Wait, I have to answer for everyone? Well, I normally don't speak for others, but if you insist...
North Ranger's having an amazing time, kicking ass and taking names as the entire country of Finland collapsed into violent anarchist revolution.
CJ is happily eating delicious cajun food that I want.
Elathril is all... Belgian, and stuff, and snootily looking down upon [ethnic group/societal class/animal family here]
LittleSin has recently been crowned Queen of Canada by a Monarchist-but-not-loyalist-group formed in 1867 at Confederation, but was unable to make headway until recently.
Dave is impotently raging against the Pissed Old Man image meme.
sixpackshaker has formed a blues band called Light Inside the Black Hole, and this weekend marks the release of their third single, But You Can't See It Because None of It Can Escape
You and me, well... You know

Everyone else is boring and lame. COME ON GUYS GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER
Will you get your shit together?