[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

I have been feeling very depressed and stressed lately and I have no idea why. It feels like I am just barely going through the motions each day and can barely bring myself to care anymore. I hate feeling like this and I wish it would stop, I try to hang out with my friends but all I have is my family who drives me nuts for the most part, a couple of coworkers and an ex who I am still friends with. My birthday is coming up soon and I keep asking to just ignore it this year and they get offended and so now I am roped into going to a party for something I don't even want to acknowledge.

I know this is really whiny and I apologize I am just tired of feeling this way. It seems that no matter what changes I make to my life to make it better I am never happy. Heck today I have been trying my best to stave off a panic attack that I feel coming on. I just want to curl into a ball and have the day end so I don't have to think about it anymore and I hate feeling like this.
I can think of probably 7 other people who have expressed this feeling on this board. Perhaps one of them will share with us how they got through it? I know that personally for these spells, I just end up waiting them out. It's not at all pleasant, but I've found that it always eventually passes.

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I can think of probably 7 other people who have expressed this feeling on this board. Perhaps one of them will share with us how they got through it? I know that personally for these spells, I just end up waiting them out. It's not at all pleasant, but I've found that it always eventuallyt passes.

I live in this place you guys describe, I basically just try to live with the feeling and hope that I can keep stomaching it. sorry thats probably not much help.
I have been feeling very depressed and stressed lately and I have no idea why. It feels like I am just barely going through the motions each day and can barely bring myself to care anymore. I hate feeling like this and I wish it would stop, I try to hang out with my friends but all I have is my family who drives me nuts for the most part, a couple of coworkers and an ex who I am still friends with. My birthday is coming up soon and I keep asking to just ignore it this year and they get offended and so now I am roped into going to a party for something I don't even want to acknowledge.

I know this is really whiny and I apologize I am just tired of feeling this way. It seems that no matter what changes I make to my life to make it better I am never happy. Heck today I have been trying my best to stave off a panic attack that I feel coming on. I just want to curl into a ball and have the day end so I don't have to think about it anymore and I hate feeling like this.
Dude, you can also call/PM me if you want to get away from the family for a while and play games that would curl their hair from sheer outrage.


Staff member
I can think of probably 7 other people who have expressed this feeling on this board. Perhaps one of them will share with us how they got through it? I know that personally for these spells, I just end up waiting them out. It's not at all pleasant, but I've found that it always eventually passes.

I'm only just now, 11 months after breaking up with my gf of 4.5 years and 3 months after "stopping hanging out with" a girl I apparently got really attached to, starting to feel like my old self. Really, there's no one specific thing I did. Just time. And knowing that -eventually- things will feel better. That's not completely true-- if something is making you unhappy, you have to try to change the cause, but otherwise it's just time.

Then again, I'm not "good" by any means, I still need to figure out what I'm doing with this whole "life" thing, career-wise and etc. I have no idea how to get a job "in my field" because I'm nowhere near qualified for them. Bah.

I also feel lonely a lot, which is silly, because I have a lot of friends and see them on an okay basis, but when I don't I start to just kind of curl up in my mind and lie around like a dead sack.

I've mostly been passing my time playing videogames, which is nice, because that's a part of me that left for a long time and it feels nice to get back to them. Granted, I should go do more worthwhile things, but. *shrug*

This post isn't helpful to you at all, by the way, I just used it as an opportunity to rant on my own, it seems.
This contrasts tragically with your .SIG bouncing away down there.

