Rant VIII: The Reckoning

A coworker made nasty remarks about my health, sick leave use and pretty much said I should probably be on LTD.

What in the actual fuck?

I don't know whether to scream or cry or punch her in the face. I understand that work is stressful right now but believe me I would prefer to be in good health. What a _____!

I guess I should be glad that they also said that they know I can't control it and think I work when I shouldn't?
A coworker made nasty remarks about my health, sick leave use and pretty much said I should probably be on LTD.

What in the actual fuck?

I don't know whether to scream or cry or punch her in the face. I understand that work is stressful right now but believe me I would prefer to be in good health. What a _____!

I guess I should be glad that they also said that they know I can't control it and think I work when I shouldn't?
Talk to your supervisor about the remarks. Might even file a complaint about her causing a hostile work environment.
Could they train Cupcake to attack?

So just to make things more special, between this and the car stuff, I didn't eat much today and I'm now throwing up from taking my prescriptions on an empty stomach.
A coworker made nasty remarks about my health, sick leave use and pretty much said I should probably be on LTD.

What in the actual fuck?

I don't know whether to scream or cry or punch her in the face. I understand that work is stressful right now but believe me I would prefer to be in good health. What a _____!

I guess I should be glad that they also said that they know I can't control it and think I work when I shouldn't?
So bitch in question thinks we're cool and wanted me to go out for lunch today. Delusional, self centered, oblivious, entitled, c bomb!

As fucking if woman!
And it gets better. Comes in to chat after lunch and wants to know why I didn't join her in the break room and sits there chit chatting idly. Things won't go back to normal right away after being that fucking insulting to someone. I had to ask her to leave my office so I could get my work done.
This won't be relevant unless you live in my neck of the woods, but if you or anyone you care about uses Lumos Networks as their ISP for any reason, for the love of God, RUN. No one with even a thimbleful of brain should ever consider going anywhere near them.

The hotel I work at has, or rather had, a paltry 2.5Mbit DSL connection through them. I arrive for work Sunday evening, only to be told the internet was completely down. So the front desk could not connect to our property management software to do any hotel business, and guests had no wi-fi. I go in the back maintenance corridor to the network equipment. The DSL modem is in a reboot cycle, resetting every seven seconds or so. The previous shift claimed he could not get through to Lumos, our service provider. It's left to me, just after midnight, to make the call to report the trouble. I call and describe the problem. The CSR suggests that modem has finally bit the dust (it was already old 5 years ago), and a replacement could be brought in by a tech or acquired at Walmart or Best Buy. Turns out the manager had a spare in his office. I get in touch with him, and he comes over to give me that modem to hook up. It gets an active connection to the DSL, but we can't get connected to the internet. I was told by the CSR that a higher level tech would be in touch to help activate the new modem. So I wait.

An hour or so later, I call asking what the status was. All the CSR could say was that we were "in the queue," and it was a priority because we were a 24-hour business dependent on that connection. I ask what the IP number of the modem is so we can check the status of the modem is from our end. He hems and haws and obfuscates, and otherwise tries to dodge the question. I explain that modems and routers all have some sort of 198.162.*.* number for status and maintenance. He still can't give me the number, even after I quote to him from the modem's user manual about factory set IP number settings. It's at this point I ask if there is an outage in the area. I get an emphatic "NO."

Another hour goes by with no contact and no internet. I try connecting my laptop directly to the new modem. I can't get anywhere no matter which of the usual suspect IP numbers I try. I try the old modem just for the lulz. It acts as if I'm physically disconnecting the cable over and over. I call Lumos again. No explanation why I got no response from the new modem, and now they can no longer confirm or deny the old one is actually faulty. No ETA on a tech and still "not an outage".

Repeat the calls a couple more times reaching the same CSR. All he can do is "escalate the ticket again."

I get a different CSR at about 7am, and they confirm what they were denying all night, they won't even look at the ticket until the day shift arrives after 8am. My shift and week ends and I go home, still no internet.

I come back just before 10am to install a bridge to make up for the new modem having only one ethernet port. Still no internet, so I call again. NOW they finally admit to an outage, with no ETA to a repair. I chew them out about them feeding me a line of bull all night and tell them they're responsible for any real or imagined abuse from management and guests. As I'm catching up with some other employees, the manager comes in and disconnects the new modem and bridge and puts everything back as it was before the whole sorry mess started. That was lunch time Monday.

As of lunch today, it was still down with still no ETA for repair. Manager told them off, saying they cost us thousands in business over the last three days and would not be getting another cent from us. GOOD DAY!

Who knows what I'm going to find when I go back Thursday night. I may have to run the property from my phone again like I did Sunday.