What are you playing?

Been putting my PS4 to use so it can stop collecting dust. Until Dawn was a treat, but I also picked up Bloodborne as well.

So far, very visually interesting game, though I spent far too much time in the very beginning missing the easy to overlook lever I needed to pull to advance. But no matter how much I play, I can't help but feel like this game would have been so much better on the PC. The low framerate is kind of a killer, especially for a game with such exacting combat.
Been putting my PS4 to use so it can stop collecting dust.
This is one reason I picked up the Bloodborne expansion now.

So far, very visually interesting game, though I spent far too much time in the very beginning missing the easy to overlook lever I needed to pull to advance. But no matter how much I play, I can't help but feel like this game would have been so much better on the PC. The low framerate is kind of a killer, especially for a game with such exacting combat.
I never noticed framerate issues after the first couple patches.
Been putting my PS4 to use so it can stop collecting dust. Until Dawn was a treat, but I also picked up Bloodborne as well.

So far, very visually interesting game, though I spent far too much time in the very beginning missing the easy to overlook lever I needed to pull to advance. But no matter how much I play, I can't help but feel like this game would have been so much better on the PC. The low framerate is kind of a killer, especially for a game with such exacting combat.
Bloodborne is Sony exclusive almost entirely because FROM Software wanted to keep their good graces after dropping a Demon's Souls (another exclusive game) sequel like a hot coal to work on Dark Souls (a franchise that plays and looks exactly the same, but is distinct enough to be a multi-platform release). Sony was making noise at them after Dark Souls became a monster hit so they made Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is Sony exclusive almost entirely because FROM Software wanted to keep their good graces after dropping a Demon's Souls (another exclusive game) sequel like a hot coal to work on Dark Souls (a franchise that plays and looks exactly the same, but is distinct enough to be a multi-platform release). Sony was making noise at them after Dark Souls became a monster hit so they made Bloodborne.
Oh, I know why it's a PS4 exclusive. That doesn't change the fact it would run much smoother on PC. A guy can dream.
Oh, I know why it's a PS4 exclusive. That doesn't change the fact it would run much smoother on PC. A guy can dream.
Yeah... Sony learned the lesson of exclusivity on smaller titles HARD after Payday: The Heist. "Sure, you can put it on PC." *goes PC, makes a fortune on PC, the sequel sees release on PC much sooner than consoles*
The Witcher 3

I was into this game at first, especially all the investigative stuff in the early side missions and the griffin hunt. But my interest has really tapered off and I think I know why. In the next part of the game, after the griffin hunt, you're whisked off to this castle and asked a bunch of questions about past actions. Having never played the first two Witcher games, I had no clue who anyone was they referred to. What did you do in this scenario? Uh, I don't know, this, I guess? Is that the right answer? I don't know any of these people or whether the choices I made would've been my choices playing through the actual game.

And that's sort of an ongoing issue. I wanted to play through the first two before trying this one, but I grew tiresome of the first one too fast and not only uninstalled it, but refunded it. So now I'm lost as they introduce or reference seemingly important characters with little to no explanation for someone like myself that's going in blind.

Sadly, I can't refund it because I've already put in a lot more than 2 hours (because I was enthralled at first) and it's been longer than two weeks since I bought it.
The Witcher 3

I was into this game at first, especially all the investigative stuff in the early side missions and the griffin hunt. But my interest has really tapered off and I think I know why. In the next part of the game, after the griffin hunt, you're whisked off to this castle and asked a bunch of questions about past actions. Having never played the first two Witcher games, I had no clue who anyone was they referred to. What did you do in this scenario? Uh, I don't know, this, I guess? Is that the right answer? I don't know any of these people or whether the choices I made would've been my choices playing through the actual game.

And that's sort of an ongoing issue. I wanted to play through the first two before trying this one, but I grew tiresome of the first one too fast and not only uninstalled it, but refunded it. So now I'm lost as they introduce or reference seemingly important characters with little to no explanation for someone like myself that's going in blind.

Sadly, I can't refund it because I've already put in a lot more than 2 hours (because I was enthralled at first) and it's been longer than two weeks since I bought it.
I youtubed the story before playing Witcher 3, helped a lot.
I never played thr original witcher, just the 2nd one and that was enough
Also the 2nd one is awesome
Or you could do what Poe suggests
It's locked to 30fps. I notice that kind of stuff, especially in an actiony game.
Let's not pretend it wouldn't be locked if there was a port. :p The way some people talk about framerate, especially in multiplayer shooter games, it's becoming the modern equivalent to "it's the controller."

As for myself, I'm doing visceral attacks frequently this playthrough and I'm amazed I got through the game twice before without them. But since I'm doing an Arcane build, I need all the help I can get.

