Via Bluesnews:
tweet from Friday by Marcus "Notch" Persson shows the
Minecraft creator has backed off on his hard line against adding Oculus Rift support to the sandbox mining game, saying: "And about now I'm officially over being upset about Facebook buying Oculus. I'm upset about there being a hole in my favorite sock instead." When it was announced Facebook was acquiring Oculus
in March, Notch
famously tweeted he was cancelling plans for Oculus Rift support, saying "Facebook creeps me out." When asked if this means plans for Oculus Rift support were back in place,
Notch said "that's up to the minecraft dev team." For his part, John Carmack seems willing to help,
tweeting an offer of support: "say the word, ship the source, and i'll make sure It runs well on you-know-what..." Thanks