Im a miserable hate filled asshole who is filled to the eyeballs with self-depreciation and self-loathing. the icons and sigs are all really just a front to hide how miserable I am. :(


Staff member
Im a miserable hate filled asshole who is filled to the eyeballs with self-depreciation and self-loathing. the icons and sigs are all really just a front to hide how miserable I am. :(
We like you. It's weird how critical of ourselves we can be. We see the bad parts of ourselves that others either overlook, don't notice, or don't give a shit about. I know it's easy for me to say, suave and confident guy that I am, but you need to stop and look at your good qualities now and again and stop beating yourself up over the small stuff.
We like you. It's weird how critical of ourselves we can be. We see the bad parts of ourselves that others either overlook, don't notice, or don't give a shit about. I know it's easy for me to say, suave and confident guy that I am, but you need to stop and look at your good qualities now and again and stop beating yourself up over the small stuff.
in hindsight i think my biggest problem is I lost my grip on my food intake, I have been miserable, but I need to get back on not eating anytime i feel like it. this has made me very unhappy, because I am constantly hungry, all the time, non-stop. I just ate an hour ago, and I could already eat again. I dont know how to break my hunger, having tried all the obvious stuff. I am sure that when i get my shit in order, I will be fine, but right now I'd kill for a switch to turn off my constant need to eat.
right now I'd kill for a switch to turn off my constant need to eat.
Well, you can do this with a steady stream of stimulants, but that leads to other problems.
There's a class of people who actually have no "off" switch with hunger, but in reality there are many recognized causes. Food is just one of those things you can "crave," I guess. I wish I had better advice on this topic, I really do, but I'm one of those people who will get so involved in something that I'll literally* forget to eat for hours at a time, so I have no personal experience with what you're going through. As someone who gets asked for (and tries really hard to give!) truly useful advice, I feel bad that I can be of no use to you in this instance.

*Yes, literally "literally."


Staff member
I'm kind of similar. If it were up to me, no consequences, I'd be shoving food in my mouth constantly. I'm always craving delicious, terrible food. It would be Doritos, Taco Bell, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Bowls of Pasta, and Donuts all up in this bitch.
The only thing I can say though, is willpower. Obviously that doesn't help much, but you have to remove the temptation. Do I WANT to drink Dr. Pepper right now? Hell. Yes. Son. But, there is no Dr. Pepper in this apartment. Why? Because I'd drink it. I don't even keep it around as a treat-- because I'd drink that shit more. If I really, just totally super want a Dr. Pepper, I have to go to the gas station down the road and buy it for $1.19.

BECAUSE OF THAT, I have to RRRRRRRREEEEEAaaalllly want a Dr. Pepper. And sometimes I do! And sometimes I go get one.

Treat your unhealthy snack foods the same way. Keep them out of your house and, well, you won't eat them.

Granted, you'll just shove something else in your mouth. Try veggies. With low-fat Ranch. That'll fill you right the hell up and you're, well, not intaking many calories.

Does that suck? Yes. But that's what happens when we let our vices control us. We have to eradicate them and let them seep slowly back into our lives. The other day I broke and had a coke, a bag of Doritos, Taco Bell, and a cookie. It hit me that I was sitting there feeling bad for eating a bunch of crap food, but some people just consider this "dinner", so really, any progress you make is good.

Anyhow, straight to the advice: If over-eating is your problem, get rid of what you're over-eating. Eat protein and whole wheat carbs, because these fill you up and keep you from getting hungry soon. Also, find something to occupy your time. I'm a boredom eater, so if I'm doing something, I don't feel compelled to eat. At least, until I finish.