EDIT: Poe, if you want/need help with anything, let me know. I'm EvilEsc on PSN, can't recall if we're friends on there yet. It's always nice to have a second hunter when dealing with the gatling gun asshole in Old Yharnam.
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About a month into Persona 4 Golden (aced the midterms through actual memory instead of cheating like in the last Persona game). I really enjoyed the anime of the original game, but while the characters were fun there, here in the game where they have more time to breathe and have little conversations and relations, they feel much more like people. To the point that rewatching the anime now with my wife, they almost feel watered down there.

I appreciate that they didn't just copy Persona 3's mechanics with the shadow stuff. Not only does that keep this one fresh, but it means I'll still enjoy going back to Persona 3 someday without feeling like I'm playing a relic version of the sequel.
So, as you good folks may or may not know, I'll be going on a month-long road trip soon. Since games and books are heavy and luggage is expensive to haul around the world, I'll be pending part of my time with games on my phone. Hence, recommendation time. Bear in mind it's a Galaxy S5, not a tablet or a really big gaming product.
I'm going to just say "yes, I'll look into Carmaggeddon" to Gasbandit :p, and I'll probably pick up KOTOR. Which leads me to my second big question: does the mobile version need to be modded, are there huge problems with it,...?

Cheers :p

(and, I'm still just replaying Diablo III right now, to be relevant)
So, as you good folks may or may not know, I'll be going on a month-long road trip soon. Since games and books are heavy and luggage is expensive to haul around the world, I'll be pending part of my time with games on my phone. Hence, recommendation time. Bear in mind it's a Galaxy S5, not a tablet or a really big gaming product.
I'm going to just say "yes, I'll look into Carmaggeddon" to Gasbandit :p, and I'll probably pick up KOTOR. Which leads me to my second big question: does the mobile version need to be modded, are there huge problems with it,...?

Cheers :p

(and, I'm still just replaying Diablo III right now, to be relevant)
I'm very fond of ∞, a free "endless" puzzle game.
....And, ehm, how the heck do I enter that in the play store? :p
Open chrome, google "wikipedia infinity", copy the symbol off the article (long-press to select), then paste it into the play store's search.

Alternatively, open the play store, go to the games section, search for Loop, scroll until you see the infinity symbol.
Breath of Fire 3 was added to PSN today and I'd planned to buy that because even though I remember it as a rickety mistake I shouldn't have spent all my money on for my 13th birthday (though I did finish it, eventually) because everywhere I look, I see people praising what a great game it was. I wonder if maybe I'd like it more now as an adult.

Then I realized I could spend the same amount and get Final Fantasy Tactics PS1 version, so I did that instead because my head actually is screwed on right. Haven't played it yet--just let the menu music and demo scenes cycle with loving familiarity until past bedtime.
Breath of Fire 3 was added to PSN today and I'd planned to buy that because even though I remember it as a rickety mistake I shouldn't have spent all my money on for my 13th birthday (though I did finish it, eventually) because everywhere I look, I see people praising what a great game it was. I wonder if maybe I'd like it more now as an adult.

Then I realized I could spend the same amount and get Final Fantasy Tactics PS1 version, so I did that instead because my head actually is screwed on right. Haven't played it yet--just let the menu music and demo scenes cycle with loving familiarity until past bedtime.
My only issue with BoF3 that I can remember was how easy you could get locked into certain areas thanks to saving. The arena, for example, was a huge pain if you were underleveled.
My brother bought Rocket League, and since I was already thinking of getting it and I don't play many games with him anymore, I got it as well. Still trying to get the hang of it, finished a single player season on easy mode.
My only issue with BoF3 that I can remember was how easy you could get locked into certain areas thanks to saving. The arena, for example, was a huge pain if you were underleveled.
Glad to see I'm not the only one on here who played it.

I know I had fake issues with it back then because I would be comparing it to things like Final Fantasy VII (haha) and Chrono Trigger, but nowadays I am curious about the strange, desolate atmosphere and the existential journey the characters eventually go on.

But my real issues relate to yours--it was very easy to be underleveled because you'd need over 150 exp to level up in an area where each battle only gives out maybe 6 or 7 exp. You'd also usually be low on items because enemies don't give out much money to buy them either. I think they tried to balance this with the encounter rate being every few steps, but that just gets annoying and it seems running from fights is pretty common. So situations like getting stuck in the arena that way are almost expected. I don't remember too well, but I probably abused dragon form more often than not to get out of shitty situations like that.

I might still buy it just to see if I would like it more now--having it on-the-go + me being a more patient person could lead to me enjoying it more. Or it could lead to another Dark Souls 2 situation where I see many people loving the game and I want to feel the same, but just can't.
Glad to see I'm not the only one on here who played it.

