What are you playing?


Staff member
I'm not sure I understand how heredity works in fallout shelter.

I bred a male with SPECIAL 5555551 with a female who was also 5555551 (before any stat bonuses from gear), and the child ended up 2211312.



Staff member
What rotten luck.
Har. Yeah, I haven't unlocked the Game Room yet, so I can't raise the luck stat. That's gonna be a busy ass room in 8 or so more babies. But I was trying to get all my breeders up to 5 in every stat I could because I thought it would make for less training on the kids. I guess not!
I'm not sure I understand how heredity works in fallout shelter.

I bred a male with SPECIAL 5555551 with a female who was also 5555551 (before any stat bonuses from gear), and the child ended up 2211312.

You're obviously confusing Nature with Nurture.



Staff member
You're obviously confusing Nature with Nurture.

Actually, I took this course of action after reading about Fallout Shelter strategies - it is the game that supposedly confuses nature with nurture, as I they often commented that passing on trained characteristics isn't consistent with reality, but apparently that's what happens in the game. However, it doesn't seem to be happening to me.
A cross between :

Apollo Justice - Ace Attorney : 4th game of the series, on the 3rd case. Solid new start.

Life is Strange : Episode 2, very interesting, hot girls everywhere. I'm a bitch though.

Keeps me busy until you know what comes out this month and the next (Croft/XCom2)
Since it "officially" released now, I started up a new Darkest Dungeon save. I wonder how many hours I can get in my game this time before everyone drowns in their own despair.
That's a little fucked up.

And then Hyrule Warriors 3D runs like shit on ordinary 3DS apparently. If they want to encourage N3DS, just make N3DS exclusives instead of hampering 3DS releases.
I have a new 3ds and all I play is original DS games on it :p
I have a new 3ds and all I play is original DS games on it :p
That's how I was when I first got a 3DS. As for the N3DS, it's Nintendo's fault. Like I said in the random game thread, this year's 3DS stuff is so disconnected from my interest that I got a Vita.

And on that note ...

Persona 4 Golden: I never played the original game, but I watched the anime and played Persona Q, so that starting this up and seeing the characters/hearing the music ended up feeling like I'm replaying a game I liked. It's almost nostalgia, which is so strange. It'll be a nice experience this way.

I took a break from playing this for awhile. I don't know why because my god this game is brilliant. It really plays with its own medium, throwing you new curveballs all the time.

I can really see why it won so many Game of the Year awards last year.
XCOM: Enemy Within

I think I'm about to start the final mission? Just guessing from the pacing and preparation, but yeah.

This is my squad, consisting of 4 people currently in the room with me, plus a D&D buddy (the MEC) and my wife's twin. They're all initial characters.


Normal difficulty was way too easy. I didn't lose a single soldier, only scored A's and 1 B for ratings (I couldn't shoot down the first purple UFO because I was too slow getting the upgraded interceptors), EXALT was never an issue, I got complete satellite coverage (and I'm ending the game with 1-panic across the board), of my 20 soldiers 11 are colonels, 4-5 majors... Almost every colonel is either psychic and gene'd or a MEC, I maxed out the foundry and research, etc.

Going to restart on Classic, I hope it doesn't shit on me.

Well...I beat it. And now I don't know what to do. I know there are essentially more new game pluses after this, which change how the story is told.

Do I...

Go for the True Pacifist ending?

Or do I go on a murder spree with a Genocide run?

I'm afraid of doing the latter and screw up my game because in the end - I assume or hope in my third playthrough - that I can get a true, peaceful ending.

Advice from those who have made the trek through this game?

Well...I beat it. And now I don't know what to do. I know there are essentially more new game pluses after this, which change how the story is told.

Do I...

Go for the True Pacifist ending?

Or do I go on a murder spree with a Genocide run?

I'm afraid of doing the latter and screw up my game because in the end - I assume or hope in my third playthrough - that I can get a true, peaceful ending.

Advice from those who have made the trek through this game?
Do a Genocide next, then a True Pacifist, and then do a Genocide run again, both to clean the palate of all that huggy feely stuff, and also for the additional 2nd Genocide stuff.
XCOM: Enemy Within

I think I'm about to start the final mission? Just guessing from the pacing and preparation, but yeah.

This is my squad, consisting of 4 people currently in the room with me, plus a D&D buddy (the MEC) and my wife's twin. They're all initial characters.

View attachment 20276

Normal difficulty was way too easy. I didn't lose a single soldier, only scored A's and 1 B for ratings (I couldn't shoot down the first purple UFO because I was too slow getting the upgraded interceptors), EXALT was never an issue, I got complete satellite coverage (and I'm ending the game with 1-panic across the board), of my 20 soldiers 11 are colonels, 4-5 majors... Almost every colonel is either psychic and gene'd or a MEC, I maxed out the foundry and research, etc.

