Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I was disappointed to discover that only one ability may be retrained per level, so I couldn't switch both a feat and a daily. Oh well. I'll do my editing of dice macros when we level.

Shawnacy, do you want our updated character sheets?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
I was disappointed to discover that only one ability may be retrained per level, so I couldn't switch both a feat and a daily. Oh well. I'll do my editing of dice macros when we level.

Shawnacy, do you want our updated character sheets?
Yes please.
But remember that you have one more encounter at 1st level.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Hi, ya'll! Over the weekend I was playing on my Second Life account and decided to turn my avatar into Adia and have a photoshoot! Below are 3 of my favorites linked for you:

This is my idea of how she looks with her gear and everything. Tell me what you think! If you like it and want to see a custom made version of your character, let me know here and give me specifics on their looks, characteristics, equip, etc. and I'll see what I can do! :heythere:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


you know that armor that isn't on her at the moment? it is supposed to, uh, keep her safe from swords and stuff...
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

You know what Adia, that's pretty awesome. Wow!!! Second Life, eh? Interesting.

Feel free to create a Saryon. :)

- Very poised, stoic even.
- Dark blond hair, dark blue eyes. Dressed in pale blue and grey tunic and trousers over his armor. He is not fond of robes.
- Saryon is an adorned and a Follower of the Unhindered Path.
- Pose, preferably while casting a healing spell, bow on his back, morning star at his waist in a calm like way! If not, whatever :)

Pix :
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
you know that armor that isn't on her at the moment? it is supposed to, uh, keep her safe from swords and stuff...
You're such a hater, Gurpel. She wears leather, so there. :p
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

She also hasn't been hit more than 2 HP since the campaign started, so it probably doesn't matter what she wears.


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I currently have Jack of All Trades as my 1st level feat, cuz most of my skills are shite.

Trying to decide between these feats:

Disciplined Wild Soul - When I roll to determine my Wild Soul resistance, I roll twice and choose the result

Focusing Spellfury - When I hit 2 or more targets with an At-Will power, I get +2 damage to arcane powers until the end of my next turn. (I don't see why they couldn't have just made it like the Wizard's Destructive Wizardry feat.)

Linguist - Might not ever make much difference, but I'd probably go with Dwarven, Goblin, and Elven

Leather Armor - Plus 2 AC. I don't really get hit, so not too interested in this.

Really, it's mostly between Linguist and Disciplined Wild Soul. I could lose Jack of All Trades and get both, I guess.

I dunno. Serin's build is weak. That's why I'm hopin' her shapechange ability'll come in handy at some point.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

SeriousJay said:
Feel free to create a Saryon.
I'm in the process of making your character, but I don't think I'll be able to get the outfit you suggested, so I'll put him in something suitable and hope for the best. (No robes, I promise.) ^_^ But I'll get the facial features, eye color, hair color, and weapons, hopefully, correct. We'll see!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Sounds pretty exciting, just no thigh high stockings plz. :paranoid:

Works for Adia than Saryon, that's for sure.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I took Shield and Expeditious Retreat as my lvl 2 Wizard Utilities, unless anyone can offer a better suggestion.

There will be no discussion as to my feat choice. :)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Kinda surprised some of the casters haven't looked into the Familiar feats in the last update.
I just took it for my Warlord in Gruebeard's game. (Yeah. My Warlord. But I have a Bard Multiclass feat so technically I can use arcane feats now). They are only incredibly useful in varied situations, but they offer a lot roleplaying wise.
Anyone who chooses a familiar gets to come up with a look and personality. Technically your familiar can look like anything so long as it resembles the creature you choose from the list. (Like you could have a snake familiar that appears to be liquid mercury). It also has a passive form, when it's on your person and incapable of being affected by attacks. This could be as simple as being in your pocket, or as cool as a tattoo that comes to life when you call it.
After you figure out all that you just have to give it a personality. Usually something that mirrors your own is appropriate, but some familiars are somewhat independant of their master's and tend to portray quirks that may or may not be similar of them. At that point you just have to decide if you want me to roleplay it, or if you wish to run it yourself.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Shawnacy said:
Kinda surprised some of the casters haven't looked into the Familiar feats in the last update.

I took Arcane Familiar as my feat. :)

Kitty Sinatra

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

hmm, maybe I should take the familiar feat for my paladin. It'd definitely be a lovebird.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

In Dave's Game I took the Dragonling because you can use it as the origin square for a Close Blast, as I'm loving that. Basically I have a ranged Burning Hands now. Also, +2 HP on a sealing surge isn't bad.

I was thinking about getting one, but it just doesn't suit Serin. I'd considered the Raven for its "any language" ability, but a raven talking for her disguises would be pretty fucking suspicious.

But then again, I have 13 Bluff, so maybe I can get away with anything. If I took Skill focus it could be 16. Hmm...

