This is a confession I just posted to reddit.

The secret I carry is that I kept my Mom from being with her brother when he died.
He was being prepped to life flight from his smallish town hospital to a world class medical facility. The doctors found out that he had a weak heart all his life. Bad valve and enlarged heart.
It was close to noon, and I was with Mom in the Emergency Room. I noticed that his heart monitor did not look good, at, all. I looked at the doctor, then back at the monitor and the doc saw what I saw and nodded.
I told my Mom, "Hey it will be an hour until they transport [him] lets get some Mexican food for lunch before our long drive."
On the way out I mouthed to my uncle, "It's alright."
I saw him slump down after that. And got Mom the hell out of there before all the violence of a crash cart descended upon him.
To me it was better to get her out instead of watching the chaos that was about to erupt to try to save the life of her doomed brother.
25 years later, and I hope that I did the right thing.
This is a confession I just posted to reddit.

The secret I carry is that I kept my Mom from being with her brother when he died.
He was being prepped to life flight from his smallish town hospital to a world class medical facility. The doctors found out that he had a weak heart all his life. Bad valve and enlarged heart.
It was close to noon, and I was with Mom in the Emergency Room. I noticed that his heart monitor did not look good, at, all. I looked at the doctor, then back at the monitor and the doc saw what I saw and nodded.
I told my Mom, "Hey it will be an hour until they transport [him] lets get some Mexican food for lunch before our long drive."
On the way out I mouthed to my uncle, "It's alright."
I saw him slump down after that. And got Mom the hell out of there before all the violence of a crash cart descended upon him.
To me it was better to get her out instead of watching the chaos that was about to erupt to try to save the life of her doomed brother.
25 years later, and I hope that I did the right thing.
I would say you did the right thing. You could see what was about to happen and acted to not have the last memory of your mother of her brother be the seeming chaos of attempted life-saving measures. At least she got to spend some time with him.
This is a confession I just posted to reddit.

The secret I carry is that I kept my Mom from being with her brother when he died.
He was being prepped to life flight from his smallish town hospital to a world class medical facility. The doctors found out that he had a weak heart all his life. Bad valve and enlarged heart.
It was close to noon, and I was with Mom in the Emergency Room. I noticed that his heart monitor did not look good, at, all. I looked at the doctor, then back at the monitor and the doc saw what I saw and nodded.
I told my Mom, "Hey it will be an hour until they transport [him] lets get some Mexican food for lunch before our long drive."
On the way out I mouthed to my uncle, "It's alright."
I saw him slump down after that. And got Mom the hell out of there before all the violence of a crash cart descended upon him.
To me it was better to get her out instead of watching the chaos that was about to erupt to try to save the life of her doomed brother.
25 years later, and I hope that I did the right thing.
Compassionate for everyone IMO. Thoughtful choice. I would want to do the same for my mom.
Man, my family (on my paternal grandmother's side) were so fucking cool. Basically Canadian booze smugglers who made a fortune during prohibition in the US. They had a kick ass mansion in one of the most beautiful places on Earth (that's been ruined since rich Torontonians invaded it) and historic docks and boathouses that were considered Ontario heritage sites. Then my grandma's sister sold the place for pennies on the dollar after my great grandma died and everything's been bulldozed, split up and mcmansioned. It's now a vacation rental place. It talks about the vast history of the area, but not any of the actual history. All that's left is whatever trinkets made it through to us.


Staff member
The last week in Daveland has been a rollercoaster and I have no idea which thread to put this in. So random it is.

Started last Wednesday when a pretty bad storm came through Omaha. Many, MANY trees were knocked down, taking power lines with them. At one point about 1/3 of Omaha was without power. Like me. And it took until Saturday night to get back. Meanwhile, we had 90-100 degree temps. It was 90 in the house when we finally got power back. No AC means we were all miserable. In the middle of all this, we had the concert we wnt to which was fun despite it being outdoors and 96 degrees. We loved Vertical Horizons and Toad the Wet Sprocket, but Kerri was feeling poorly because of the heat and we left after about 4 Gin Blossoms songs, which sucks because we love that band.

