What are you playing?


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@Zero Esc Stella Glow is kind of a spiritual successor to the Luminous Arc games, which they also made. Those games weren't exactly known for their stories. Believe me on this one.
@Zero Esc Stella Glow is kind of a spiritual successor to the Luminous Arc games, which they also made. Those games weren't exactly known for their stories. Believe me on this one.
But the story's been the selling point for Stella Glow. Anywhere I see it praised, that's the element, and I can totally see it most of the time I'm playing, especially with how heavy the cutscene factor is. And it's a good thing too, because the gameplay is nothing to write home about. It's not a terrible tactical RPG, but it's for the most part basic as can be. This makes Vandal Hearts look like it has a deep system. Only the song magic makes it unique, which is an interesting story element, and a gameplay mechanic so broken that I abuse it nearly every battle.

The AI is really dumb too. I love enemies with lances. You can't counter them, but they'll happily drive their lance through their friends to get to you, even though the guy closer to the lance takes more damage :D.

So the story is pretty much the only reason I'm playing. I think they took a couple of tips from distributor Atlus, because there's Persona all over this thing, particularly the Free Time aspect that lets you socialize with other characters to gain minor benefits, and some story stuff later on that's definitely inspired by Shin Megami Tensei. It's an interesting story; it just flubs here and there.

If there's anything I can criticize without restraint, it's some of these character designs:


Why wear anything down there at all?

Rob Liefeld would be proud of how her breasts stretch toward her back to avoid showing a nipple, but still imitating showing the whole front.

Feast your eyes, otaku! They covered up the part that would use judging eyes on you from the pillow version.

People have defended it as not being Concepcion II-style waifu crap, and it's mostly not ... but sometimes it is. Especially when the Witches are keeping something to themselves, so the hero essentially takes them to a special room in the palace, minded by a scantily clad mistress who refers to the Witches as her flowers, the girls all dressed in ethereal white garb that NONE of them want to wear, and the mistress asks you "Is this the girl you desire?" when you select one, and then you pry open her subconscious to get at the stuff she doesn't want to talk about so your relationship can improve, and she gets some combat boosts.

... yeah, there's still some really dumb shit in this game. I'm nearing the end (I think). It's not the worst of them, but it's not exactly free of this crap either.
But the story's been the selling point for Stella Glow. Anywhere I see it praised, that's the element, and I can totally see it most of the time I'm playing, especially with how heavy the cutscene factor is. And it's a good thing too, because the gameplay is nothing to write home about. It's not a terrible tactical RPG, but it's for the most part basic as can be. This makes Vandal Hearts look like it has a deep system. Only the song magic makes it unique, which is an interesting story element, and a gameplay mechanic so broken that I abuse it nearly every battle.

The AI is really dumb too. I love enemies with lances. You can't counter them, but they'll happily drive their lance through their friends to get to you, even though the guy closer to the lance takes more damage :D.

So the story is pretty much the only reason I'm playing. I think they took a couple of tips from distributor Atlus, because there's Persona all over this thing, particularly the Free Time aspect that lets you socialize with other characters to gain minor benefits, and some story stuff later on that's definitely inspired by Shin Megami Tensei. It's an interesting story; it just flubs here and there.

If there's anything I can criticize without restraint, it's some of these character designs:


Why wear anything down there at all?

Rob Liefeld would be proud of how her breasts stretch toward her back to avoid showing a nipple, but still imitating showing the whole front.

Feast your eyes, otaku! They covered up the part that would use judging eyes on you from the pillow version.

People have defended it as not being Concepcion II-style waifu crap, and it's mostly not ... but sometimes it is. Especially when the Witches are keeping something to themselves, so the hero essentially takes them to a special room in the palace, minded by a scantily clad mistress who refers to the Witches as her flowers, the girls all dressed in ethereal white garb that NONE of them want to wear, and the mistress asks you "Is this the girl you desire?" when you select one, and then you pry open her subconscious to get at the stuff she doesn't want to talk about so your relationship can improve, and she gets some combat boosts.

