What are you playing?

The only BoF I haven't played is Dragon Quarter, which I hear is good if you don't try to compare it to the traditional BoF games before (basically the same mindset to really enjoy FFXII). Personally BoF is one of my favorite JRPG series, though, which is why Capcom still owning it is such a shame with this upcoming mobile nonsense.
Something to consider about Dragon Quarter: most of the same team went on to make Dead Rising, which also has a very similar "expect to fail a few times but you still get stronger for next runs regardless" game play style. It's still an interesting idea but yes, expect to ether die or use too much Dragon Power during your run the first few times.
Something to consider about Dragon Quarter: most of the same team went on to make Dead Rising, which also has a very similar "expect to fail a few times but you still get stronger for next runs regardless" game play style. It's still an interesting idea but yes, expect to ether die or use too much Dragon Power during your run the first few times.
Yeah, I just remember it getting shit on pretty hard, similar to what happened to FFXII initially, until years later when people realized they were looking at it all wrong. Both games deviated from the norms of their respective series, and ended up more cult hits than mainstream successes like previous entries.
If you're having trouble with being low on items, the single best solution was to break out your bait and tackle and go fishing. Not only was it a great way to get healing items (including AP restoring ones when they are hard to get), you could also get good equipment from the Manillo vendors with your fish or just sell the fish for gold to buy other things you need.
I keep forgetting about the fishing mini-game. I actually did enjoy that.

Eh, what the hell. I got $70 in Gamestop store credit to burn through and I've spent more than $10 on worse stuff.[DOUBLEPOST=1455147316,1455147254][/DOUBLEPOST]
The only BoF I haven't played is Dragon Quarter, which I hear is good if you don't try to compare it to the traditional BoF games before (basically the same mindset to really enjoy FFXII). Personally BoF is one of my favorite JRPG series, though, which is why Capcom still owning it is such a shame with this upcoming mobile nonsense.
It's mobile? I thought they were making a real game.


Staff member
The google play store lets you log in on your google account on PC, then when you're looking at apps, it will list all the devices you have using that account that are compatible with that app. When you purchase the app, you can specify which device to install it on, and it will do so automatically.. unless you have your options set to not allow it to do so for some reason, but that's not the default. Or if your device currently is on cellular data instead of wifi, then it defaults to not installing until you're back on wifi.

It was all part of the update to "Google Play Services" that came down a few android versions ago. Google can now install/uninstall apps on your phone without user intervention. What a brave new world, eh?
Want to get really trippy? Steam can install games on your desktop from your phone! Were I so inclined, I could buy a game while I'm out, and have it installed and ready to play by the time I got home.


Staff member
Want to get really trippy? Steam can install games on your desktop from your phone! Were I so inclined, I could buy a game while I'm out, and have it installed and ready to play by the time I got home.
I've used that before, but they don't have the kinks out of it entirely. For example, if your library has two install locations, it usually installs to the one you don't want :p
Man, that 40K multiplayer shooter Eternal Crusade is looking really, really promising. Been watching some of the early access footage. If it gets some of it's technical issues fixed, I could see myself actually playing that one.

Oh, and I just picked up Divinity: Original Sin in the Lunar New Year sale. It's pretty fun so far. I lost an argument with my own character and ended up blowing us up.


Staff member
Man, that 40K multiplayer shooter Eternal Crusade is looking really, really promising. Been watching some of the early access footage. If it gets some of it's technical issues fixed, I could see myself actually playing that one.

Oh, and I just picked up Divinity: Original Sin in the Lunar New Year sale. It's pretty fun so far. I lost an argument with my own character and ended up blowing us up.
Are you playing the enhanced edition? Dei and I played through twice in co-op (once in the standard edition, once in enhanced), the enhanced edition has a much better final chapter.


Staff member
Jesus, the first town in Divinity is MASSIVE. It's like never ending.
By the end of this, you'll never want to hear the phrase "Let's see... Halibut. Tomatoes. Sheep's cheese." ever again. You'll hear it in your sleep. And cheese puns. Lots and lots of cheese puns.
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Reactions: Dei
By the end of this, you'll never want to hear the phrase "Let's see... Halibut. Tomatoes. Sheep's cheese." ever again. You'll hear it in your sleep. And cheese puns. Lots and lots of cheese puns.
One of the "Tales of" games had this problem. I think it was Xillia.

