Questions Game!

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No, you'll just start looking like Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly."

Who's freakier: Jeff Goldblum or Christopher Walken?
Walken is just a Burnt-out Space Cadet, Goldblum has no reason to be so wacked...

Who would you rather have dinner with (and possibly more...?) Tina Fey or Pam Anderson?
Tina Fey, by a very long way. She's clever, funny, and attractive. Pam Anderson is a living RealDoll. No thanks.

Ideal concert combination of opening act and main performer?
Roger Waters opening for Pink Floyd... With both playing Shine On You Crazy Diamond for a finally.

I like that question...
Ideal concert combination of opening act and main performer?
Melissa Etheridge opening for Jane Arden. That would knock my panties off.

Who's super-freakier - Rick James or LadyGaga?


Staff member
Since I don't know anything about Rick James 'cept that he's Rick James, bitch!... I have to say the winner is the Lady.

Who the frak is Rick James, anyway?
The Canadian election at the beginning of May. My party lost (boo hiss!)

Have you ever hated the electoral choices so much that you wrote in your vote?


Staff member
Don't stick around in Babylon when the mosquito season is on.

Julius Caesar sends you a note, asking for assistance. What do you tell him?
To NR: "Sorry man, I've already got something planned for March 15th!"

To sixpack: Yeah, I'm going to over here. Waaaaay over here.

What was your favorite treat when you bought from the ice cream truck?


Staff member
Ice cream sandwich or one of those gumballs-for-eyes ice cream pops.

Favorite cereal to eat during Saturday morning cartoons?


Staff member
No, we won't. Because of the planetary rotation combined with the planet's orbit around the sun, plus likely minute changes in your posture and/or chair placement, it is virtually impossible you to be exactly "here" ever again.

Did I just make your brains blow up, bitches?
Only one of my brains.

My girlfriend complained of two bites on her foot yesterday from some unknown bug. This morning I watched a spider fall slowly from the ceiling in my bedroom until it landed on the floor, not so far from the bed where she sleeps, where I smashed it. My girlfriend has yet to exude spider-(wo)man like powers. Is she simply hiding them to protect her newfound identity and keep her loved ones like me safe from reprisal?


Staff member
Not me. I find her show vacuous at best, nausea-inducing at worst.

Baer's coming over. Should I lock away all the valuables?
I'm going to continue the beatings until the morale around here improves.

Which do you find more attractive - looks or brains?
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