EA Needs to F*** off and die

The incredible amount of money they've made selling slot machine upgrades for ME3 multiplayer is proof of that.
To my eternal shame I actually used real money to buy a few of those ME3 upgrades.

Until I found out that I was getting duplicates of stupid crap (like fully upgraded character unlocks) that are essentially wasted. After that I turned the game off and never looked back. God damn EA. That's just yet another reason why I'm so vitriolic towards that company... not only was I a moron who spent money on stuff I shouldn't have... it didn't even guarantee an upgrade so in a few cases I gave them money for nothing.
TLDR; - Brogamers/Tween+Bored Housewife Mobilegamers are ruining gaming. Twi-Tards are ruining movies and 50 Shade Morons are ruining books. Not the original fans of each media. They don't deserve it/brought it on themselves as previously stated.
People who make games to make money will always look for that equilibrium where they make the most money per unit sold, hold onto that long tail, do the micro transactions, etc. They are interested in monetization.
People who make games to make games will appeal to smaller crowds and pretty much by definition alienate the majority because they don't care what other people think, they are making the game for themselves.
Games which straddle the mid ground (such as Minecraft) are rare, and this is why they are such a big deal when they hit the scene.



Staff member
Jumping back into the micro transactions/F2P thing they are amazing, but also incredibly dangerous. They are amazing because withou them we wouldnt have Planetside 2, Path of Exile, Mechwarrior Online, etc etc etc. those games probably would not exist at all if not for the micro transaction model.

But they are so dangerous because it is so damned tricky what you can offer. You can sell skins, you can sell effects, hell people supporting POE can pay 1k$ to design their own unique item (for everyone to find/use). And you can do stuff that saves the player time, like accelerated leveling (War Thunder does this to good effect.).

But when you go over an often hard to define line and create a play 2 win game, that's when the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down games die.

Ed: oh yeah an good lord what is EA thinking with this. I do not understand how they can survive as a company doing stuff like this.
Jumping back into the micro transactions/F2P thing they are amazing, but also incredibly dangerous. They are amazing because withou them we wouldnt have Planetside 2, Path of Exile, Mechwarrior Online, etc etc etc. those games probably would not exist at all if not for the micro transaction model.

But they are so dangerous because it is so damned tricky what you can offer. You can sell skins, you can sell effects, hell people supporting POE can pay 1k$ to design their own unique item (for everyone to find/use). And you can do stuff that saves the player time, like accelerated leveling (War Thunder does this to good effect.).

But when you go over an often hard to define line and create a play 2 win game, that's when the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down games die.

Ed: oh yeah an good lord what is EA thinking with this. I do not understand how they can survive as a company doing stuff like this.
I have absolutely no problem with DLC or microtransactions even in full priced retail games, IF the DLC is not part of the main game and the microtransactions are for frivolous stuff that is not needed to play the game. Dragon Age: Origins had great DLC, as did ME2. It was all either an epilogue, or expansion that is not necessary for playing the main game. ME3, however, took chunks of the game that actually impacts the story and made it DLC (From Ashes). That's just straight up bullshit. Dead Space had a whole bunch of DLC that was extra skins and different weapons, and I was completely fine with it, because I could still play the game without them.

Arkham city is another good example. You didn't need the extra skins for Batman, all the Robin/Nightwing stuff was just Riddler challenges (though, I still wish they would have opened those characters up in the city proper), and Harley's Revenge was an Epilogue. People may bitch about the Catwoman DLC, but it really wasn't DLC, it was re-sale protection. Anyone who bought the game got the Catwoman content for free, and it also wasn't important to the main plot, really.

Also, the only real problem with the microtransactions for ME3 was that they didn't make it clear that your readiness rating wasn't really that important.
Dragon Age: Origins had great DLC
I was going to argue with you, but some of it was great, so you're not wrong. Some of it is pretty dreadful too. Dragon Age: O though did have the first signs of the future of bad DLC bullshit DLC in the form of a character that hung out in your base camp advertising day one DLC and Dragon Age: Origins had the same thing Mass Effect 3 did, ripped content in the form of DLC. Difference was at least you got it for free if you purchased the game new.
I was going to argue with you, but some of it was great, so you're not wrong. Some of it is pretty dreadful too. Dragon Age: O though did have the first signs of the bullshit DLC in the form of a character that hung out in your base camp advertising day one DLC and Dragon Age: Origins had the same thing Mass Effect 3 did, ripped content in the form of DLC. Difference was at least you got it for free if you purchased the game new.
Nothing was ripped for DLC in DA:O. They had planned DLC from the beginning, but all of it was tangential to the main story, or takes place AFTER the main campaign, which to me is add on content. Warden's Keep is not necessary to enjoy the game.
Shale was in The Stone Prisoner, which was cut from the original game for time's sake. He is Also not required to have a completely full play experience.
Well, firstly, she.

