What are you playing?

World of Warships. A friend of mine got hooked, I watched him play it for a while, I gave it a try... and now I'm hooked. Even though I suck at it.
Unravel and Shovel Knight at the moment. I'd really like to grab Wasteland 2 sometime since you guys gave an impression that Fallout 4 is somewhat mediocre. I have to get my fix somehow. :cool:
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I'm hoping they decide to re-bundle the game at some point, because I want to get them all at once and not have to cram games into my 3DS's teeny-tiny drivespace.


Staff member
Oh, you'll still hear her, though.

Heh, nah, man, Ventrilo's been a ghost town since XCOM 2 came out. Terrik popped by once or twice when he was drunk out of his mind and looking to play Supreme Commander, and sometimes Ashburner hops in while he Mechwarriors, but most nights I'm AWWL BAHHH MAHHH SEEEHHEEHEHHHLF

I've actually been in bed earlier ever since my sleep schedule shifted from my parents being in town. But yeah, now I'm even less likely to be around at night, unless I have a reason to be. ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1455918730,1455918690][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm hoping they decide to re-bundle the game at some point, because I want to get them all at once and not have to cram games into my 3DS's teeny-tiny drivespace.
That's why I have a 32gb memory card in mine. ;)
That isn't in the English version. Still mad. But it is an accurate representation of me playing Classic Hard on the Conquest path.
I thought it was still present for S-rank.

But gotcha, I've heard Conquest is kinda hellish and has people switching over to Birthright.
I thought it was still present for S-rank.

But gotcha, I've heard Conquest is kinda hellish and has people switching over to Birthright.
It might be, not sure.

Also, I am a masochist. There are plenty of warnings that Conquest is harder, but I am determined.
Steam popped up a thing asking if I wanted to be in Tom Clancy's The Division beta. I've heard mixed things about that game, but I thought sure, I'll give the beta try, why not.

30gb download later, I go to try to play it, and I've been suckered into using Uplay. God fucking dammit.
Steam popped up a thing asking if I wanted to be in Tom Clancy's The Division beta. I've heard mixed things about that game, but I thought sure, I'll give the beta try, why not.

30gb download later, I go to try to play it, and I've been suckered into using Uplay. God fucking dammit.
The spider is Ubisoft.

So, Chroma Squad is pretty fantastic.

Chroma Squad is a pixel-art tactical rpg where you control a team of 5 stuntmen who are putting together their own studio to create a power-rangers style sentai show. You manage your company, build robots and props out of cardboard and duct tape, and then film episodes which act as tactical battle missions, complete with your team able to do combo moves and acrobatics, as well as signature finishers.

Bloodborne: On the first DLC boss and fuck.

I mean, fuuuuuuck.

Like, shit-damn fuck. Like, Christ what an asshole. Really just shit holy hell.

I only even made it to the second phase three times out of ... I don't know. 30? Maybe more. I almost had him dead in the second time I reached second phase, but that first phase is just so violent. I'm gonna have to break from him and head to the Upper Cathedral for hijinks so I can buy Beast Blood Pellets and maybe get an edge on this thing. Really don't want to ask for help or summon NPCs as distractions.
Been playing the Shadow Warrior reboot, and outside of enemies being bullet sponges, it's fun. Feels like the old-school FPS games, when you'd spend a few minutes after killing everything in the room looking for secret doors and paths. I also enjoy the callbacks to the original game sprinkled throughout.
Why can't I stop playing XCOM? I'll finish a long grueling campaign, watch the final cutscene, think back on how exhausting that was, and then immediately start a new game. Seriously, this is bizarre. Never have I ever played any other game with such fervor. I've tried playing other stuff, but I keep going back to XCOM. I'm on playthrough number five right now, and I have no intention of stopping.

Also, punching aliens with MECs never gets old.
Why can't I stop playing XCOM? I'll finish a long grueling campaign, watch the final cutscene, think back on how exhausting that was, and then immediately start a new game. Seriously, this is bizarre. Never have I ever played any other game with such fervor. I've tried playing other stuff, but I keep going back to XCOM. I'm on playthrough number five right now, and I have no intention of stopping.

Also, punching aliens with MECs never gets old.
I'm assuming you've already done the long war
Don't feel bad, bhamv. I did the same thing, pretty much played it four times in a row (switching to Enemy Within in between) until I burnt out on it.
Don't feel bad, bhamv. I did the same thing, pretty much played it four times in a row (switching to Enemy Within in between) until I burnt out on it.
This is why I really think he should play the long war. Because it is amazing, and really revitalizes the game, but it's not something you'll want to do if you're burnt out on Xcom
This is why I really think he should play the long war. Because it is amazing, and really revitalizes the game, but it's not something you'll want to do if you're burnt out on Xcom
I did the Long War on my final playthrough, and while it was cool, it was the point where I'd had enough of a good thing. So I agree, it's worth doing.