What are you playing?

I felt like I was burnt out after my first playthrough, actually. And then less than twenty four hours later, there I was again, cursing at my troops for missing 70% shots.

I'll definitely get Long War, just reading about it is getting me psyched. But for now... just one... more... turn...
Hahahaha, oh god, why did I compare these numbers.

(Time played per session is an irrelevant number because I close my 3ds with the game open, which makes it all part of the same session)
How's the story?
I like the Nohr story, can't speak for Hoshido yet, but @Terrik could. I am chomping at the bit to play Revelations, but I am making myself play through both other ones first. (And yes, having the special edition means I don't have to wait until March 10)
I like the Nohr story, can't speak for Hoshido yet, but @Terrik could. I am chomping at the bit to play Revelations, but I am making myself play through both other ones first. (And yes, having the special edition means I don't have to wait until March 10)
I think that's what you're supposed to do. I'm curious if it's going to be a Shin Megami Tensei-style True Neutral route, or if it'll bring back the timelines stuff from Awakening to tackle both Hoshido and Nohr versions of events.
I think that's what you're supposed to do. I'm curious if it's going to be a Shin Megami Tensei-style True Neutral route, or if it'll bring back the timelines stuff from Awakening to tackle both Hoshido and Nohr versions of events.
Yeah, I heard to play Revelations last. Otherwise I would have probably played it first.
Oh look, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow released on Virtual Console for my 3ds yesterday.





Good thing my daughter still hasn't found HER 3ds, or I'd have to buy her one, then get one for myself to trade with her. -_-
Oh look, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow released on Virtual Console for my 3ds yesterday.





Good thing my daughter still hasn't found HER 3ds, or I'd have to buy her one, then get one for myself to trade with her. -_-
Now I'm seeing like three months down the line, "Hunny, I know you've been focusing on your homework and that's great, but I need you to start putting more work into your Pokemon. Every time I try and trade with your account for rares, you've still got nothing but Pidgeoto, Charizard, and Zubat."
Bloodborne: This fucking boss.

I don't know why I'm so hellbent on beating it by myself. I've had other, lesser bosses where I decided "I'll ask for help this time and beat it on my own the next run." So why one of the toughest bosses in the game am I this stubborn? I think probably because I came really close to beating it once, so I feel like I can do it if I just keep torturing myself.
So much Binding of Isaac Afterbirth.

I've unlocked like half of the stuff so far. Getting 1000 coins in Greed was a monster pain. If I hadn't stumbled onto the knowledge that the glowing timepiece lets you redo the fight and plunk more coins into the machine after it jams, I might've just stopped there. Ultra Greed was easy after I got the Dr. Fetus power earlier.
Gave in, asked for help with first DLC boss in Bloodborne. I think next run I can get him, but I'll need a different build and different weapon.

Ah well, the DLC's story has really picked up now. I mean, it's the usual amount of story in a Souls game--two lines of dialogue and an environment loaded with details. But if familiar with the main Bloodborne story, this new area is rich with revelation. I wonder what other secrets are hidden between here and the DLC's end.
So uhhh, I wanted X-Com 2 but don't have the time cycles these days.

Heard it is buggy so I downloaded a torrent copy of it to test it out.






I just played 6 hours straight.

It's awesome.... and a little buggy.

Patches should fix this... now I need to stop playing it, I have shit to do.
Goddamn cardinal sin of FPS games, Shadow Warrior.


You were doing so well, then you throw in fucking platforming on a precarious mountainside. Stop that.
sucked back into playing Gnomoria.

Lotta changes since last time, but primarily you can now build automatons/golems, and if you wall yourself in, goblin tunnelers open a hole to your kingdom. So you can't escape fighting unless you play on peaceful mode.

So, this is how I deal with that...



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sucked back into playing Gnomoria.

Lotta changes since last time, but primarily you can now build automatons/golems, and if you wall yourself in, goblin tunnelers open a hole to your kingdom. So you can't escape fighting unless you play on peaceful mode.

So, this is how I deal with that...

That's kinda similar to how I had my city set up, only instead of a training area, I had a series of pressure switches and trap doors with 15 story falls below them. Then, on the opposite side of the map from the entrance, I built an "inn" outside the wall where the merchant stalls are all inside and upstairs, complete with bedrooms and food/drink stockpiles, and then I had a mechanical wall "airlock" around it so that I could periodically send someone to restock or pick up what I bought, but otherwise mostly it was open to the outside. Because it wasn't on the path to the inside of my fortress, and because any merchants in residence were safely out of line of sight, no merchants were ever killed by enemies, and they never tried to get through the trapped 'main' entrance.
Took me CONSTANT saves, but I finally got a relatively accurate reconstruction of Road America on HTR+ Slot Car Simulation. It's challenging enough that you can't just floor it through all the curves, but not where you're cursing every time you make a mistake.

The track editor/builder - the one part of the game that should be the most fun - is the buggiest of them all. And I have a feeling that because the producer only made this as a port from a tablet game, they ain't gonna address it anytime soon.

I've been playing Super Hot. An amazing puzzle game in the form of a John Woo style spectacle shooter. It may appear as a first person shooter, but every level is actually a puzzle, where you discover how to take down your enemies against overwhelming odds. Time only moves when you move, so you can be perfectly meticulous about every action. Shoot one guy, throw your gun at a second, grab the gun out of the air that the first guy was dropping, etc. The story is also weird and trippy.
Needed a Fire Emblem break, and since I'm already a total Harvest Moon junkie, I started playing Stardew Valley. Good lord between FE and this, I won't need a new game for awhile.
Needed a Fire Emblem break, and since I'm already a total Harvest Moon junkie, I started playing Stardew Valley. Good lord between FE and this, I won't need a new game for awhile.
I'm fighting the urge to buy Stardew now, but it's really hard. I love Harvest Moon. :(
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Meh. There was a time I could live in video games. Not anymore. They all feel kind of the same now, and nothing absorbs me.


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Turns out Harem Collector is a pretty engrossing old school console RPG. It's too bad it isn't finished, and a lot of its content is... really problematic. I mean, I'm no Charlie, but oh my god rape culture.
My biggest irritation with Fire Emblem, which I have bitched about to Terrik already, is that there is a character that is a very blatant lesbian, but she can only S Rank with guys. It makes me ragey. I paired her with the guy who dresses like a woman because it was the closest I could get. :/