What are you playing?

Completed another runthrough of XCOM, feel like I finally know what I'm doing now. Ironically, I'm probably in the best condition right now, mentally speaking, to give the Long War mod a shot, but unfortunately I'm rather burnt out on XCOM right now. Not sure what to play next.

Let's see... I have Witcher 1 and 2, Prototype 2, Tomb Raider, Bionic Dues, Darksiders 2, Prison Architect, Red Faction: Armageddon, Company of Heroes, Sniper Elite V2, Titan Quest... and I've also been meaning to do another runthrough of Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space 1 and 2, the Half-Life games, maybe play the DLC for Shadow of Mordor and Bioshock Infinite and Dishonored...

Y'know what, I think I'll just look at what the latest Skyrim mods are and start a new Skyrim character. Seems like the safest bet.


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When you get to 100 dwellers in Fallout Shelter, and there aren't any more rooms to unlock, and your ability to produce resources FAR outpaces demand to the point where you could easily send half your population into the wasteland to gather loot and still not deplete any supplies, an overseer's thoughts start to toy with ideas some might consider nefarious. Eugenics, maybe? Exile all the ugly people to the wastes and build a perfect society in both form and thought? Crank up the radio transmitter and see if you can bring every raider and deathclaw in at once? (Still not entirely clear on how radio broadcasts attract deathclaws, but that seems to be the consensus out there)...
Ahh Blood Bowl, I forgot what it was like to want to literally fist fight the person that invented dice.
I remember triple-skulling, rerolling and still ending up with skulls with Morg 'n Thorg and forfeiting the game right then and there. Board game, that is, not PC. though lord knows the FUMBBL dice are evil, too.
Failing to pick up the ball four turns in a row (using two rerolls) just caused me to quit the game outright, think about throwing my controller across the room and leave the computer room in a huff.
I remember triple-skulling, rerolling and still ending up with skulls with Morg 'n Thorg and forfeiting the game right then and there. Board game, that is, not PC. though lord knows the FUMBBL dice are evil, too.
Morg, like all star players, has loner, so he's going to fail 50% of all of his reroll attempts.

Hating probability is the normal first reaction to Blood Bowl. But it gets better.
Morg, like all star players, has loner, so he's going to fail 50% of all of his reroll attempts.

Hating probability is the normal first reaction to Blood Bowl. But it gets better.
Only thing I hate about blood bowl is the inability to skirmish against AI with your campaign team. I generally hate random online matchups.
Morg, like all star players, has loner, so he's going to fail 50% of all of his reroll attempts.

Hating probability is the normal first reaction to Blood Bowl. But it gets better.
I've played it plenty and left it for a reason. 1 in 6 is too high an amount of randomness for me; I still play it on live boards on occasion, but RNG hates me too much to play it on line and enjoy it. Double or triple skulls and similar - Treemen failing to bring down a hobbit, five orcs ganging up and failing to hit a single elf, losing seven players to one steamroller that doesn't get kicked off, star player mummies who lose movement so they can't get back up without Going For It and killing themselves by trying to stand up the very next match - those can be awesome moments in a RL board game, but they're nothing but frustration and annoyance in FUMBBL. And, though I honestly don't recall, I don't think Morg had Loner back in the day.
Only thing I hate about blood bowl is the inability to skirmish against AI with your campaign team. I generally hate random online matchups.
I'm not sure what you mean by campaign team, but Blood Bowl: Legendary/Chaos Edition and Blood Bowl 2 both allow you to create single player leagues with AI opponents. I do this a lot just to generate screenshots for a Blood Bowl article I write.

I've played it plenty and left it for a reason. 1 in 6 is too high an amount of randomness for me; I still play it on live boards on occasion, but RNG hates me too much to play it on line and enjoy it. Double or triple skulls and similar - Treemen failing to bring down a hobbit, five orcs ganging up and failing to hit a single elf, losing seven players to one steamroller that doesn't get kicked off, star player mummies who lose movement so they can't get back up without Going For It and killing themselves by trying to stand up the very next match - those can be awesome moments in a RL board game, but they're nothing but frustration and annoyance in FUMBBL. And, though I honestly don't recall, I don't think Morg had Loner back in the day.
That's fair, to each their own. None of the things you just mentioned bother me, because they're all pretty rare when you become proficient with the game. Or, if not rare, then at least not expected. 99% of the game is learning risk management, and how to best leverage your available options against that risk. Sometimes shit happens, players die, etc, you just roll with it, and if you've played well, then hopefully you are in a strong position where that failure does not kill your chance to win the game.
I'm not sure what you mean by campaign team, but Blood Bowl: Legendary/Chaos Edition and Blood Bowl 2 both allow you to create single player leagues with AI opponents. I do this a lot just to generate screenshots for a Blood Bowl article I write.
Blood Bowl 2 has a single player campaign. I guess it's their version of a tutorial. You don't get to keep that team.
I played for years and still play occasionally, dude. Your response boils down to "learn2play, n00b". That's not the point. I like it, I love the world around it, I just don't play it all that much because there's too much RNG shenanigans for my taste to seriously invest in it.

Seriously, again, you feel the need to shut me down and be downright rude to me. Yes, I wanted to vent the other day, you still had no reason to come down on me like that, and again I feel you're pretty much insulting me; this time I'm not even in a bad mood. I shared some silly stories about things that went wrong in my games, that I still remember, 5 or more years down the road - that's not a sign of "not caring" or "not liking the game". You don't need to insult me or defend it.
I played for years and still play occasionally, dude. Your response boils down to "learn2play, n00b". That's not the point. I like it, I love the world around it, I just don't play it all that much because there's too much RNG shenanigans for my taste to seriously invest in it.