Going to restart on Classic, I hope it doesn't shit on me.
If you want a challenge, I highly highly recommend the long war mod. It's amazing, so much so that some of its additions were even included in X-Com 2.

Well...I beat it. And now I don't know what to do. I know there are essentially more new game pluses after this, which change how the story is told.

Do I...

Go for the True Pacifist ending?

Or do I go on a murder spree with a Genocide run?

I'm afraid of doing the latter and screw up my game because in the end - I assume or hope in my third playthrough - that I can get a true, peaceful ending.

Advice from those who have made the trek through this game?
If you complete a genocide run, it permanently taints your game and will change the pacifist ending. My advice is if you want to close out with a happy ending, do a genocide run up until a point, and then reset before the end and do a pacifist run
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Xenoblade Chronicles X can go fuck itself. And fuck Nintendo too, because they give other games a much harder time when it comes to bugs.

You can't quit missions in this game, and several of the Affinity missions have bugs where the next segment of the quest won't start. If that happens, you're fucked. Game's been out two months and this is still happening. After it happened to me ... I'm done.

Buuuut it gets even better. I decided to check out the rest of the story on Youtube and HOLY SHIT. I'm fucking stunned that they did this with the ending. Building up the goal and this big mystery over a lengthy open world game and then ...

It's a fucking cliffhanger.

Fuck this game. I revoke it's #3 of 2015 status. Undertale goes there now. Goddamn.


Staff member
Started playing Final Fantasy Explorers, and I imagine this was the development team's conversation:

Director: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to create the newest FF spinoff, and I'd like to hear some ideas to make this a unique, addictive experience.

Programmer: Um, what if we just copy Monster Hunter?

Director: Copy it how?

Programmer: I mean, borderline cloning. Big monsters to hunt, lots of resources to gather for crafting gear, a central village, different difficulty levels for missions marked by stars. Let's just go for it. The jobs system could basically be like MH weapons or something.

Director: Well that's...something, but it's not very...Final Fantasy.

Programmer: I dunno. Throw some Easter Eggs in and name a character Cid. Who really cares?

Director: Well, I'm sold. Yeah, let's do it!

So yeah, it's a less dense Monster Hunter. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but damn, did they really copy MH.
Started playing Final Fantasy Explorers, and I imagine this was the development team's conversation:

Director: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to create the newest FF spinoff, and I'd like to hear some ideas to make this a unique, addictive experience.

Programmer: Um, what if we just copy Monster Hunter?

Director: Copy it how?

Programmer: I mean, borderline cloning. Big monsters to hunt, lots of resources to gather for crafting gear, a central village, different difficulty levels for missions marked by stars. Let's just go for it. The jobs system could basically be like MH weapons or something.

Director: Well that's...something, but it's not very...Final Fantasy.

Programmer: I dunno. Throw some Easter Eggs in and name a character Cid. Who really cares?

Director: Well, I'm sold. Yeah, let's do it!

So yeah, it's a less dense Monster Hunter. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but damn, did they really copy MH.
I've heard it's more comparable to Phantasy Star Online, but I've never played it, so I too only see the Monster Hunter in it.


Staff member
I think part of the reason I didn't freak out and flip my shit as much as many of my peers did when Aeris died in FF7 is because I'd already had to watch
Nei die before my eyes in the Climate Control Center without being able to stop it, and then had to deal with the medics in town refusing to bring her back because she wasn't human.

That was a hell of a thing for a 10 year old to have to process.
I think it's a matter of firsts. I didn't flip out over Aeris, but I was stunned.

That said, no video game death has sucker punched me like the opening to The Last of Us. My wife and I were joking about how something bad was going to happen, "gee, I wonder what," and when the prologue ended, we both needed to take a few minutes break. That scene was more real than I was ready for. I didn't expect a character I'd known for all of ten minutes to put me in tears. Nothing else in the game got to me that emotionally.

Welp, I give up. I'm attempting a genocide run and got as far as Undyne.

She's impossible. I can't beat her. :(
Here's a decent step-by-step of the fight. If you can't beat Undyne, though, you're not gonna like what's left in the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1453928879,1453928842][/DOUBLEPOST]Please do keep trying, though, and murder every last one of them.
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Here's a decent step-by-step of the fight. If you can't beat Undyne, though, you're not gonna like what's left in the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1453928879,1453928842][/DOUBLEPOST]Please do keep trying, though, and murder every last one of them.
Undyne's ridiculousness is nothing on the final boss. That's why I suggested he reset; better to end it now than get to that point and see what a horrible situation you're in. That shit is just wrong.

I did not complete genocide mode myself, for what it's worth.