Rant VIII: The Reckoning

I've got two brothers. You can have one of them to take care of your parents.
I have a cousin who is 6 months older than I am. She thinks of my mom as her mother because her relationship with her own mother is bad. My parents were constantly helping her with $ when her kids were still school aged. They can call her. Oh wait! I'm being a jealous only child again. /eyeroll
I have a cousin who is 6 months older than I am. She thinks of my mom as her mother because her relationship with her own mother is bad. My parents were constantly helping her with $ when her kids were still school aged. They can call her. Oh wait! I'm being a jealous only child again. /eyeroll
We can be sisters and gripe about our crazy families together over a bottle of wine.
My dad is dying, the end is near.

"I have been scarred so deep by life and cold despair,
and brittle bones were broken far beyond repair.
I have leveled lies so deep, the truth may never find.
And inside my faithless heart, I stole things never mine.

If mercy falls upon the broken and the poor,

Dear Father, I will see you, there on distant shores."
Ping @figmentPez, come in Pez.

Haven't seen anything from him here or on tumblr since Thursday afternoon. No reply to a twitter poke a couple of nights ago (it's not his usual hangout, though).
F'n blizzard. You know some of us aren't on fibre anymore? So when you say "downloading" we expect you to download the WHOLE FUCKING THING before popping up with a UAC prompt a quarter of the way through the night! Thus I wake up, expect my SC2 part 3 beta install (for the campaign preview) to be done downloading, and find it only about halfway done because it's at "playable" now.

It isn't playable on micro-connection you f'n asses! Just download the WHOLE THING!!!

All of my bad shit has happened in April.

My relationships ended in April.
Started getting Guillain-Barré at the end of April.
My college just closed in April.

Why you gotta be a cunt, April?
I just watched my entire (maternal) family just causally make "Ch*nk eyes" during a game last night.

We were out at my aunt and uncle's beach house for our annual family reunion. It was a game similar to Charades*, and they were trying to make my mother guess the word "Japanese" and all 13 of them, ages 11 to 55, were just pulling on their eyes and screaming "Konichiwa!" like it was the funniest thing ever. Thankfully, Li'l Z was already asleep and Mr. Z had just left to go to bed. I hadn't been playing (they all get VERY loud) so was sitting on the outside on the circle where no one could see my jaw drop. I don't know if it made it better or worse that I heard one aunt say "Thank god [Mr. Z] went to bed!" during fits of laughter as they moved on to the next word.

At the time I was so floored I couldn't speak. To be honest, it didn't even start to sink in until I was driving home this morning. I eventually had to tell Mr. Z what was bugging me, and he took it with good nature (though he admitted he might had given a "WTF?!" if he saw it live). We know that the family loves him and ADORES Li'l Z, but as usual, they tend to have a disconnection with anything outside of their insular Irish-Catholic world. Part of me is annoyed that they didn't think twice about doing it, and part of me is annoyed at myself for not asking if they had lost their damn minds. It's not the end of the world, but I would have felt better if even someone had acknowledged that it's not an okay thing to do, especially towards the kids.

*EDIT for clarity: the game was more like Password, now that I'm thinking about it, but that really doesn't excuse a room full of Mickey Rooneys.
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Staff member
So strange question. How would YOU have acted out Japanese? It's very, very hard to do a charades-type game like that without getting racist, especially when the word itself (which calls for body language) is a nationality. I admit I'd probably have done something similar. Maybe not the eyes thing, but something along those thinly racist lines.
So strange question. How would YOU have acted out Japanese? It's very, very hard to do a charades-type game like that without getting racist, especially when the word itself (which calls for body language) is a nationality. I admit I'd probably have done something similar. Maybe not the eyes thing, but something along those thinly racist lines.
Well, first off, they were supposed to be giving verbal clues, so the physical part wasn't needed. Secondly, the category was "Accents" (for example, New York, Midwestern, etc.), so this was the only time they added gestures. I think saying "Konichiwa" or "sushi" would have been enough of a clue.
I just watched my entire (maternal) family just causally make "Ch*nk eyes" during a game last night.

We were out at my aunt and uncle's beach house for our annual family reunion. It was a game similar to Charades, and they were trying to make my mother guess the word "Japanese" and all 13 of them, ages 11 to 55, were just pulling on their eyes and screaming "Konichiwa!" like it was the funniest thing ever. Thankfully, Li'l Z was already asleep and Mr. Z had just left to go to bed. I hadn't been playing (they all get VERY loud) so was sitting on the outside on the circle where no one could see my jaw drop. I don't know if it made it better or worse that I heard one aunt say "Thank god [Mr. Z] went to bed!" during fits of laughter as they moved on to the next word.

