[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Our old neighbors are moving back to the mainland in a few weeks. This sucks. They were the only couple we really hung out with. We need more local couple friends.
Sorry, I meant to ask "what blends and/or varieties of black tea do you drink?".
Generally the spiced blends (the ones labeled in America as "chai."), but I will also drink Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, many of the fruit-flavored blends (the king of which was Wagner's now-discontinued Fruit and Spice blend), Constant Comment, or any of a number of flavored black tea blends. I am not against drinking unflavored black tea, but regardless of flavor, I always add milk and sugar. My father is a Vietnam vet, and he is the one who got me hooked at a young age on his boiled tea ball of black tea and spices (usually ginger, cinnamon, and clove) with sugar and milk, and that's what I've had since.

So annoying that I gotta wait til my wife is out of town to listen to "My Neck, My Back" by Khia.


(though I think I might like the Elle King cover better...)
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I went out on four dates with this girl. I thought things were working, but then got a text from her earlier today. She said it wasn't clicking for her but she wished me the best. I wasn't too bothered by that. We had fun and that's what I'll remember.

What does bug me is I used to think sending something like that via text was rude and trashy. Now I'm just glad to get any closure at all even if it's a text. Maybe everyone's gotten ruder or I've just lowered my standards. When I reject someone, I make sure it's face to face because I consider it a respectful gesture.

It seems more commonplace now for girls to just ignore a guy until he gives up, because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy" by saying she simply isn't interested. Some of my girl friends have told me it's also because they're afraid rejecting a guy face to face might result in a sexual assault. Seriously? In the middle of a college campus in broad daylight? This isn't a Lifetime movie.
Some of my girl friends have told me it's also because they're afraid rejecting a guy face to face might result in a sexual assault. Seriously? In the middle of a college campus in broad daylight? This isn't a Lifetime movie.
You say that, but it happens all too often. And even if it's not sexual, it's not unheard of for guys to get violent when rejected, either. Hell, I've had guys threaten me for not being interested in them.
I'm not denying that it happens. EVERY girl in my immediate circle has a friend or relative who has been assaulted, and that influences their actions. They say that since I'm a big guy and know how to handle myself in a fight, I never have to worry about being physically overpowered by a woman. I'm just ranting here.
UGH-had a day today. Went to get my eyes checked-TURNS OUT-I got the wrong insurance number, and I can't call them until Monday. SO-I walked through scores of annoying pre-St.Patrick's people for NOTHING! And to top it off the comic shop had two more cats than normal, flipping my allergies into over-drive.
They say that since I'm a big guy and know how to handle myself in a fight, I never have to worry about being physically overpowered by a woman.
...which doesn't mean you can't be sexually assaulted by one, but good luck ever even finding a cop who'll make a case out of it, let alone prove it or get the help you need.

Anyway, our whole society is hardening and becoming more fear-driven. Woman feel unsafe much faster, while men consider a lot of behaviour acceptable that wouldn't have been 20 years ago. Tv and the Internet and so on.
My ex and other girls I've dated told me some disturbing stories about guys they met through dating sites. The guys on paid subscription sites are mostly okay. The free dating sites are a real jungle, however. The guys on those sites tend to type at a 4th-grade level and request nude photos right off the bat.

That being said, women today apply the "creepy" label far too quickly. They're like men who put the "crazy" label on any woman who's not into them.
That being said, women today apply the "creepy" label far too quickly. They're like men who put the "crazy" label on any woman who's not into them.
I wonder how much of this is related to online interactions, you know? Like, I'm far more likely to say someone is creepy when our interactions are only online vs. in person. Since I'm such a visual person and rely heavily on visual cues from people, I'm not the greatest at figuring people out online. :S

Also, I do agree that most everyone throws down some hard labels too soon on others.


Staff member
I wonder how much of this is related to online interactions, you know? Like, I'm far more likely to say someone is creepy when our interactions are only online vs. in person. Since I'm such a visual person and rely heavily on visual cues from people, I'm not the greatest at figuring people out online. :S

Also, I do agree that most everyone throws down some hard labels too soon on others.
I agree with the online vs. in person thing. Jokes can go so wrong online. I've seen comments that, I'm sure, were meant to be kind and playful but came off as just weird and boundary-crossing. I have to know someone really well to be able to "read" them online. For instance, if the fella uses punctuation in his texts, he is having a bad day.

^All that said, I think we all know one person who will always jump to the worst conclusion when calmly asking, "what did you mean by that?" will usually clear something up... or even, "I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but _________ kind of made me uncomfortable."

This reminded me suddenly of a thing that happened on this very forum. There was a new guy who was joking around with me. I actually said something first, and then he followed it up with something that was, I guess, even more gross or shocking than what I had said. Many people very kindly came to my defense. Luckily, it had been clear to me that he was just returning a joke, but for people who missed the first part of the conversation, it seemed inappropriate. Everyone calmed down, but it was a great example of what can happen when we don't take the time to ask questions, take a breath, and/or give the benefit of the doubt...when it deserves to be given. Which can be a difficult thing to gauge.
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^All that said, I think we all know one person who will always jump to the worst conclusion when calmly asking, "what did you mean by that?" will usually clear something up... or even, "I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but _________ kind of made me uncomfortable."
I think part of the problem is many American women have grown paranoid. They all know someone who's been raped so they have their guard up. They check the back seat of the car, hold their keys like a weapon when they're in the parking lot, and look over their shoulder at night. One of the girls I dated last year had been assaulted by a professor (not in a sexual nature) and it wouldn't surprise me if she had actually been raped in the past. Even holding her hand would result in, "why aren't you ASKING PERMISSION to touch me?!" But she'd never ask permission if she was initiating it, which was just downright confusing.

Whenever my ex (not that other girl) and I got back from a weekend trip, she'd check behind the shower curtain to make sure a home invader wasn't waiting behind there. I asked her what she'd do if she actually found one but she didn't think it was funny. We were watching Breaking Bad (the episode where the twins are sent to kill Walt). The twins are sitting on the bed with their axe, patiently waiting for Walt to get out of the shower. Suddenly my ex asked me, "does Walt die in this scene?"
"I'm not gonna spoil it for you."
"I need to know."
"But I'll ruin the scene if I tell you."
"I'm going to be a woman ALONE IN MY HOUSE TONIGHT!"

I brought that up with some girl friends, and they didn't think it was weird at all.
Fuck, I'm going to have to get up early tomorrow and go to the county Caucus. FML. I was really hoping I wasn't going to have to go, because I was only an alternate. I was only an alternate because I didn't bail early enough so I was the only one who could and we needed at least one. I hope the roads are better in the morning. :( (Did I mention that Colorado state delegates haven't actually been officially picked yet? Theoretically, people can still swap their votes before the official state caucus. Thank god I won't have to go to that.)

I have to be there by 8am, and it's supposed to go until 2!

Fucking fucking.... *sigh*
"Get involved in the political process" they said, "empower yourself!"
6 hours at the county caucus can fuck off. Give me a pull a lever primary.[emoji14]
(Also the 40 minute drive to get there, and the drive back, and the roads might be shit)


Staff member
I have relisted my laptop on eBay 3 times. Every time it's a deadbeat bidder. What the hell is going on with eBay? The last one even had decent feedback.