Rant VIII: The Reckoning

I have no idea what's going on.

No, that's wrong. I have SOME idea. I can put two and two together.

Ooh, sorry, that's using a binary system in our genderfluid society. I hope those numbers didn't offend anyone.


Staff member
you do realize this looks the exact same as someone saying nice gay person is a bundle of sticks right? is it really hard to say yellow, chicken, or any word that doesn't degrade women's genitalia? the fact that you had the parenthetical even means that you know it's a shitty thing to say, but you just don't care.
Negative. I was pointing it out so that some people didn't have a giant hissy fit by assuming the wrong thing about the origin of the word. Turns out those who want to be offended will be regardless.

The difference between what I said and your example are that I was using the correct word with the correct root in the correct context and you still got offended. As opposed to your example where they use a homonym with wrong context so they can use the derogatory term.
Negative. I was pointing it out so that some people didn't have a giant hissy fit by assuming the wrong thing about the origin of the word. Turns out those who want to be offended will be regardless..
the origin of "nigga" is very dispassionately just the word for black which is etymologically the correct use and bla bla fucking bla

no one has said "pussy" to mean the fucking latin word, people call men pussies when they can't handle the appropriate amount of pain, or women are pussies when they aren't sufficiently man-like. you're either really stupid or being willfully ignorant since you prioritize being able to say "pussy" higher than demeaning women[DOUBLEPOST=1433870274,1433870166][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have no idea what's going on.

No, that's wrong. I have SOME idea. I can put two and two together.

Ooh, sorry, that's using a binary system in our genderfluid society. I hope those numbers didn't offend anyone.
come back when you have something to add to a discussion other than "i'm ignoring you, neener neener neener" since it makes you look like a fucking child


Staff member
the origin of "nigga" is very dispassionately just the word for black which is etymologically the correct use and bla bla fucking bla

no one has said "pussy" to mean the fucking latin word, people call men pussies when they can't handle the appropriate amount of pain, or women are pussies when they aren't sufficiently man-like. you're either really stupid or being willfully ignorant since you prioritize being able to say "pussy" higher than demeaning women
The word came from a similar word that means weak. That's the origin of the word. I can't help that you are so sexist that you can't look at context correctly. Again, your doing this is the equivalent of getting pissed because I call someone niggardly. It shows an incredible lack of ability to differential the real offenses from perceived ones.

And where the hell did the "nigga" thing come from? I was using your bundle of sticks example. Now you're going off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the topic. Maybe trying a misdirect when you know you are totally wrong?


Staff member
someone being fat isn't bad, and that's a nice body-shaming slur you have there
It didn't say it was bad, I said it was thick. Like the irony. But the irony is even thicker.

If I'd said "your tales are taller than a starting foward" would you have assumed I was mocking the height of basketball players? Probably. Because you're thick as a whale omelette. But still not quite as thick as the irony in your previous statement.
And where the hell did the "nigga" thing come from? I was using your bundle of sticks example. Now you're going off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the topic. Maybe trying a misdirect when you know you are totally wrong?
every slur has a basis in some other word, it's how uh, words work. We don't operate on latin definitions though. fag means a cigarette, but if I called someone faggy and said "they were acting like a cigarette, which I think is gross!" would you let that fly?

and I'm still salty since you think it's okay to say "my nigga" if you're quoting a black person so I guess I should stop being surprised at where the goalposts lie[DOUBLEPOST=1433871825,1433871747][/DOUBLEPOST]Cankles is 100% an insulting term, I know it's really easy to play dumb when you are fucking dumb, but -


Staff member
It's called context. If you called someone faggy then the context is that you are called them something derogatory that everyone knows is derogatory and the context of such would be that you are calling them gay as a pejorative. When I call someone a pussy that does NOT mean "female body part" it means weak. Which has a completely different root and context. But you go ahead and stay offended for no good reason.


Staff member
Maybe in an emotional sense, but not the literal meaning of the word. The root I was using means physically weak. When you are talking emotional weakness, we're into another territory.


Staff member
To be fair to Charlie, Gas did post a meme including that word, it was just quickly taken down.
Yup. Wasn't allowed before, won't be this time. Doesn't matter who posts it.

The funny part is, I got called a name after pulling the stuff down. Sometimes ya just can't win.


Staff member
I keep wanting to post something about homonyms and false equivalences, but there's no point. Minds made up are minds made up regardless of the color on the political spectrum.
If he would rather retreat into that community of people who reinforce his choice of worldview, that is his choice. It's no different than deciding he wants to return to living among the Amish. However he will at some point have to decide whether he wants to permanently live solely within the confines of that society, or else learn how to tolerate the world at large.

I was thinking the other day that a lot of these threads could use a reboot. Freshen things up a little.

Maybe we can...just leave the North Ranger-created ones alone.
I've been thinking the same thing! Especially because a number of them are just way to long. :confused:

Haha, thanks @PatrThom, that's nice of you to think I am a popular gal. :p
I'm not sure, but aren't you the user with the best positive/negative rankings relation? Also, sheesh, of course you're popular :p
I mean yes, but I've never considered myself a popular member - just one who posts a lot of pictures of herself because VANITY. :D

I feel like I don't know how to handle the idea of popularity so I'll probably say something stupid real soon.