I'm pretty sure more people than me play handhelds hereExpanding, this game is fucking rad. I do not regret paying the 20 bucks for it on Ebay on a whim.
It's like a weird collecting Zelda game that also has elements of Soul Blaser (repopulating a town) and then suddenly you're commanding a huge tank fighting another tank and suddenly it's very FTLish with more direct control of your character. I love the tank battles. They can get really hectic trying to shoot down enemy ammo while sneaking in my own shots. I love the variety of ammo and getting the right mix of ammo to accomplish S(ub)LIME performances.
Best name for an enemy tank so far: Huge Tree Tank named Chrono Twigger.
Are there any other games like this? Because this is my favorite DS game right now.

On my end, if I said I was near the end of Shin Megami Tensei IV, I was pretty damn wrong. I thought I was almost finished after checking a guide's table of contents to get an idea of where I was, but then today I checked another one's table of contents that said there were several more sections beyond where that first guide said "End", in fact, there's more story to come than what I've seen so far. I now know why--first guide got a bad, fake-out ending and just assumed that was the real point of conclusion.
Which is really fucking dumb. That's like someone fighting Lavos too soon in Chrono Trigger, getting the "but the future refused to change" screen, and assuming that was how the game ended.