What are you playing?

Except for the parts where I spent ten minutes trying to figure something out by searching YouTube, and then we realized we were dumb. Kind of like Portal.

Yeah, but the ventrilo dialog, as noted by Ash, was top shelf. He didn't even quote the best line of the night!
Well, that's why Twitch wouldn't work. It's too bad someone with a bunch of video editing software couldn't be bothered to get off the couch and use it though, amirite?


Staff member
Well, that's why Twitch wouldn't work. It's too bad someone with a bunch of video editing software couldn't be bothered to get off the couch and use it though, amirite?
We played for like 4 hours! What am I, made of hard drive space?


Staff member
Considering that I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have needed 60fps 1080p for that game, yes.
Hrm, well, that's a good point.

You know what I ought to do? Grab a bunch more gift copies of The Ship while it's on sale for a dollar, and we should arrange a night for an all-halforums edition.


Staff member
I'd contribute $10 to that :)
Last week, Dei, Myself, Terrik and Ashburner all tried it out. It was pretty fun but we need more people. We had to play with randos, and they were of varying quality. Otherwise, if you've only got 4 people playing, it just turns into deathmatch because there's a 66% chance you're in the clear to kill whoever you see. If we got 8 or 10 players, it becomes more of a challenge. If I could, I'd like to set up my own server for it, and increase the penalty for killing the wrong person, like, instant arrest or $10k fine or something, just to force people to verify their targets and be more cautious... and not Terrik the place to hell and back.[DOUBLEPOST=1451323610,1451323501][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd contribute $10 to that :)
Well, just buy yourself a copy for a dollar and get on my friends list :p
Last week, Dei, Myself, Terrik and Ashburner all tried it out. It was pretty fun but we need more people. We had to play with randos, and they were of varying quality. Otherwise, if you've only got 4 people playing, it just turns into deathmatch because there's a 66% chance you're in the clear to kill whoever you see. If we got 8 or 10 players, it becomes more of a challenge. If I could, I'd like to set up my own server for it, and increase the penalty for killing the wrong person, like, instant arrest or $10k fine or something, just to force people to verify their targets and be more cautious... and not Terrik the place to hell and back.[DOUBLEPOST=1451323610,1451323501][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, just buy yourself a copy for a dollar and get on my friends list :p
Please, Ashburner was the real "Terrik" that evening.


Staff member
Please, Ashburner was the real "Terrik" that evening.
Oh no, I quite remember you spraying down every single person you saw with tommy gun fire, regardless of the possible fine for being wrong and the fact that after the first kill the gun only gave you $100 a pop.

I've been looking into it, though, and apparently the option to add bots to a server is a thing, too, so that could liven things up when there are only a few of us to play, too.[DOUBLEPOST=1451327521,1451327451][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd already bought a copy. I was just about to send you a message and ask what your steam name was, and then went "d'oh" when it occurred to me ;)
Yep. I'm the damn GasBandit.
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For the most part, I would try to confirm my targets... which usually resulted in someone instantly bludgeoning me to death because the penalty for being wrong is so low.
Fortunately I have discovered the "wrong target" penalty is also server configurable.
Got the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition for Christmas. I just started it last night, so I don't have much to say other than it's supposed to take place 2 years after the events in DAI. All of the companions are there, except one in particular who is supposed to show up later in the game. From what I've read it does a decent job of tying up loose ends, but it sounds like it's really short.
Damn it, Bioware! I hate you and love you so much!
2015 seems to be my time for enjoying games that reviewers shit on. I bit the bullet on getting Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains while it's sale priced at $20 on the eshop, and I'm loving it. It makes you feel part of this world, and while the controls take some getting used to, the fights against Titans can go from simple to harrowing. Escaping from a half-dozen abnormal/aberrant Titans on horseback is creepy, but having to fight that many in a narrow street while protecting injured soldiers is crazy.

The story mode is crap and I can't believe they sold that alone as a game in Japan. World mode is something else entirely, the "real game" in this.
Because of you guys, I picked up Dark Souls 2 yesterday. Damn this game is tough.[DOUBLEPOST=1451585994,1451585727][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I can't believe I have to go online to look up how to level up. :confused:

I'm hoping that's the only thing I'll be tempted to research.
I was super on the fence about Rocket League but finally bit the bullet with the last sale. Fuck, I really like this game. I think I'm half decent at it too, though I'm still leveling and haven't tried ranked so that might change. Games are short enough that losing one doesn't feel as bad as losing a game of LoL, my current go to.
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I was super on the fence about Rocket League but finally bit the bullet with the last sale. Fuck, I really like this game. I think I'm half decent at it too, though I'm still leveling and haven't tried ranked so that might change. Games are short enough that losing one doesn't fell as bad as losing a game of LoL, my current go to.
Have you learned how to fly yet? For me, that's when the game really changed, when I was managing to successfully fly through the air.
Demon's Souls is really good. It's not Dark Souls--feels more like Bloodborne in a few ways. But it's really good. I've learned the mechanical differences in large part and I'm having fun checking out the different environments from the Nexus. Shadow world feels very Dark Souls-y, in amount of souls gained and in how the enemies act, until the giant flying demon stingrays shoot shadow icicles at me.[DOUBLEPOST=1451706086,1451705901][/DOUBLEPOST]
Undetale..... it's amazing. It's like Earthbound... but BETTER. *gasp*
Oh man ... you have no idea.
Have you learned how to fly yet? For me, that's when the game really changed, when I was managing to successfully fly through the air.
I mean, I've figured out the mechanics of how to do it. Aiming at anything meaningful is a whole other story right now when I do manage to get it to work.
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Staff member
Dei and I tried out some other co-op games, once we finished with Portal 2.