Seriously, again, you feel the need to shut me down and be downright rude to me. Yes, I wanted to vent the other day, you still had no reason to come down on me like that, and again I feel you're pretty much insulting me; this time I'm not even in a bad mood. I shared some silly stories about things that went wrong in my games, that I still remember, 5 or more years down the road - that's not a sign of "not caring" or "not liking the game". You don't need to insult me or defend it.
I'm not insulting you, if I come across that way it's not at all my intent.
Well, I'm now in the second game of a league season as Chaos. First game against wood elves. They injured 4 of my team. Second game against high elves. They've injured 2 more and killed 1.

I have yet to even score a KO. I don't know what fucking alternate universe this is, but I hate it. I'm roleplaying the worst God damn Blood Bowl team ever. I'd like to think maybe I'm just a bad player, but I wouldn't know, since I only get about 1-2 chances to roll dice every round before double skulls shows it's face and I get to listen to the elf snicker soundbite that tickles my rage nerve further.

They also have like infinite rerolls (5). How do you have 5 God damn rerolls in game 2?

I just had to take a rage break after they killed my minotaur, or should I say, he killed himself, on my turn, attacking a lone high elf.
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Downloaded another Playstation 1 game I never played before, Front Mission 3. This is pretty cool. Took me until the third battle to realize I could choose the order my squad goes in. I like the leveling up of different aspects, or how disabling different parts affects the battle. Apparently one mech can punch another so hard that it ejects the pilot.

Oh Squaresoft, you were so amazing in the '90s.

On that note, I replayed Final Fantasy VII in my head and could remember nearly every beat, so I don't think I ever need to play it again. Need to consider if there are any other Final Fantasy games I might want before this 50% off sale ends, but it's hard when stuff like Front Mission 3 is way more engaging.
You want that commie discount on tenements and apartments way more. First you get commie aid,then you suck up to the US for trade. Though it depends on what Tropico you're playing, even though 3 and 4 are pretty much copies of one another, there are big differences in some subtleties like that.


Staff member
I don't know what the deal is with Fallout Shelter, but now playing it makes me worried for my phone. 20 minutes uses up 30% of my battery (went from 85% to 55% on my lunch break) and heats it up to branding-iron temperatures. My finger felt like it was almost scalded from pushing the power button to turn it off when I was done (that's the only non-screen part not covered by the otterbox, I'm sure the rest of it was just as bad underneath the empty space of the protector).
I don't know what the deal is with Fallout Shelter, but now playing it makes me worried for my phone. 20 minutes uses up 30% of my battery (went from 85% to 55% on my lunch break) and heats it up to branding-iron temperatures. My finger felt like it was almost scalded from pushing the power button to turn it off when I was done (that's the only non-screen part not covered by the otterbox, I'm sure the rest of it was just as bad underneath the empty space of the protector).
It's always been like that for me. Drains the battery like you wouldn't believe. It helps if you exit the application entirely when you're done playing, instead of just returning to your phone's desktop. (As in, use the in-game menu to save and quit)
Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that Blood Bowl just isn't for me. Getting my teeth pushed in because I don't actually get to play my turns out beyond watching myself roll a 6 sided skull dice against AI just isn't fun.

Tabletop with another person probably wouldn't bother me, I'm no stranger to shitty dice in Warhammer 40K, but by myself at a computer with no human interaction beyond me getting more and more irritated that elves are better at blocking, running, passing, KOing, injuring and killing my orcs just isn't fun.


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Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3

Yep, still almost reason enough to get a PS3 or PS4 if you don't own one. It's playing a good Indiana Jones game. One thing that I love about all three is the care the animators took in making Nate seem real. He has a wide variety of random animations and reactive animations. His running has variation in it. If you come to close to a wall, he puts out his hand sometimes. Bounces off of it with an oof if you're running. Fiddles with things. It all adds to the immersion factor. Ditto on the dialogue and the voice acting. They like to lampshade adventure movie tropes, too, which is fun.

On the negative side, the puzzles are easy, and the game impatiently gives you half the answer if it takes you more than a minute or two. Which is annoying because I like to thoroughly explore rooms before I solve puzzles.
Now I'm just trying to finish Fallout: New Vegas, but I'm getting to the point where I may walk away for a bit. I'm in position to take over the city, but I know damn well there's going to be another 80 hours of missions before the thing ends, and I want to play F.E.A.R. and Deadpool.

Also, I'm playing Yo-Kai Watch, but that's terribly difficult as I do not actually own the game or a 3DS, so I can only play when my son isn't. This is probably for the best, as he likes that he's the expert who's ahead of me in it. Nonetheless, I'm finding it terribly entertaining and well worth the time, and I know I won't be happy until I have a Cheeksqueek.
Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that Blood Bowl just isn't for me. Getting my teeth pushed in because I don't actually get to play my turns out beyond watching myself roll a 6 sided skull dice against AI just isn't fun.

Tabletop with another person probably wouldn't bother me, I'm no stranger to shitty dice in Warhammer 40K, but by myself at a computer with no human interaction beyond me getting more and more irritated that elves are better at blocking, running, passing, KOing, injuring and killing my orcs just isn't fun.
It's certainly not for everyone. If you ever feel masochistic enough to give it another try, though, I can point you to where you can find regular games against real people, and not the shitty random people you usually find online. These are specific shitty people, instead :p
Front Mission 3: I punched a guy out of his mech. Then his buddy punched me out of my mech. Then I stole his mech. Then I shot the mechless pilot. Then I tried making it back to my mech, but another mech caught up with me first. So I shot at it with my little pistol--and somehow this ejected the pilot. I had time to get back into my mech before he got back into his, and one of my other units shot his apart.

For the unit who just uses her shoulder-mounted missile launcher, I've given her two shields, because why not?

This game is great.