[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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But as it stands, Indoctrination Theory will now be viewed as nothing more than a figment of fans’ imagination. To me, this is the biggest tragedy of the game, as if true, it would be the biggest mind warp in video game history, and it’s an ending far smarter and more satisfying than what Bioware actually gave us in the original, or in this new extended DLC.
Deep down inside, I hoped it was indeed an Indoctrination Theory... and depending on your choice, you got an ending for that alone. That the god child doesn't really exist.... the whole thing is a fabrication. You get up from the ground.... still on Earth... dying... crawling to the portal. You have some actual gameplay as you crawl.... husks come from behind you, you turn around and continue crawling.... leaving a trail of blood as you bleed profusely.... they keep coming, you have to get on the portal... you keep crawling.... you make it... or you don't.....

Once you teleport... you reach over for a medi-gel... they are all gone... your arm unit is broken.... with a a herculean effort you get up and make your way to the console... etc...


Here's a few more cut-scenes (some were nice)... but the whole last 10% of the game is still shit.

I hated the ending of the game... but I was far more disappointed by the way the last portion of the game went.... it was such a lackluster way to go... compared to ME2 and the suicide mission.
Deep down inside, I hoped it was indeed an Indoctrination Theory... and depending on your choice, you got an ending for that alone. That the god child doesn't really exist.... the whole thing is a fabrication. You get up from the ground.... still on Earth... dying... crawling to the portal. You have some actual gameplay as you crawl.... husks come from behind you, you turn around and continue crawling.... leaving a trail of blood as you bleed profusely.... they keep coming, you have to get on the portal... you keep crawling.... you make it... or you don't.....

Once you teleport... you reach over for a medi-gel... they are all gone... your arm unit is broken.... with a a herculean effort you get up and make your way to the console... etc...


Here's a few more cut-scenes (some were nice)... but the whole last 10% of the game is still shit.

I hated the ending of the game... but I was far more disappointed by the way the last portion of the game went.... it was such a lackluster way to go... compared to ME2 and the suicide mission.

I had always hoped I would be able to personally fire an M-920 Cain into Harbinger's mass effect reaper core after fighting tooth and nail to get there and go out in a blaze of glory instead of with a whimper.
I said in one of the way early posts on this thread that I thought IT would be incredible, if all of the "Something big is coming, we're planning something big, you just have to be patient!" tweets didn't turn out to be total bullshit. If the endings had been left as-is, and then (free) DLC was released a few weeks later where you were either indoctrinated or could get up and fight, depending on what you chose... holy shit. It would have revolutionized the way we see gaming as a storytelling medium.

Nope.jpeg. We got more space magic. Oh, well.

My original post (oh, how naive I was):

The ending is Shepard, injured from the battle, fighting indoctrination by the reapers, and the entire scene is a hallucination. The Star-Child presents you with your three choices, and in the confines of the Reaper-dream, fighting back isn't an option (as you are not actually making the choices in the game's reality -- only in Shepard's dream). In real life, you agonize -- what's the "best" choice? Perhaps the Reapers aren't so bad after all -- perhaps they can indeed be controlled by Shepard, or perhaps synthesis IS the best option.

This is, of course, ignoring the fact that for three games, you have been told that the Reapers are evil, that they need to be destroyed, and that thinking any other way is a sure path to indoctrination (you can also see TIM and Saren -- both strong-willed men, by all accounts -- fall to their versions of the Control and Synthesis endings, respectively.) I don't think that it's any coincidence that the only ending in which you see Shepard alive is if you pick destruction AND your EMS score is high enough.
Now, let's say that this scene wasn't the actual end in the release game and you knew there was another 1-2 hours of game after this, and in the days/weeks before the game's release, people with leaked copies figure out the only way to proceed is if you have a high EMS score and pick the red button. We'd all do it without a second thought, and the effect would be completely lost. (How many of you used a guide for the suicide mission teams to make sure your entire squad made it out alive? I know I did.) But if this is true, it allows the player to experience indoctrination firsthand, unspoiled.

Is it trolling? I mean, yeah, kind of. But if this is the sort of ride Bioware's going to take me on, I'm OK with it. They're fucking with us, but I'm not so sure it's in a malicious way. They always try to involve the player in the game, to get them to make the hard choices, and letting them struggle with the effects of indoctrination in real life IS genius, even if they had to alienate some of the fan base for it.