... yeah, there's still some really dumb shit in this game. I'm nearing the end (I think). It's not the worst of them, but it's not exactly free of this crap either.
Those images don't bother me, because they just look japanese. I assume japanese art like that is going to be rather cringy.
Those images don't bother me, because they just look japanese. I assume japanese art like that is going to be rather cringy.
They don't get under my skin, but I roll my eyes. Especially when the middle one showed up, because of the Leifeld-iness.

Really the paragraph after that is more troublesome, but again, it's nowhere to the level of Concepcion II. I'm still surprised my wife wanted that game.


Staff member
I installed Fallout Shelter on my phone.

Fuckin radroaches man... tougher than raiders by several orders of magnitude. Had to burn 5 stimpacks and they still killed a half dozen people.
Wait until the deathclaw packs invade your face. Also make sure that any room that touches dirt has at least one person in it to keep roaches from spreading.


Staff member
Wait until the deathclaw packs invade your face. Also make sure that any room that touches dirt has at least one person in it to keep roaches from spreading.
Yeah, it got out of hand because the room they popped into first only had a couple pregnant women in it, and they ran of course, and before I could locate people to send there, they had spread to 3 adjacent rooms, two of which were size 3 and fully upgraded (I understand that roaches in upgraded rooms are tougher than ones in unupgraded rooms for some reason).
I'm pretty sure the Pope of the Wasteland isn't someone you want to let into the Vault unless you want to make some kind of religious compound.


Staff member
I'm pretty sure the Pope of the Wasteland isn't someone you want to let into the Vault unless you want to make some kind of religious compound.
Warren Jeffs is a real person.


A convicted life-sentence rapist and child molester, head of a polygamist cult.

Hence the WTF.

Also, there were stories that he hand picked people to breed, and thus men had to watch as their wives were raped by Jeffs' chosen "seed bearers."

Which, uh... could be a very squicky real life example of how babies are made in Fallout Shelter (you, the overseer, choose and put a man and a woman in the barracks and don't let them out until she is pregnant).

So a little "oooh that's.. problematic" reference to that game mechanic, too.
Warren Jeffs is a real person.


A convicted life-sentence rapist and child molester, head of a polygamist cult.

Hence the WTF.

Also, there were stories that he hand picked people to breed, and thus men had to watch as their wives were raped by Jeffs' chosen "seed bearers."

Which, uh... could be a very squicky real life example of how babies are made in Fallout Shelter (you, the overseer, choose and put a man and a woman in the barracks and don't let them out until she is pregnant).

So a little "oooh that's.. problematic" reference to that game mechanic, too.
I would say that's just a random name coincidence, but man, he's wearing religious garb too...
Stella Glow

Stop. With. The padding. I'm on the penultimate chapter and it's just faffing around. I don't need all this social link free time or stupid hot tub shenanigans, just get on to the climax.


Staff member

These games are almost reason enough to own a PlayStation. Really fun, almost like playing an adventure movie. The dialogue and cutscenes are fun.
Rented Deadpool PS4 from Redbox - like Transformers: Devastation, it's beatable in a day, no idea how much longer if you're a 100%er. It's a basic button masher, with weapon and ability upgrades (from earned in-game points), and earns its M-rating for language (think God of War, but sweary instead of bloody). If you played the last-gen version, it's the same game (maybe better graphics?).


Staff member
So I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas. I lasted all of 10 levels before I busted out the mods. First and foremost, I had to get an HD texture mod because holy oblivishit, batman.

Anyway, the very next mod I got was the one that lets you have multiple followers. That wasn't an issue until I met Veronica, when I was already leading Boone and ED-E around. I didn't want to miss out on building "friend" points or whatever with Boone to unlock his personal quests, but I also didn't want to leave Veronica behind either, and it felt very much like one of those situations where I could only really take one follower all the way through their quest in a playthrough unless I spent hours reading through spoilers on wikis so I'd know exactly who I need with me when, and I wasn't willing to do that. Sooo go go gadget mods!

Several nights later, here I am with Boone, ED-E, Veronica, Cass, Arcade, Rex AND a follower named Vanessa who was added in by another mod. And I still end up having to leave two of them at the hotel because the mod author warns that you can only ever have 6 followers max including plot followers, so I ended up having to leave Boone and ED-E behind anyway. But I've already finished ED-E's quest, so no worries there, and I'm concentrating on Rex's, so once that's done I can send Rex back to the hotel and pick up Boone again.