I worked Saturday and Sunday so I didn't get to play on the computer at all. finally, Sunday morning I logged on and was in the middle of updating a game when it froze and rebooted, not going past the motherboard splash screen. I created a usb boot from my laptop but it still wouldn't do anything. I worked on it a while Monday but was just so damned tired from not sleeping for a week - it's difficult to sleep in 90 degree, stifling heat with no airflow through the house. Finally today I went to Best Buy, got me a new external HD, created a windows ISO file and took the whole computer apart. I plugged in only what was needed and finally got it to boot from the iso. Then I started putting everything back piece by piece and rebooting until it crapped out on me. Turns out one of my media SSD disks was not playing nice. So I lost a bunch of movies & tv files from my Plex server, although I won't know which ones until I try and play them and they fail.

And now I'm playing 7 Days to Die 1.0. Finally. After having the server up and running for a week.
Where I work at is heavily rented out for 6 weeks to a kids musical theatre-ish camp. Last week was Barbie week (which I missed cuz I was sick), this week is Taylor Swift week (next week is superheroes I think, not sure about the last two weeks). Age ranges are probably... 5-9 years old?

Generally speaking, the camps live downstairs, the church folk live upstairs, and we all go about our business. But TSwift week was a bit over booked, so they're using the choir room upstairs too. One group is utterly enamored with the large stuffed camel I have in my office. Others have said that 'God works in there' in regards to my office. All of this is hilarious. Loud and disruptive to work flow, but hilarious none the less. Yesterday they were working on singing, today is choreography. And wow, does singing quality tank when you have to move too.

All in all, it's a hoot. And I'm kind of looking forward to hearing the next few weeks too.
I found an old Reddit story of mine being read out loud by a text-to-speech voice in a TikTok video. Truly the Internet has run out of content to scrape.

Like... it's not even that good a story. I whipped it up in like ten minutes.


Staff member
I found an old Reddit story of mine being read out loud by a text-to-speech voice in a TikTok video. Truly the Internet has run out of content to scrape.

Like... it's not even that good a story. I whipped it up in like ten minutes.
That's all my GF listens to, all day long, while working at home. Thank goodness she wears headphones for it. But yeah, the "reaction videos" wave has ebbed and now everything is just TTS reading reddit posts.
I found an old Reddit story of mine being read out loud by a text-to-speech voice in a TikTok video. Truly the Internet has run out of content to scrape.

Like... it's not even that good a story. I whipped it up in like ten minutes.
It's just bots copying literally anything it can find. I've made posts to the BG3 subreddit and then the very next day seen ai written "news" in Google's feed copying the exact text.


Staff member
I need to stop complaining about shit sometimes. I’m all grumbling about my car tire. Get into work and find out one of the guys I work with - who recently gave his retirement notice - had to retract the notice. His wife’s cancer has come back and it’s stage 4. They have 3 kids, the oldest a sophomore in high school.

My life is just fine and I needed to be reminded.
I need to stop complaining about shit sometimes. I’m all grumbling about my car tire. Get into work and find out one of the guys I work with - who recently gave his retirement notice - had to retract the notice. His wife’s cancer has come back and it’s stage 4. They have 3 kids, the oldest a sophomore in high school.
That’s why we have a minor rant and a rant thread.
I'd say even Dave would stand a chance here

Seriously, at least half of these jokes are neither funny nor original.
I don't think I've ever laughed at the "funniest joke of the Fringe", this or any other year. OTOH I've seen sets by comedians who have won this award live & they've usually been hilarious. The problem with just reading a one-liner on its own devoid of context is you don't know how the comedian delivered it, how they were feeding off the crowd, was it calling back to previous jokes in the set?I

Or the people judging this could just be terrible at their job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.