We played Dungeons of the Endless, which has a really sharp learning curve. It's difficult to get started on, but once you learn the (very non-intuitive) basics of how to play, it makes for a very interesting combination Rogue-like RPG with tower defense elements. Basically, you play a survivor of a crashed prison ship, and you have to make your way through 12 floors of randomly generated rooms to get to safety. The "dungeon" takes the form of a dilapidated giant ship, whose interiors have gone to decay. You have a power crystal which will allow you to restore power to rooms so that you can build defenses and resource generators in them, but you never have enough to power the entire map. The unpowered rooms can spawn waves of enemies which will try to destroy you and your power crystal, which you must defend. Once you find the exit to the next floor, one of you has to carry the crystal there, which triggers constant waves of enemies to start spawning, and the other people in your group have to help defend you (since you move slowly carrying the crystal) with the aid of whatever defenses you have built along the route in order for you all to reach the exit to the next floor and escape. Very difficult, very unforgiving, but an interesting challenge and good co-op for up to 4 players.

We played Hammerwatch. If this was the early 90s, I'd have been very impressed with hammerwatch. Like Dungeons of the Endless, it's a pixelart affair, but the controls in Hammerwatch are very clunky. You move with WASD and arrow keys trigger your attacks (but only in the direction you are facing - "up" is your basic attack, "left is a special attack, etc, so it's not like Smash TV or Berserk where you can move one way while shooting another). It borrows a lot from Gauntlet with multiple character classes traversing a top down dungeon to try to reach an exit, but the UI keeps getting in the way of the game, really. This one needs some serious refinement before I can recommend it.

We played Space Farmers... which is... uh... an experience. A simple, clean 2 player co-op game involving solving button puzzles and shooting aliens with laser weapons and exploding potatoes. Feels like a good game to play with a young relative.
Busy on Arkham Asylum. So I picked this up a long time ago at some sale, and having finished Shadow of Mordor relatively recently, which is supposedly pretty much the same game play, I started this. Now, I know it's not fair to compare games 4 years apart, but....Pffffft. Sorry. I'm about a quarter of the way through (well, I'm at 22% completed, but that takes into account collectibles and DLC and such, I assume. I'm in the mansion, looking for Dr Young.). So far, SoM is by far the more pleasant experience.
The controls are consoley on both, but in SoM at least I could rebind keys! Ugh! There are games from the eighties that allowed rebinding, not allowing it is horribly cheap. Lucky the Windows keyboard layout changes work in-game, or it'd be impossible to play. As is, I just have to remember what button's where. A problem SoM had as well, is also the double use of keys. Why the FFFF are you using the same key for 4 or 5 different things that can all be done at the same time? No, I don't want to start slowly aiming a batarang in the middle of combat, thanks, I want to block. A controller may have limited keys, my keyboard does not. Some double-ups are useful or logical, most are not.
Batman's slow, ponderous, and barely responsive. The story's good so far - nothing surprising in the least, but serviceable, and I like this Joker so far. It's incredibly linear, though. One of the things I really liked about SoM was the possibility to roam around, do some side quests here, go look for collectibles there, beat some guys up yonder, then come back and continue the main quest. This game hasn't allowed me to go anywhere, anytime, or do anything useful outside of just following the rails. Sigh. I thought the Arkham games allowed more free roaming, but perhaps that's only in the later ones? I know, it was the first one from the series, so the game play will evolve and such.
And something else that I just personally hate - no saving. Not because I'm such a save scummer - haven't really needed it so far, and most ways you can die have either an instant retry button or an "escape" button - but I want to be able to stop playing when and where I want, and pick it back up. Blegh. Another personal hang up are the multitude of man-sized ventilation shafts. I know it's a staple and "just one of those things", but let me assure you, at least in Belgium, having been in the innards of lots and lots of old and big buildings - vents don't work that way. Even if they're big enough, which is incredibly rare, they can't hold a person. I'm fine if it comes up once or twice but every. step. of. the. way. I run into closed doors, and every. time. the solution is to find the nearest grate and start yet another vent hop. It's boring and repetitive and, yes, in a game about Batman and an asylum on an island, unrealistic.

It's certainly not a horrible game, but so far, not exactly impressed. SoM, critized oh so much by so many people who love the Arkham games, did a whole lot of things a heck of a lot better in my opinion.
Paint me with the casual brush, but Lara Croft Go may be the best mobile game ever made. What a gorgeous little puzzle game.
I thought the Arkham games allowed more free roaming, but perhaps that's only in the later ones? I know, it was the first one from the series, so the game play will evolve and such.
Arkham City is where you want to be. But even that doesn't have as much openness as Shadow of Mordor.


Staff member
Got the family a PS4 for Christmas, and I tried Destiny. It's not bad, and less a Borderlands knock-off than the commercials made it look. Reminds me more of WoW than Borderlands in fact.
Got the family a PS4 for Christmas, and I tried Destiny. It's not bad, and less a Borderlands knock-off than the commercials made it look. Reminds me more of WoW than Borderlands in fact.
Some of the folks at work Just Won't Shut Up about it, so I suppose it's entertaining if you're the sort who enjoys grinding for gear.

Realized I'd fucked up my stats in Demon's Souls but unlike Dark Souls, you have a way of undoing this--lose your levels.

So now I'm at 4-2, invading the same guy again and again, and then throwing myself off the cliff. If I do this 19 times, I'll lose 19 levels and bring my Dex back down to a reasonable point (along with my Endurance :( ) so I can then level up 16 times AGAIN and redistribute those stats to better places, because I apparently hate myself.

Fortunately there's some easy excellent grinding to be done at 4-2, but I feel like a chump even doing all this in the first place. I'm going to be a lower level than when I started earlier today.