The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member
I can just see the volunteer's face. "Today we're going to take a moving MRI of you pooping."

Also the MRI of humpin' is blurry as hell.

Also also that MRI machine must have been HUGE.


Staff member

For added fun, read the YouTube comments. You heard me. Read YouTube comments.
I went and read them first. Saw they were all GLOWINGLY positive, and thought "Ok, this is gonna be like that other guy last year who was absolutely unlistenable and everybody couldn't stop praising him, isn't it?"

And it was.


Staff member
Well, if ever I harbored any last vestiges of the idea of it being nifty to try lying down and letting a train pass over me, this has eradicated it to the last nanogram.

Next time you're stuck at a train crossing, watch the ties, you might be surprised. Most will move by a significant amount. About the only thing the ties are good at is keeping the rails the specified distance apart. They support the tracks above the grade as well, but lots of them move up and down as each wheel set passes.
As a locomotive engineer myself I'd say you explained that pretty well. Fun fact, if you see a train and wave violently at it the engineer should put it into emergency stop
A locomotive hitting a car at a crossing is the equivalent force of a small SUV running over an aluminum can of soda.
Next time you're stuck at a train crossing, watch the ties, you might be surprised. Most will move by a significant amount. About the only thing the ties are good at is keeping the rails the specified distance apart. They support the tracks above the grade as well, but lots of them move up and down as each wheel set passes.
I knew the ties acted sort of like "snowshoes" for the rails on top of the crushed rock/gravel, I just never expected that they would flex so much.



Staff member
My brother in law used to work for a railroad as a cop/inspector. Turns out it's very damaging to a human to get hit by one of these. And by damaging I mean exploding like a sack of meat, which I suppose is all we really are.

He saw some very bad things.
My brother in law used to work for a railroad as a cop/inspector. Turns out it's very damaging to a human to get hit by one of these. And by damaging I mean exploding like a sack of meat, which I suppose is all we really are.

He saw some very bad things.
I used to work for Kodak. I've seen pictures. Plenty of "rush jobs" for the police department that would need extra-special care to make sure nothing bad happened to them.