This whole thing could be a bunch of desperate Biodrones clinging to hope, but I figure I'm going to be disappointed either way if I'm wrong, so I might as well drink the Kool-Aid. (That said, if they release the actual ending as paid DLC, I'm going to be mighty pissed because that IS total bullshit, but we all know how much EA hates the used games market -- I would be willing to bet a fair amount of money at this point that they have some free DLC up their sleeves.)

There are dozens of reasons supporting the theory in the almost 400-page thread I linked above, all of which make damn good sense, but I'm not going to bother to list them here. I was skeptical too until I read some of the thread.
When I found the refusal ending, I took it. It's what my Shepard would do. It's not a good ending, and it's unfortunate that your war assets don't affect it, but at least it felt honest.

Then I went with my prior ending, Control. I felt satisfied. It wasn't good, but it wasn't dreadful.

As for the god-child, they rewrote the scene and that's what I wanted. It changed from being a pretend messiah to this insidious AI that turned on its creators via skewed tautology, and made it the villain it should have been if it had to exist.
I think it's funny that for all the defensiveness Bioware had, they realized they fucked up with plot holes and fixed them with the DLC. Joker's stuff required only additions, but other stuff was outright changed. I'm happy about this; I just think Casey Hudson is so full of shit that he should run for public office. The DLC makes it obvious how rushed the original ending was.

On another note, this should be a patch, not DLC.
I don't entirely agree with him. While complaints about the Catalyst's nonsense are valid, and that it'd probably be better if Crucible/Catalyst/God-child had never been introduced, I think he's harping on other things that have been fixed.

First, the "no time to explain" bit is fine because it doesn't matter. The first designers were a race from a cycle so long ago that no one remembers them. Doesn't matter who they were anymore, just that they started it.

Also, I do think Central Conflict was restored by posing that the horrors of the Reapers was not something designed by their creators, but something the Reapers collectively decided to do to their creators. Their creators were not masterminds to this stupid logic; they were its first victims. That's terrifying--it also connects with the Reaper contention that the conflict was beyond Shepard, because they saw species in terms of DNA, not as a collection of individuals creating culture and history.

And of course, the fourth ending suggests that the God-child may share elements of consciousness with Harbinger.

Didn't know that shooting the kid would trigger that fourth ending though; that's kind of cool.
Yeah. The show's namesake mecha (the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan) was made up of the combined energy of like 12 people, with each person having a segment that looked like them or their mecha. It was also bigger than a galaxy and had another form, bigger than this. The final battle in the movie is also the only time I've EVER seen a giant robot fight break down into a fist fight between the two pilots.

So ideally, a Mass Effect version would be made of parts that look like the Normandy's crew. Hence Garrus'es head.
I've been under the impression that you CAN eat the different types of food, only it just goes right through you and doesn't give you the nutrients you need to survive. When you think about it, Humans eat a lot of shit they can't properly process ether, so this seems like the most likely answer.
I've been under the impression that you CAN eat the different types of food, only it just goes right through you and doesn't give you the nutrients you need to survive. When you think about it, Humans eat a lot of shit they can't properly process ether, so this seems like the most likely answer.
It's stated in-game that ingesting organic matter of the wrong chirality will, at best, lead to the stuff passing through you without any effect. At worst, it causes an allergic reaction that can be fatal.

It comes up a few times in conversations. Mordin's advice to a Femshep in a romance with Garrus is probably the best one.
Honestly, I imagine they just put warning labels on food. Sort of like how we do it with peanut products... "This is safe for dextrous-based to eat" and "Can cause severe allergic reactions in Quarians". Hell, I'd imagine companies would advertise the hell out of the fact that a certain product was safe for multi-species consumption.
Skordi says he will play the Reaper named Leviathan, a traitor who killed one of his own kind and has been exiled for 10 years.
> Exiled for 10 years
> Most Reapers are millions of years old
> Only exist to do shit every 50,000 years
> lolwut

"Now get out. You're banned from this historical society. You and your children, and your children's children... for three months."
where Shepard meets him and can have him join the fight against the Reapers.

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