I'' post my level 2 in a bit. I still can't decide on things. Sorcerer stuff is so bleh! The only thing keeping me there is the +7 to damage.

Kitty Sinatra

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I really need to look up those familiars.


Under Owl: Hoots when it thinks it's found a mate for its master. That's the familiar for Quinn! (I'll call him Bubble)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I took Book Imp as my 2nd level familiar. It fits Errik really well, as it basically carries my tomes for me and grants me knowledge, but tries to coerce me back to the Dark Side.

+2 to Arcana and History checks
Ability to speak Supernal (language of devils, angels and gods)
5 Fire Resist
Can turn invisible once per day until the end of my next turn as a minor action, for a little recon/flanking. :)

Plus the idea of a guy that looks like this perched on my shoulder reading my off-handed tome while I hold a dagger and cast with my right hand is way too awesome.

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Hmm. For some reason I can't download anyone's updated character sheet that they sent me. Could those who have send it again? Or use the file download site provided by Jay.
Username: dndgroup
Password: Shawnacy


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Not bad. I like it. :D

So anyone have any ideas to use a disguised bugbear while we have the chance? We could go in there with you guys acting like I'm your prisoner or something. Not 100% sure how we could end up using that to our advantage, because in the end we probably need to kill these guys. Telling them to leave would just have them attacking people elsewhere. If we wanted to go without a fight, our best bet would probably be go in there with Serin as bugbear prisoner, you guys tell them that you know where their cave is and have already told the town guard where the cave is. Demand that they abandon this place, and give up pillaging caravans. I can throw in that you guys were strong enough to wipe out "my" (other bugbear's) raiding party, and could probably destroy this group as well.

That's my best idea. That way, if they attack, we're at least all together, and if nothing else, they wouldn't attack Serin, giving her a chance to get to some advantageous position and attack from there or something.

If we manage to get by without a fight, we start the session at level 2 basically (still get exp) and have more time to do whatever since we'll have an encounter out of the way.

But, if you guys want to fight, I'm cool with that too.

Here's my L2 Char. Summary:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character

Builder ======
Serin, level 2
Doppelganger, Sorcerer
Spell Source: Wild Magic

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18.

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

AC: 14 Fort: 11 Reflex: 14 Will: 18
HP: 27 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 6

Arcana +8, Dungeoneering +7, Thievery +10, Bluff +13

Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +7, Endurance +3, Heal +4, History

+5, Insight +6, Intimidate +7, Nature +4, Perception +4,

Religion +5, Stealth +6, Streetwise +7, Athletics +2

Level 1: Jack of All Trades
Level 2: Disciplined Wild Soul

Sorcerer at-will 1: Burning Spray
Sorcerer at-will 1: Chaos Bolt
Sorcerer encounter 1: Whirlwind
Sorcerer daily 1: Dazzling Ray
Sorcerer utility 2: Spatial Trip

Dagger (2), Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit, Thieves' Tools,

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Flute, Fine Clothing, Pouch,

Belt (empty) (2), Flask (empty) (2), Candle (4), Oil (1 pint)

(4), Lantern, Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

-- Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:51 pm --

I can't seem to send a PM. Looks like that may have broken with the transfer. Gonna upload it to the file site.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Those pics were pretty cool except for the shining hair. :) Good stuff! I saved a few.

I assume Shawn you got all you need for tomorrow night? I'm pretty excited.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I like the sound of us holding you hostage. Not sure if the goblins will care, but it's worth a shot and should grant you some opportunity attack. You do look right for the part.

My stats haven't changed enough to make a total repost worthwhile. I'll just say I've retrained my Daily to be basically the same, except on a miss it will do half damage (17) so not a total waste. My feat let me train in History and gain Inspiring Word as a Daily, so I can help a little with healing. And my utility is Unstoppable (another Daily), so I can heal myself a little if need be.


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I retrained whatever feat my first level was to Jack of All Trades to help my abysmal skills.

My second feat allows me to roll my Wild Soul Resistance twice and pick the result. Might be kind of cool, but might also screw me-- I'd never have thought Acid would have helped me anytime soon, and it saved me a hell of a lot of damage in that one fight.

My utility lets me teleport 3. It's not huge (especially after having played a character that can teleport 6), but it's supremely useful. I never have to worry about grabs or immobilization, and teleports negate relatively high spaces I think (I could teleport onto the top of a house, for example.)

If I didn't take teleport, I'd get Unseen Aid, which is +2 to any ability every 5 minutes, so it's almost like a second Jack of All Trades. And while my skills are crap and +2 twice would be nice, I do likes me some teleport.


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Obligatory "Storm might not let me be there".

Fucking christ. It's been raining like every day for the last 2 weeks. I need mah internet, dammitz!
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