Secondly, that's a bit of a slippery slope, isn't it? What if Zevran's also not included? Do you get the full experience then? What if they remove Alistair?
Add him back in a bit of DLC, "The Lost Prince." Sure, without him you can still kill the Archdemon and beat the game, but is that still the full game experience?
The first time I played through, the DLC didn't even exist, and I didn't feel like anything was missing. They literally cut Shale due to time constraints because they already had an extremely full roster. I don't see any problem with it whatsoever. They could have cut Dog, too, and it wouldn't have been any less of a game.

Also the slippery slope argument is pretty much accepted to be a logical fallacy.
What about the Bonfire of the Vanities in Assassin's Creed 2? They don't just skip over those events, they tell you the memory's damaged and then give you the jist of what happened, despite the events of the DLC being VERY relevant to the events of the main game. It's very clearly a case of the game having content cut out.
What about the Bonfire of the Vanities in Assassin's Creed 2? They don't just skip over those events, they tell you the memory's damaged and then give you the jist of what happened, despite the events of the DLC being VERY relevant to the events of the main game. It's very clearly a case of the game having content cut out.
Hence why I didn't use AC2 for an example.[DOUBLEPOST=1363316653][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not having time to finish something and then plugging it in as DLC later is how we got the Mass Effect 3 ending.
That's just apples and oranges. One character not being available upfront doesn't equate to the debaucle that was the ME3 ending, and you know it. That's like saying that ME2 is lacking because Kasumi wasn't available right away.
I actually agree with Bowie's point here. The issue of DLC isn't really a black-and-white issue, with a clear cutoff point of "good DLC" on one side and "bad DLC" on the other. There's a spectrum of increasing DLC bullshit.

DA:O pretty much fell on the side of "good DLC" I think. I would've preferred for Shale to be in the game to start, but hey, can't have everything.

Stuff like Assassin's Creed 2, or Street Fighter vs Tekken, or horse armor, are higher on the bullshit DLC scale.
I should also point out that one of Bioware's most revered games shipped incomplete (KOTOR2) and it took fans to put it back to something resembling a complete narrative, and this is pre ANY DLC.
The bottom line to my point is that any developer that's NOT Blizzard (and customers are getting kind of sick of their shit too), is going to have a deadline that they have to meet. Content gets scrapped from games all the time. If it's not essential to the main plot of the game, too bad, it's gonna get cut first. If they're able to go back and add some back as DLC, more power to em, seeing as they do have to go back and actually code that stuff.

This is standard operating procedure for game development, and it has been since before DLC, or even expansion packs existed.

That being said, it's beyond reprehensible to have day one DLC that is a major part of the game.
To be frank, Shale was pretty useless. Shale was in my party only a few times in all my games simply because Shale has the personality of a rock.


Started Awakening, damn I completely forgot how Anders was awesome, you know, before they MURDERED THE CHARACTER.

Anders : Hi
*Me : Hey Anders....sweet!*
Ser Hawke : Hi
Anders : I want to get in your pants Ser Hawke
*Me : Wat*
Ser Hawke : I only want to be friends.
Anders disapproves - 15
I should also point out that one of Bioware's most revered games shipped incomplete (KOTOR2) and it took fans to put it back to something resembling a complete narrative, and this is pre ANY DLC.
That was Obsidian, man! Chris motherfucking Avellone!
I found Shale to be useful in the early game, but later on she starts to get outclassed by other characters in more specialized roles; tank, DPS etc.

She's hilarious though.
One was cut to squeeze some extra money out of the consumer and the other was cut to discourage second hand sales. That isn't a huge difference.
One was cut to squeeze some extra money out of the consumer and the other was cut to discourage second hand sales. That isn't a huge difference.
Whatever man, it's pretty clear that you hate any form of DLC at all and view it all as some sort of grand scheme to screw you over, so there's fundamentally no way we're going to agree on this.

I honestly have no idea what you mean by discouraging second hand sales. Unless you're talking about Warden's Keep, which isn't even what we've been talking about.
What the fuck are you talking about? You've misread my posts if that's what you think I think of DLC. I don't like different pre-order bonuses, that I'm very clear about and I'm way against day one DLC which is usually cut content but normal DLC is generally fine and dandy in my opinion.

Stone Prisoner was free if you bought the game new, 15 bucks if you bought it used. Stone Prisoner was cut out of the game to discourage second hand sales.
I'm obviously doing a shitty job of getting the points I mean to across. I never had issue with Stone Prisoner. I was calling it cut content from the main game, which it was, there's no denying that. You got it for free if you bought the game new. That was swell of them, but was kind of the first sign of the kind of shit they would begin to pull with later games.

Warden's Keep on the other hand was kind of sleazy, especially having a permanent character following your camp around shilling for you to buy the damn thing.