As for my rant, I'm super tired of seeing girl-I-almost-dated's name everywhere. She has one of those "idea" names, like "Justice", so her name is a word I encounter frequently, FAR MORE FREQUENTLY THAN YOU'D THINK. And a main character in a game I'm playing has her name, so. Just being constantly reminded of this girl. >> Yep. Tryin' mah best! Woo!
Oh man, I know the wanting to snack all the time feel. You know what's good for that? Water. Tons of water. Get the munchies? Pound down a cold bottle of water. Drink tons of it, you'll feel fuller.
As for my rant, I'm super tired of seeing girl-I-almost-dated's name everywhere. She has one of those "idea" names, like "Justice", so her name is a word I encounter frequently, FAR MORE FREQUENTLY THAN YOU'D THINK. And a main character in a game I'm playing has her name, so. Just being constantly reminded of this girl. >> Yep. Tryin' mah best! Woo!
Ooh, I'm gonna guess it's... Faith! From Mirror's Edge!
Lately, I've been the opposite with food because of my depression. I don't want to eat at all. I eat maybe twice a day and that's it.
Oh man, I know the wanting to snack all the time feel. You know what's good for that? Water. Tons of water. Get the munchies? Pound down a cold bottle of water. Drink tons of it, you'll feel fuller.
I was starving last night about 9 pm, so I pounded 2 liters of water (I have tried this before), nope still hungry! so I had some pb and saltines. that made me feel better. I eat a low-crap diet and I there is very little junk in it.
I can think of probably 7 other people who have expressed this feeling on this board. Perhaps one of them will share with us how they got through it? I know that personally for these spells, I just end up waiting them out. It's not at all pleasant, but I've found that it always eventually passes.

I have gone through these before and I usually just wait them out and try to keep occupied but lately (and it could just me my imagination) this one seems to be lasting a long time (over two months) and it is starting to get to me more and more. :/

I live in this place you guys describe, I basically just try to live with the feeling and hope that I can keep stomaching it. sorry thats probably not much help.
It helps a bit to know as much as it sucks there are other people in the same boat as I am

Dude, you can also call/PM me if you want to get away from the family for a while and play games that would curl their hair from sheer outrage.
I may just take you up on that offer :)


Staff member
Ooh, I'm gonna guess it's... Faith! From Mirror's Edge!
Haven't played that actually! But SEE! It's a super common artsy name!

Also, I live in the south, so churches every block with the word on their signs, jewelry all over the place with the name, so it's just like, "I THINK I'm doing an alright job not thinking about her? Buuuut, yeah, I kind of encounter her name everywhere."

To be fair it's really not that bad, but I just set high standards for myself and chastise myself whenever I start getting wistful. *shrug* We haven't interacted in any way in a little over a month now, so I guess that's good. She'll be at our meetings when we start our group stuff again though, but I'm not too concerned about that. I build this up bigger in my head than I should.

Though one of my friends said "She made a post not too long ago that made me think she misses you." I was like, DO NOT TELL ME THAT. IF YOU ARE NOT 100% CERTAIN DO NOT TELL ME STUFF LIKE THAT. I AM DOING GOOD HERE.

Girls, man.
It's so fucking hot right now and it's not letting up. My house might as well have been built in the first layer of hell. I need AC so bad.


Staff member
As a Texan it mystifies me that there is any house anywhere without A/C. It's like saying "This house has no walls or roof" or "This spaceship has no oxygen system."
As a Texan it mystifies me that there is any house anywhere without A/C. It's like saying "This house has no walls or roof" or "This spaceship has no oxygen system."
Yeah, it's not as common here, considering we have about a month and a half a year of heat that gets anywhere near uncomfortable, usually just July and August.

I bet my furnace is a heftier model than most houses in Texas have.


Staff member
Yeah, it's not as common here, considering we have about a month and a half a year of heat that gets anywhere near uncomfortable, usually just July and August.

I bet my furnace is a heftier model than most houses in Texas have.
True, but we still have one.
Yeah, it's not as common here, considering we have about a month and a half a year of heat that gets anywhere near uncomfortable, usually just July and August.

I bet my furnace is a heftier model than most houses in Texas have.
True, but we still have one.
I agree with Gas, here in the frozen/humid sauna(depends on the time of year) that is Minnesota we have a HE furnace and 1.5 ton A/C unit just to stay comfortable.
Haven't played that actually! But SEE! It's a super common artsy name!

Also, I live in the south, so churches every block with the word on their signs, jewelry all over the place with the name, so it's just like, "I THINK I'm doing an alright job not thinking about her? Buuuut, yeah, I kind of encounter her name everywhere."

