[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

I had to ask for a manager for them to honor the $30 price on a laptop ac adapter instead of the $50 tag on the shelf.
Yeah...Walmart infuriated me a few weeks ago. My laptop charger died the day before a big presentation, so I looked one up on the website. $30. They had it in stock at our local store. I went down, saw they had 5 on the shelf marked $50, and was told the same thing as you. They wouldn't budge, so I tried to do the "store pickup" option for shipping (it said I could pick the item up that day). An hour after I submitted my order I got an e-mail telling me, "Sorry, that item is not in stock at your local store." I looked up the item #s that I'd written down in store (a habit because of stupid bullshit like this) and compared it to the website...and they were a match.

Fuck Walmart. Primarily for their labor/business practices, but especially for shit like that.


Staff member
I'd be willing to bet it's exactly that scenario that they planned for, when doing separate pricing. "Oh, it's an emergency and you need it TODAY? Well, then, there's a 66% markup."
Yeah...Walmart infuriated me a few weeks ago. My laptop charger died the day before a big presentation, so I looked one up on the website. $30. They had it in stock at our local store. I went down, saw they had 5 on the shelf marked $50, and was told the same thing as you. They wouldn't budge, so I tried to do the "store pickup" option for shipping (it said I could pick the item up that day). An hour after I submitted my order I got an e-mail telling me, "Sorry, that item is not in stock at your local store." I looked up the item #s that I'd written down in store (a habit because of stupid bullshit like this) and compared it to the website...and they were a match.

Fuck Walmart. Primarily for their labor/business practices, but especially for shit like that.
I can just about guarantee that someone told their online pickup (at the store you were at) that they "couldn't locate item" to make the request go away. We use a similar system, and when a request comes in we take the scan gun. locate the item, scan it in and place it in the holding area. Not hard. But, you can cheat the system by telling the request that you can't find the item, even if you are standing right there.
My new video card is here!

But I accidentally broke the little locking tab that you slide on the pci-e slot when removing the old card. I'm pretty certain that little tab is entirely unnecessary, but knowing it's not there is going to bug me now.
My new video card is here!

But I accidentally broke the little locking tab that you slide on the pci-e slot when removing the old card. I'm pretty certain that little tab is entirely unnecessary, but knowing it's not there is going to bug me now.
Check it out carefully. If it's a slider-style, they can often be reattached. If it was just one of the "bend it out of the way but be careful" type, it's probably gone for good. Really, your biggest hazard is that a heavy graphics card might pop out of the slot if you decide to move the computer around, or may vibrate loose over time if the case is not kept still.

If it becomes a legitimate problem in the future, you can always turn your computer on its side to prevent it from coming loose (though this will make it harder to use your optical drive).

Check it out carefully. If it's a slider-style, they can often be reattached. If it was just one of the "bend it out of the way but be careful" type, it's probably gone for good. Really, your biggest hazard is that a heavy graphics card might pop out of the slot if you decide to move the computer around, or may vibrate loose over time if the case is not kept still.

If it becomes a legitimate problem in the future, you can always turn your computer on its side to prevent it from coming loose (though this will make it harder to use your optical drive).

It's the slider style, but the plastic itself broke in half, so there's no sliding it back on. I'm not worried about my video card coming out, because my case has a top clamp that helps support it, but still... I -know- it's broken, and that -bugs- me.

I could probably replace it... do they even sell those things individually? What are they even called? Maybe I'll see if I have an old motherboard laying around and swipe one from it.

Also, optical drive? My PC doesn't even have one of those anymore.*

*ok, it does, but it's not currently connected to the motherboard, I never bothered plugging it in.


Staff member
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner after no lunch? I'm that guy! Why? We forgot to take money out of the bank yesterday and had no food in the house to make dinner. So I ate like a frickin' toddler today.


Staff member
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner after no lunch? I'm that guy! Why? We forgot to take money out of the bank yesterday and had no food in the house to make dinner. So I ate like a frickin' toddler today.
As a Cajun this saddens me. I now have an overwhelming urge to cook for you and then mail it off... but that would smell bad.


Staff member
I'll be okay. As soon as the bank opens tomorrow I'm hitting it like a tornado. Thanks for the pizza offer, though. You good people.


Staff member
My wife's boots threw a heel and she needs a new pair. The old ones are so old it's just time and not worth fixing. So she went online to a place that took PayPal and found a pair she liked. She ordered it and we entered our PayPal information...and then nothing. No confirmation email, nothing. Nothing on my PayPal page, either. Waited until this morning and still no email. And since she didn't create an account, we can't just go into her account to see if the order took.

Our options at this point are to keep waiting and hope it went through or create an account and order it again, hoping the first one does NOT go through. Normally I'd just reorder, but they were $150 and I don't want to pay $300 for two pairs of boots.


Staff member
My wife's boots threw a heel and she needs a new pair. The old ones are so old it's just time and not worth fixing. So she went online to a place that took PayPal and found a pair she liked. She ordered it and we entered our PayPal information...and then nothing. No confirmation email, nothing. Nothing on my PayPal page, either. Waited until this morning and still no email. And since she didn't create an account, we can't just go into her account to see if the order took.

