Questions Game!

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I've always been fond of Les Claypool. Flea has a great Funk style though. I don't know enough about the younger kids...

Should Flea continue to act in films?


Staff member
Depends on how big the alligators get.

Time to leave that glorified sausage you call a body behind. Death, brain in a jar, consciousness uploaded into a computer, a robotic body or a clone, speed evolution into a group mind with the rest of humanity, or something else?


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What is your Porn Name (Name of your first dog for first name, last name the name of the street that you grew up on?)
Fluffy Fishwind. I wish I was kidding.

Favourite comedy... Ooooh, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's a nostalgic thing for me.

You are a villain in a high fantasy world. What is your name, title and modus operandi?
He Who Shall Non-theless Be Named Even Though It's Said He Will Kill Anybody Who Says His Name, MO - death by rabid wolverines.

You are a hero in a High-fantasy world. What's your name and weakness?


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Mikhail the Massive. The weakness? Can't leave a lady in trouble.

You are a sidekick in a high fantasy world. What is your name and comedic relief?
Danbert the meek. CR: People always causing him to laugh, resulting in beverages/foodstuffs coming out his nose.

You are the captain of a high fantasy/science-fiction free-trader vessel. What is it called, and what do you carry?


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The Fortune of Callisto, officially trading Core Worlds technology and goods for raw materials in the Border Worlds, while unofficially carrying contraband and fugitives out of the Core Worlds, right under the noses of the Federation Fleet.

You are the keeper of a magical weapon. Does it carry a name, and what does it do?
Flotsy the Flammenwerfer. It werfs flammen.

You are tasked to prepare a party for the kingdom's beautiful princess. What sort of hijinks ensue?
Mal Reynolds' brown duster... browncoats forever!

What film/TV/video game character's wardrobe would be in appropriate for everyday use?
What's-his-face from Yu-Gi-Oh. Actually... pretty much all of 'em.

Time for something a touch more serious... what would you lay your down your life for?


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You should always be the boss of you! Screw domineering chicks (and guys too...) who joke about "training" their SOs. It's gross.

Say you die and go to hell. What's in your personal Hell suite?
If I'm being tortured, rap music. If I've taken over, air conditioning and a swimming pool.

You're in heaven. What's in your heaven suite?


Staff member
Lost loved ones, a jukebox full of jazz, blues,funk, and soul, and a never-ending cheese tray.

What do you consider to be a huge waste of time?
Sitting on a toilet waiting for a cheese tray to pass...

What has been the most useful skill that you acquired while attending school? (mine was typing)
Definitely typing and some chemistry.

School subject that you thought was the biggest waste of your time (high school or university)?
Aw, hell, no! I haven't even bought my bathing suit for the season.

Have you planned your summer vacation yet?
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