I know I had fake issues with it back then because I would be comparing it to things like Final Fantasy VII (haha) and Chrono Trigger, but nowadays I am curious about the strange, desolate atmosphere and the existential journey the characters eventually go on.

But my real issues relate to yours--it was very easy to be underleveled because you'd need over 150 exp to level up in an area where each battle only gives out maybe 6 or 7 exp. You'd also usually be low on items because enemies don't give out much money to buy them either. I think they tried to balance this with the encounter rate being every few steps, but that just gets annoying and it seems running from fights is pretty common. So situations like getting stuck in the arena that way are almost expected. I don't remember too well, but I probably abused dragon form more often than not to get out of shitty situations like that.

I might still buy it just to see if I would like it more now--having it on-the-go + me being a more patient person could lead to me enjoying it more. Or it could lead to another Dark Souls 2 situation where I see many people loving the game and I want to feel the same, but just can't.
If you're having trouble with being low on items, the single best solution was to break out your bait and tackle and go fishing. Not only was it a great way to get healing items (including AP restoring ones when they are hard to get), you could also get good equipment from the Manillo vendors with your fish or just sell the fish for gold to buy other things you need.
i never visit the playstore on my phone. I always visit on my pc, and just push the app to my phone from the store.
I hear this often, but...How would I push anything from anywhere to my phone? What do you *mean* by that? Visit the store on my pc, buy it for my google account, then download it? What's the benefit? Get it on my Pc, then transfer it over a local network? Even if I'm logged in to the same google account on both devices, how do I "push" anything to download there? It's a phrase you hear more and more, and hey, here I can at least ask and just look like an idiot only to a small amount of people.


Staff member
I hear this often, but...How would I push anything from anywhere to my phone? What do you *mean* by that? Visit the store on my pc, buy it for my google account, then download it? What's the benefit? Get it on my Pc, then transfer it over a local network? Even if I'm logged in to the same google account on both devices, how do I "push" anything to download there? It's a phrase you hear more and more, and hey, here I can at least ask and just look like an idiot only to a small amount of people.
The google play store lets you log in on your google account on PC, then when you're looking at apps, it will list all the devices you have using that account that are compatible with that app. When you purchase the app, you can specify which device to install it on, and it will do so automatically.. unless you have your options set to not allow it to do so for some reason, but that's not the default. Or if your device currently is on cellular data instead of wifi, then it defaults to not installing until you're back on wifi.

It was all part of the update to "Google Play Services" that came down a few android versions ago. Google can now install/uninstall apps on your phone without user intervention. What a brave new world, eh?
I hear this often, but...How would I push anything from anywhere to my phone? What do you *mean* by that? Visit the store on my pc, buy it for my google account, then download it? What's the benefit? Get it on my Pc, then transfer it over a local network? Even if I'm logged in to the same google account on both devices, how do I "push" anything to download there? It's a phrase you hear more and more, and hey, here I can at least ask and just look like an idiot only to a small amount of people.
Nope...buy it on the play store. A list of my android devices pops up (my tablets, my phone, etc) and it says "Choose a Device". I click the one where I want the app to go, and boom, over on my phone (for instance) "Downloading xxx app" pops up in the status bar.

That's a screen shot straight from the Google Play web store, about to push Pandora onto my phone.[DOUBLEPOST=1455125239,1455125094][/DOUBLEPOST]
It was all part of the update to "Google Play Services" that came down a few android versions ago. Google can now install/uninstall apps on your phone without user intervention. What a brave new world, eh?
This functionality has been available for as long as I've owned an android phone.
There's a Stack Overflow message about it as far back as 2012.
Open chrome, google "wikipedia infinity", copy the symbol off the article (long-press to select), then paste it into the play store's search.

Alternatively, open the play store, go to the games section, search for Loop, scroll until you see the infinity symbol.
So, is it the one from Estoty Entertainment, from order of Chaos, or yet another one? Because I'm pretty sure one's a knock-off from the other, but I'm not sure which way it goes :p


Staff member
Nope...buy it on the play store. A list of my android devices pops up (my tablets, my phone, etc) and it says "Choose a Device". I click the one where I want the app to go, and boom, over on my phone (for instance) "Downloading xxx app" pops up in the status bar.

That's a screen shot straight from the Google Play web store, about to push Pandora onto my phone.[DOUBLEPOST=1455125239,1455125094][/DOUBLEPOST]

This functionality has been available for as long as I've owned an android phone.
There's a Stack Overflow message about it as far back as 2012.
Yeah, by "a few versions ago" I meant gingerbread.
The only BoF I haven't played is Dragon Quarter, which I hear is good if you don't try to compare it to the traditional BoF games before (basically the same mindset to really enjoy FFXII). Personally BoF is one of my favorite JRPG series, though, which is why Capcom still owning it is such a shame with this upcoming mobile nonsense.