Our options at this point are to keep waiting and hope it went through or create an account and order it again, hoping the first one does NOT go through. Normally I'd just reorder, but they were $150 and I don't want to pay $300 for two pairs of boots.
Can you contact the seller and see if they got any transfer on their end?
For what it's worth, I had a similar experience when I sent $700 via paypal to pay for all the various things in my Irish Music Retreat. It took a few days for the payment to show up in my paypal account. Luckily, the retreat coordinator was good at sending emails saying that they got payments.
Is there a contact link on the site? If you can give a general "this is what happened" message to them, and the specific item ordered (and, perhaps, what the name would be for your PayPal - without giving more personal info), they can maybe figure out what happened.
I am so tired. School from 8 till 4 pm. At 5pm,I am at work till midnight. Thank god I get a break next week and starting next Year, thanks to Union negotiatons,Apprentices receive a little more cash,which means I can take one more day off a month.


Staff member
Sometimes I think the only real reason they keep me around here at work is because I'm so good at doctoring invoices.
My wife's boots threw a heel and she needs a new pair. The old ones are so old it's just time and not worth fixing. So she went online to a place that took PayPal and found a pair she liked. She ordered it and we entered our PayPal information...and then nothing. No confirmation email, nothing. Nothing on my PayPal page, either. Waited until this morning and still no email. And since she didn't create an account, we can't just go into her account to see if the order took.

Our options at this point are to keep waiting and hope it went through or create an account and order it again, hoping the first one does NOT go through. Normally I'd just reorder, but they were $150 and I don't want to pay $300 for two pairs of boots.
What size feet?
Apparently the problem at work isn't that our work study students keep no-showing; that the ones my supervisor trained don't know what they're doing; that they "clean" with the wrong cleaning products and wind up leaving a nasty film on everything; that we have a new technology problem every week or so between the printers and the wireless and the network; that we have students whose accounts are so messed up they have to be reset every single time the student logs in - even multiple times a day; that our IT department doesn't use a standard system for setting up network and email accounts, so that some students will have the same username for log in, email, and database access, while others will have a different username for each, with no apparent reason as to why; that our department head has no idea what our department does; that our financial aid students are being completely fucked on getting their financial aid - funds that were distributed in October still haven't been paid to them; that our library catalog has 60,000 deleted records in it because our stupid open source system is a piece of garbage; and that the chief administrators of the college are not interested in quality education and abuse everyone below them.

None of that is the problem.

The problem is that, while dealing with my mother's battle with cancer, near fatal cardiac event, my being sick with bronchitis, struggling with bureaucracy to get approved for Horizon Blue Cross even though I'm definitely eligible, and of course a rather nasty depressive cycle, AND ALL OF THE ABOVE, the problem at work is that I have a bad attitude about it.
@Null, I am right there with you (aside from the mother with cancer, the near fatal cardiac event, and the bronchitis). Apparently, the problem at work for me isn't that we launched a horribly buggy, incomplete, horrendously mis-configured Resource Planning software suite; that the software is so bad that 98% of the work that goes to the shop is wrong; that resource planning in the system is set only for companies that make the same 10 widgets every day, not for custom light-industrial shops like ours; that we can't even get costing to line up correctly in the system (because standard cost is the right way for every company damnit - you guys are just stupid and wrong); that my materials department has no idea what's going to the shop, when it's going, or what material we need, so we wind up just shooting in the dark and hoping we have enough material; that half the time my engineers can't even save CAD drawings, and that when a save fails it wipes out all of the changes they've made; that everyone is falling into a massive CYA state so deep that they won't even tell other people when they received pieces of information; that the head of our client services department spends all of her time making apologies for the customers for why it's not their fault that information got to us late; that I have people leaving early and skipping days altogether because they have no work to do; that my receiving department will receive all of an order when they were shipped 1/10th of the material or they'll never receive something that we've had in house for months; or that none of my vendors can FUCKING get anything right.

No, the problem is that my attitude sucks and that, because I'm related to the owner, everyone takes my words and attitude to heart more than anything anyone else says, and I need to watch what I say.
My rant is that I have 3 days of work sitting on pallets in my back room and I only have one day... uhm... maybe more of a minor victory too.
Well, that's what you get for being in a company where things are occasionally done right.
There's some value in being in senior management. If I was aware of half of the problems people in this thread are dealing with, I'd be kicking some serious ass to get things changed.
Yes, but in my case, and probably Gared's as well I'd guess, senior management is the source of many of these problems.

Example: Our administrators encourage faculty to use multimedia, video, powerpoint, etc, to augment their lectures, and each classroom is equipped with an LCD projector or Smartboard and computer for this purpose. But between this, the campus' wifi network, and the large numbers of student users, we're pretty much constantly at our bandwidth limit. According to IT, we could vastly increase our available bandwidth for $50k. The administration thinks this is not a reasonable expense, so instead they've decided to have IT throttle down everyone's upload/download speed. The result? Attempting to use videos, multimedia, etc is now impractical for students and faculty alike, even for courses that are built around it.

Example 2: The administrators don't want to name department heads for many departments, because an official department head gets a small increase in pay, acknowledged seniority, and gets to be present when policy is discussed and decided on, as well as interviewing staff, etc. So they don't name the heads of various departments as officially department heads. But they still need someone to do the work that department heads do (the extra tasks are the reason for the small increase in pay, since you're putting in more work) without the attendant privileges. So, whenever possible, they make various deans or VPs the de facto head of multiple departments, or just make someone do the work for nothing. In the case of the library, where I work, we have *both* things going on. On paper, the department head is a woman who also heads the Center for Career and Personal Development (non-credit classes for certifications and hobbies) and oversees the Small Business Development Center. She has no experience in education nor with libraries and works at a different campus, 20 minutes away. Doing all the work of the Library Director (but without title, privileges, and pay) is my supervisor, who is a qualified librarian. At this point, she is doing a) her own job, b) her predecessor's job, and c) participating in several organizations that need faculty and staff participation.