Oh, and because I'm the god damn Gas Bandit, you bet your ass I also installed the mod that turns Veronica into Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

If you are worried about "points" for characters, leave Rex and Cassidy behind. Both of their stories can be done whenever, as they don't have passive dialog and location flags like Boone, Veronica, Arcade, and ED-E.


Staff member
If you are worried about "points" for characters, leave Rex and Cassidy behind. Both of their stories can be done whenever, as they don't have passive dialog and location flags like Boone, Veronica, Arcade, and ED-E.
Good to know. A side effect of my huge party is that it trivializes 90% of encounters, unfortunately. The only times I ever seem to die is when Legion assassins show up, I die maybe 1 time out of 10 because one of them might actually get a lucky grenade toss in before they're gunned down en masse.

Oh, and it took me a few deaths to figure out the approach to Nellis, but that's probably normal.

Also this game irritates me with how often it locks up while loading a new area (spinning roulette wheel forever), and how often it won't load some saves from the main menu (I load up another save or start a new game, then I can load the save with no problems). Bethesda ftw.
For the infinite loading bug in New Vegas, I ended up installing CASM to deal with it. Doesn't eliminate or even reduce the problem, but at least it minimizes the pain caused.


Staff member
For the infinite loading bug in New Vegas, I ended up installing CASM to deal with it. Doesn't eliminate or even reduce the problem, but at least it minimizes the pain caused.
Well, I save often just out of habit, so it's not a big deal. I've yet to have a save be 100% unloadable. I've always been able to get back into them by starting a new game, skipping the opening cinematic, then hitting esc immediately and loading the game I want.
I've been swept into the Aurora 4x fever that has swept onto the feeds of a lot of the strategy YouTubers I watch. The spreadsheet game is a little Dwarf Fortress, with some sweet sweet Space 4x Distant Worlds-type epic'ness. I'm fascinated by this game though at times I'm totally lost and overwhelmed.
Also having binged watched The Last Kingdom on Netflix and starting Viking's, Crusader Kings II with the 867 AD start is glorious.


Staff member
Raiders break in to vault designed to withstand nuclear blast
Shoot up my cafeteria with lasers.
My food service industry workers return fire with sawed off shotguns.
Raiders die.
"Overseer, all we got from them was this single rusty .32 caliber pistol, equal in damage to our bare fists."
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Raiders break in to vault designed to withstand nuclear blast
Shoot up my cafeteria with lasers.
My food service industry workers return fire with sawed off shotguns.
Raiders die.
"Overseer, all we got from them was this single rusty .32 caliber pistol, equal in damage to our bare fists."
"So where did you guys find all those spare parts to fix the microwaves and ovens? And why do they run on energy cells now?"
That reminds me. Rooster Teeth did a Fallout episode of Immersion, and Meg Turney was one of the Raiders:

Michael and Gavin are at one point given the option to spare her or kill her. Gavin mumbles a bit, but I'm pretty sure he says something about "good breeding stock" before Michael caps her.


Staff member
That reminds me. Rooster Teeth did a Fallout episode of Immersion, and Meg Turney was one of the Raiders:

Michael and Gavin are at one point given the option to spare her or kill her. Gavin mumbles a bit, but I'm pretty sure he says something about "good breeding stock" before Michael caps her.
Michael got it right. No matter how enticing it may sound, or how fetching they may be, raiders would NOT be good breeding stock. There's a lot of radiation out there, and it's all too easy to get non-lethal doses that don't show up as visible concerns until decades later, but will still give you offspring with the wrong number of appendages in the meantime. The best babymakers always come from the vaults.
Michael got it right. No matter how enticing it may sound, or how fetching they may be, raiders would NOT be good breeding stock. There's a lot of radiation out there, and it's all too easy to get non-lethal doses that don't show up as visible concerns until decades later, but will still give you offspring with the wrong number of appendages in the meantime. The best babymakers always come from the vaults.
Yeah, Gavin doesn't think things through. And he is Meg's boyfriend, so he kind of had to make a case for her.