At the time I was so floored I couldn't speak. To be honest, it didn't even start to sink in until I was driving home this morning. I eventually had to tell Mr. Z what was bugging me, and he took it with good nature (though he admitted he might had given a "WTF?!" if he saw it live). We know that the family loves him and ADORES Li'l Z, but as usual, they tend to have a disconnection with anything outside of their insular Irish-Catholic world. Part of me is annoyed that they didn't think twice about doing it, and part of me is annoyed at myself for not asking if they had lost their damn minds. It's not the end of the world, but I would have felt better if even someone had acknowledged that it's not an okay thing to do, especially towards the kids.
I feel like some of this stuff is so ingrained with some people that they might not even know they're doing it. My mom's family is from deep southern Georgia and sometimes they say/do things that I immediately think "holy shit that's racist" but they don't even seem to notice what they've said. Granted, they're all older (50+).
I feel like some of this stuff is so ingrained with some people that they might not even know they're doing it. My mom's family is from deep southern Georgia and sometimes they say/do things that I immediately think "holy shit that's racist" but they don't even seem to notice what they've said. Granted, they're all older (50+).
I could probably understand that from group that had come from the Florida panhandle, but all the adults (well, my mother's siblings) grew up in NJ, and one sister and family live in NYC and the other one in San Diego. Hell, the NYC had Asian nannies while the kids were younger that they loved.

I'm mostly disappointed. Even when we make an un-PC joke, we usually acknowledge it first, but this was just done without any thought.
From Jul18's Kevin and Kell:
View attachment 18842
(The two characters are friends. The one on the left is habitually callous)
Yeah, I know about Wendell. It's a good example. :)

I should also point out that these are people who usually pride themselves on "not seeing color" (so much bullshit on that one!), yet for a good portion of my childhood they made sure my father and I didn't feel like a part of the family because my father was neither Irish nor Catholic. Well, not the brother in Florida and his wife; they were the only ones who didn't treat me like I was an inconvenience. Decades later, my mother's siblings started getting married and having kids, and their tunes suddenly changed, especially the one sister who would tell my mother she ruined the family tree, yet she herself ended up marrying a Peruvian/Dutch man who had already been married.

The funny part is, all of their kids are these sweet, friendly, loving kids, despite their narcissistic parents. It just makes me mad at myself that I didn't say something, since clearly I can't rely on their parents to act like responsible adults.


Staff member
Okay, NOW I'm a little worried about Pez. He hasn't been seen here or his blog - a daily occurrence - since Thursday. I know that Gas saw him on here, but sometimes this place pulls off false positives. His account says he was last here Thursday. Additionally, Kags tried to call him and it went right to voice mail.

So I'm not worried worried, but I'm growing concerned.


Staff member
Okay, NOW I'm a little worried about Pez. He hasn't been seen here or his blog - a daily occurrence - since Thursday. I know that Gas saw him on here, but sometimes this place pulls off false positives. His account says he was last here Thursday. Additionally, Kags tried to call him and it went right to voice mail.

So I'm not worried worried, but I'm growing concerned.
I said I saw him on Steam, but that just means that somebody was active on his computer while steam was logged in last Friday.
I said I saw him on Steam, but that just means that somebody was active on his computer while steam was logged in last Friday.
My Steam is up and running at home, but I'm at work right now. What does it have for my status?

I haven't played any games in weeks, if not months, but I tend to keep steam running in the background anyway.

(ETA: his name doesn't pop up on Google news except for an unrelated Florida lawyer. That's good, I guess.)
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My Steam is up and running at home, but I'm at work right now. What does it have for my status?

I haven't played any games in weeks, if not months, but I tend to keep steam running in the background anyway.

(ETA: his name doesn't pop up on Google news except for an unrelated Florida lawyer. That's good, I guess.)
Snooze on my end. And yes, Pez has been on Steam for awhile... but his Steam page says he hasn't played anything since May. Has he been in any of our L4D2 nights?

EDIT: Let me be clear - He's been logged into Steam since people started asking about him. But I haven't seen him DO anything.
So my brother and mother blocked me on FB last night. My brother had logged in to give me shit about the usual my being there, I'm doing a shit job of helping, etc. and then I see my mother log in. Knowing that they conspire with each other, I logged in to her FB account.

Should I have logged in? Probably not. But I feel good that I have specific written evidence at just how horrible people they are. Of course in the middle of the conversation I piped up and said I was screenshotting it all, that I wasn't mad, just really disappointed and that was that.

Family is supposed to be the group that comes together in trying times. What I have learned is that my family is incapable of that. They are malicious, backstabbing dramatics and I really only have my sister and dad to trust now. None of this is new but when someone asks why I'm being so mean to my mother by ignoring her (which inevitably will come my way because she's the victim in this, dontchaknow) I can point to this and say that my perspective is a little different.

*sigh* I was already feeling homeless. I didn't need a retarded family to make it worse.

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