+gate_eeepc> Ed, try pixelated
[11:06] <+Mav> Pixelnation
[11:07] <+Mav> or Pixelation
[11:07] <+gate_eeepc> PixelPlace
[11:07] <+futureking> pixelpixie
[11:07] <+Calleja> why pixel?
[11:07] <+Edrondol> schism?
[11:07] <%moss> PVE- player vs everyone
[11:07] <+Calleja> why not... something new?
[11:07] <+Mav> PixelPinata
[11:07] <+Calleja> like..
[11:07] <+futureking> susan's right
[11:07] <@Abalistar> New is for losers.
[11:07] <+Mav> PixelPhorum
[11:07] <%moss> ew
[11:07] <+Edrondol> EdsPlace.com?
[11:07] <+Mav> PixelPwn
[11:07] <+gate_eeepc> no
[11:07] <+Edrondol>
[11:07] <+Mav> PixelPalace
[11:07] <+gate_eeepc> keep it non personal
[11:07] <+Calleja> a forum meme
[11:08] <+Edrondol> I was kidding, Gate.
[11:08] <+Calleja> but not grue
[11:08] <+futureking> GRUE
[11:08] <+Calleja> or tom brazelton
[11:08] <+gate_eeepc> no
[11:08] <+gate_eeepc> gruepixel
[11:08] <+gate_eeepc> XD
[11:08] <+Mav> PixelPhase
[11:08] <+Bergamot> ed: what did you use to search for repixel
[11:08] <%moss> hmmm
[11:08] <+Mav> PixelPharm
[11:08] <+Bergamot> a few of the domain search sites just register anything you search for
[11:08] <@Abalistar> PixelatedHome
[11:08] <+Edrondol> The site to set it up. It told me NO!
[11:08] <%moss> starshift vs player
[11:09] <+Bergamot> i meant an hour ago
[11:09] <+Edrondol>
[11:09] <+wana10> according to whois repixel has been registered for 9 years and will expire next month
[11:09] <+gate_eeepc> Pixelated
[11:09] <+futureking> cool
[11:09] <+Calleja> no pixel
[11:09] <+Calleja> too homage-y to kuntz
[11:09] * nWo (183a9acd@cloak-85D3A0D9.mibbit.com) has joined #pvponline
[11:09] <%moss> blank screen
[11:09] <+Bergamot> yeah take pixel out
[11:09] <+Calleja> how about HalfForum?
[11:09] <+gate_eeepc> Imagepixel
[11:09] <%moss> ooh
[11:10] <%moss> halforum
[11:10] <+Bergamot> i like halfforum if its open
[11:10] <+Calleja> Halforum
[11:10] <@Abalistar> You need some sort of transition in the name from HP to the new thing.
[11:10] <+Bergamot> use godaddy to search for it
[11:10] <+wana10> halforum, will travel?
[11:10] <+gate_eeepc> Halfimage
[11:10] <%moss> half o rum
[11:10] <%moss> i LIKE
[11:10] <+Mav> HalfImage, nice
[11:10] <+Calleja> halforum turns to half o rum
[11:10] <%moss> mineforfish?
[11:10] <+Bergamot> i don't like image in there
[11:10] <+Calleja>
[11:10] <+Calleja> ed
[11:10] <+Calleja> check halforum.com
[11:10] <+Mav> half o rum
[11:10] <+Calleja> Edrondol
[11:10] <+futureking> halforum. i like it
[11:10] <+Calleja> half + forum
[11:10] <+Edrondol> Halfimage is taken
[11:10] <%moss>
[11:11] <+wana10> i'm leaving for the weekend, see you all on monday!
[11:11] <+Edrondol> Bye!
[11:11] <nWo> HALforum
[11:11] * wana10 (
425d2a92@cloak-85D3A0D9.mibbit.com) has left #pvponline
[11:11] <+Calleja> yes
[11:11] * hobbes (
cf06f3b2@cloak-85D3A0D9.mibbit.com) has joined #pvponline
[11:11] <+Calleja> HALForum
[11:11] <+Calleja> halforum.com
[11:11] <+Bergamot> halfforum > halforum
[11:11] <%moss>
http://www.netconcepts.com/tools/url-ch ... m&x=16&y=6
[11:11] * generalorder24 (
62eb1167@cloak-85D3A0D9.mibbit.com) has joined #pvponline
[11:11] <+gate_eeepc> Pixelhalf
[11:11] <+Calleja> no gate
[11:11] <%moss> wierd
[11:11] <+Calleja> too homage
[11:11] <+gate_eeepc> heh
[11:11] <+gate_eeepc> Halforum
[11:11] <%moss> halforum
[11:11] <+Calleja> Edrondol ! HALFORUM?
[11:12] <+gate_eeepc> Halftome
[11:12] <+Bergamot> i can halforum?
[11:12] <+Calleja> XD
[11:12] <+Edrondol> Halforum it is. I'm already filling out the form.
[11:12] <+Calleja> YES
[11:12] <+gate_eeepc> XD
[11:12] <nWo> you could even use the red light from HAL 9000 as a logo
[11:12] <+Mav> awesome
[11:12] <nWo> xD
[11:12] <+gate_eeepc> a google search for halforum comes up with HAL Foruym
[11:12] <+gate_eeepc> Forum*
[11:12] <@Yalborap> This won't end well.