What are you playing?

Finished On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness Part 3, it felt shorter than the other games, but maybe that is just because it was a different style + I haven't played parts 1 and 2 in a while.
I Brought my iPad on my work trip and am playing a few games on it: Draw Something and Dungeon Hunter 2. And Angry Birds :). I'm sad that Final Fantasy doesn't have an iPad version. I loaded the one for my phone but it looks brutal.
Since bringing home the N64 from my mom's house, I've made discoveries.

Good: Older games age better on HD TVs than later ones such as PS2 games.

Bad: Conker's Bad Fur Day is not as funny as it was when I was 16 and Turok 2's controls are complete ass. I don't know how me and my younger siblings played it so much. And then worst of all, a lot of the fun I had with these games came from getting to play with my siblings. Now I live hundreds of miles away and we've all gone our separate ways, and I doubt I'll have that again even with my little cousins.
Fate of the World

I've had this for awhile and have the urge to play it here and there. And I swear, it's one of the most frustrating, nearly unbeatable games. I've only managed to successfully win one of the missions...the tutorial mission. At least now, I understand how to prevent an economic collapse by having America and the Middle East churn out more oil while I ween China off of coal. But I've still yet to win this damn game. Oy.
Deus Ex: HR - Finished it and wow. Simply fantastic. Cannot put it into words, but the game was amazing from beginning to end. Seriously, just a damn well made game. This is one I'll replay again one day in the future.

Currently Playing:
NOTHING! Everything's on hold right now as I'm on the road so much (yes I know I sound like a broken record but details are coming). I guess I shouldn't say "nothing" cause I've been playing a bit on my PSP. Nothing worth noting though.
Deus Ex: HR - Finished it and wow. Simply fantastic. Cannot put it into words, but the game was amazing from beginning to end. Seriously, just a damn well made game. This is one I'll replay again one day in the future.

Currently Playing:
NOTHING! Everything's on hold right now as I'm on the road so much (yes I know I sound like a broken record but details are coming). I guess I shouldn't say "nothing" cause I've been playing a bit on my PSP. Nothing worth noting though.
Did you try the DLC adventure? I felt it was the "truest" experience when compared to the original Deus Ex.
Never played the original Deus Ex so I had nothing to compare to. I played the DLC, just felt like another mission, with a complete erasure of my freakin augments.
Your missing out then. The original Deus Ex was balls hard, but it had one of the best stories in all of gaming and it genuinely catered to whatever style of play you wanted. It's only like 10 bucks on Steam too.
Your missing out then. The original Deus Ex was balls hard, but it had one of the best stories in all of gaming and it genuinely catered to whatever style of play you wanted. It's only like 10 bucks on Steam too.
Yes yes yes. One of my most memorable gaming experiences.


Staff member
Currently Playing:
NOTHING! Everything's on hold right now as I'm on the road so much (yes I know I sound like a broken record but details are coming). I guess I shouldn't say "nothing" cause I've been playing a bit on my PSP. Nothing worth noting though.
"Where's Shego? Out walking the earth, having adventures. Like Shannow."
Your missing out then. The original Deus Ex was balls hard, but it had one of the best stories in all of gaming and it genuinely catered to whatever style of play you wanted. It's only like 10 bucks on Steam too.
Just don't make the very common mistake of going into the first level with guns blazing. You will not have a lot of fun.

Oh, and be prepared to put up with really ass graphics.

But otherwise, Deus Ex is a classic and should be played by everyone. Sort of like how the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings are classics that should be read by every fantasy fan.
It's incredibly easy to die in Deus Ex: HR at the higher difficulty settings, even with full augments. Bosses can literally 2shot you, groups of npcs if you set off a major alarm pretty much mean death if you can't get somewhere safer.
Deus Ex is a much, much, much harder game than Human Revolution. Sometimes this is the fault of unbalanced mechanics mixed with whatever your chosen playstyle is (the pendulum swings both ways) but the narrative carries it without question to being one of the greatest games of all time. HR is good and definitely a step up from Invisible War (which, while not great I think gets shit on a little too hard most of the time) but I don't think it matches the greatness of the original. Warren Spector can work some fucking magic sometimes.
Oh, and if anyone here likes the original Deus Ex but hasn't played a free mod called The Nameless Mod yet, go download and play The Nameless Mod. Seriously. It's that good.

Fully voiced, multiple paths and solutions like the original game, all new storyline and setting... they could've sold this mod for 15 or 20 bucks and it still would've felt like a good deal.
It's incredibly easy to die in Deus Ex: HR at the higher difficulty settings, even with full augments. Bosses can literally 2shot you, groups of npcs if you set off a major alarm pretty much mean death if you can't get somewhere safer.
The one hit kills/stuns in HR definitely eschew things in your favor though. You don't get that in Deus Ex. I don't even think headshots are one hit kills in all cases.
Oh, and if anyone here likes the original Deus Ex but hasn't played a free mod called The Nameless Mod yet, go download and play The Nameless Mod. Seriously. It's that good.

Fully voiced, multiple paths and solutions like the original game, all new storyline and setting... they could've sold this mod for 15 or 20 bucks and it still would've felt like a good deal.

I'm 10-99.
Ok I totally get that DEpt1 is super hard/awesome. That doesn't make DE:HR any less good.
Oh no, HR was fantastic. It's definitely one I recommend to everyone. About the only thing is got wrong was including boss fights (and those were farmed out to another studio who didn't "get" the game) and even those were okay. The final battle of the DLC is more how a boss fight works in Deus Ex.

I wonder if we're getting another one. It's one of the few "western" franchises that Square Enix owns that they've managed to get right.
Why did you think there were Final Fantasy posters in it? And yeah, SE owns Eidos now. It's why they are rebooting their key franchises: Square Enix has lost most of their foreign market share by focusing too much on Japanese audiences with their major franchises (and holding back most of their original stuff).