Questions Game!

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How good it feels to be the sole surviving cast member of Different Strokes.

Should Arnold Schwarzenegger return to movies?

James Earl Jones - while Orson Welles was possessed of an equal amount of gravitas, JEJ just seems to project it in everything he does.

Also, bitches for Thulsa Doom!

Too far?
I doubt it. The moderators around here are very soft-hearted.

Do you think the mods will come after me now for revealing their secret?
No, he's aiming at a rogue ninja squirrel that is sitting in the shadows waiting to attack you.

What's cuter: Squirrels or Chipmunks?
I would rather gouge my eyes out with red-hot knitting needles.

What is your preferred snack at the movies?
All the time. That's the only time I carry a huge purse.

You're kidding about the M&Ms on top of the popcorn, right?
Not kidding at all. Just imagine hot, buttery, salty M&M's...Junior Mints works well too.

What is the movie that disturbed you the most? (including when you were a kid.)
When I was a kid, The Exorcist, note to parents of the 70's, kids shouldn't watch that movie.

What movie, after watching it, could you not get out of your head?


Staff member
Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Ring. As terrifying as this may sound, it was this film that gave rise to my interest in fantasy and all the other good and glorious geekery.

What movie do you wish you could get out of your head?


I dare not say it's name, for fear of recalling scenes...

Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas who would you sleep with... (Look at what two of those did to Indy)
George Lucas, because then I could kill him in his sleep for what he did with Star Wars.

How's everybody's weekend going so far?
Wait, I have to answer for everyone? Well, I normally don't speak for others, but if you insist...

North Ranger's having an amazing time, kicking ass and taking names as the entire country of Finland collapsed into violent anarchist revolution.
CJ is happily eating delicious cajun food that I want.
Elathril is all... Belgian, and stuff, and snootily looking down upon [ethnic group/societal class/animal family here]
LittleSin has recently been crowned Queen of Canada by a Monarchist-but-not-loyalist-group formed in 1867 at Confederation, but was unable to make headway until recently.
Dave is impotently raging against the Pissed Old Man image meme.
sixpackshaker has formed a blues band called Light Inside the Black Hole, and this weekend marks the release of their third single, But You Can't See It Because None of It Can Escape
You and me, well... You know :unibrow:
Everyone else is boring and lame. COME ON GUYS GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER

Will you get your shit together?


- half half cointreau & tequila 5cc of each... steam it
serve in a brandy snifter
light it, and douce the fire by putting your hand on top of the glass
it will suck a vacuüm and hang from your hand
shake your hand up and down to prove you did it right
take ur hand off and drink it
then inhale the left over fumes

drink while holding Ice Axe in other hand for comedic effect

who's calling fire departement and emt's just in case?
I'm on it. "Metro, you can clear this handled by other agency."

Just so long as we avoid the inevitable fight afterwards.

Who are you fighting?
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