To be fair it's really not that bad, but I just set high standards for myself and chastise myself whenever I start getting wistful. *shrug* We haven't interacted in any way in a little over a month now, so I guess that's good. She'll be at our meetings when we start our group stuff again though, but I'm not too concerned about that. I build this up bigger in my head than I should.

Though one of my friends said "She made a post not too long ago that made me think she misses you." I was like, DO NOT TELL ME THAT. IF YOU ARE NOT 100% CERTAIN DO NOT TELL ME STUFF LIKE THAT. I AM DOING GOOD HERE.

Girls, man.
Girls ain't the problem, bro.


Staff member
I agree with Gas, here in the frozen/humid sauna(depends on the time of year) that is Minnesota we have a HE furnace and 1.5 ton A/C unit just to stay comfortable.
Yeah, we had beefier heaters in SC, where it gets hotter than TX, and cold, too. Not northeastern cold, but 20s and teens for long stretches aren't uncommon.

Still I wonder sometimes what you people from Minnesota did to piss nature off. It might not get blazing hot, but it still gets hot for a long time, and then gets icy in the winter.
Yeah, we had beefier heaters in SC, where it gets hotter than TX, and cold, too. Not northeastern cold, but 20s and teens for long stretches aren't uncommon.

Still I wonder sometimes what you people from Minnesota did to piss nature off. It might not get blazing hot, but it still gets hot for a long time, and then gets icy in the winter.
yeah its not 100+, but 2-3 months of 90+ degrees with mosquitos and 100% humidity is still pretty nasty.


Staff member
Minor rant. Bananahands will be here in a few hours. I found out he's vegan. I have no idea what to feed him. We'll go out to dinner tonight...but I don't know if the restaurant has a vegan option. Tomorrow morning...will he eat donuts?

As a devout carnivore, this is stressing me out more than it should.


Staff member
Minor rant. Bananahands will be here in a few hours. I found out he's vegan. I have no idea what to feed him. We'll go out to dinner tonight...but I don't know if the restaurant has a vegan option. Tomorrow morning...will he eat donuts?

As a devout carnivore, this is stressing me out more than it should.
Feed him nothing but bananas. If he asks what else there is, offer him "well, I suppose there's hands... but I thought you were vegan. And then smile with your eyes too wide."
Just give that poor bastard a salad.

Order ribs for yourself. Make slow disgusting sucking noises with your fingers as you eat.
I am not a vegan but I am a vegetarian and if he is anything like myself he wouldn't want you to stress out about it. I hate to inconvenience the people I am going out to eat with and I can usually find something to eat at most places I go.

But than again that is me and he may be different.


Staff member
Considering that BananaHands doesn't seem like one of those militant vegans I'd wager he's pretty flexible about his diet. I'm sure he's had to make do while on the road.
Flexible is one thing, but I remember a time when an uncle of mine went on a 2 day rafting/camping trip with my father and I (and a couple other people), and dinner on that night was steaks. Now, I don't think he was vegetarian, but he didn't eat much meat ordinarily. He started chowing down on that steak, making "mmm" noises and gushing about how good it was.

That night he had to leave his tent a number of times to go vomit in the bushes because it made him so sick. The rest of us were fine, so I don't think it was anything particularly wrong with the food... just not something his system was used to.

That said, I'm sure Dave has a Chili's nearby, they serve a pretty good black bean burger.
Minor rant. Bananahands will be here in a few hours. I found out he's vegan. I have no idea what to feed him. We'll go out to dinner tonight...but I don't know if the restaurant has a vegan option. Tomorrow morning...will he eat donuts?

As a devout carnivore, this is stressing me out more than it should.
Go to Crystal Jade for dinner?

How about Flavors Indian Cuisine?

Also, your donuts are made out of meat? :/


Staff member
Yeah, as I understand it the difference between vegetarian and vegan is the latter means no animal products whatsoever, including all that stuff Ravenpoe just said.