One of the "Tales of" games had this problem. I think it was Xillia.

It expands even outside RPGs. "Be strong! Strong like Saladin!"

Restarted Bloodborne. Arcane build is garbage. I need speedy weapons and Skill stat all the way. Unfortunately this game just doesn't support the level of build diversity you can get in the Souls games, but it's okay, because I still enjoy the dex stuff.
It expands even outside RPGs. "Be strong! Strong like Saladin!"

Restarted Bloodborne. Arcane build is garbage. I need speedy weapons and Skill stat all the way. Unfortunately this game just doesn't support the level of build diversity you can get in the Souls games, but it's okay, because I still enjoy the dex stuff.
If you want to do Arcane AND Skill, then Blades of Mercy are a good choice because it scales off both. However, any time you stick an elemental jewel in a weapon, it scales from Arcane (as long as it's not already a split damage type weapon), which is something to consider if you have a certain fast weapon you like.
If you want to do Arcane AND Skill, then Blades of Mercy are a good choice because it scales off both. However, any time you stick an elemental jewel in a weapon, it scales from Arcane (as long as it's not already a split damage type weapon), which is something to consider if you have a certain fast weapon you like.
Trouble is, Arcane doesn't really kick well until you get it to 25, and plowing points into that can leave other things underdone. I usually ignore vitality in Dark Souls, but having only 12 late in Bloodborne, you can really feel every mistake. Probably the best way to do an Arcane build is to ignore Arcane until the point where you can actually use it, then build from there. It means you're only using it for part of the game, but that's better than what I did. Would be nice to someday see the game's few spells in action.
Goddamnit FFXIV I haven't gotten paid yet, I can't afford to give you money even when you throw Atma Weapon music, Calcabrena and a fucking GOBLIN MEGAZORD at me.

Finished my first playthrough of Consortium. I would be pretty annoyed if I had paid for this game, as it feels more like a tech demo or a worldbuilder's elevator pitch, rather than a game.

Spoilers below, not that you should care.

For starters, apparently this game is a little piece in a very big amount of lore, characters, and history--not that the game bothers telling me that until about 90% of the way through it. Here's some questions:
  • How the fuck am I supposed to know there's an A.R.G. that provides background for what's going?
  • Why is there no "hey, here's what's going on" other than extremely clumsily designed exposition-dump diaries/logs?
  • Why does the game pretend it's edgy and innovative by breaking the 4th wall but, at the same time, doesn't recognize that players may pick options without understanding what they mean? If you ask me who I am, and my 4 choices are "1. Rank and file, 2. Fuck off, 3. The Emissary of WARBLEHARB, and 4. Someone playing a videogame" you should bloody well prepare for me to pick 3. without knowing what WARBLEHARB is.
  • Why is my experience limited for not wanting to rely on a very slow save/load-ing system? Give me a time rewind mechanic, for fuck's sake.
  • Why are you so short and unfulfilling? You feel like chapter 0 of a proper game.
  • Why do you introduce so many features in a "this will be useful" style, and then never revisit them? In particular, the air defense "shoot down missiles and planes" minigame was FUN. It would have been easy to include at least one more use of the system.
  • If you're the prologue to a proper game (hello on-going Kickstarter for part 2 of 3), why do you leave such a bad first impression?
  • Why, over a year after your full release, was I able to stumble into multiple game-breaking bugs, including scripting errors, improper level design, and many "we didn't think the player would do this"?
  • A game with a total of 1 tutorial firefight and 2 (two!) shootouts should not have multiple weapons with multiple firing systems, a complicated (and clunky) inventory design that is underutilized at times and strained at others, and trivial yet intrusive resource management. If you do have to put multiple weapons in the game, BALANCE them. It was trivial for me to get through the game by relying on one weapon's secondary mode, a 0-travel-time laser that knocks people unconscious.
I could keep going, I'm grumpy about this.


Wow, I was watching some people play Firewatch and I fell in love with it. So much so, that I just bought it and ran through it. It's really a beautiful environment and an interesting, emotional experience...

... Until the ending, when it's all kind of rushed together and cleaned up and your choices don't end up mattering at all. Damn. Such a unique experience that could have been so much more than it was. I did really like playing it, but it just seemed to end up so...empty?
If you want to do Arcane AND Skill, then Blades of Mercy are a good choice because it scales off both. However, any time you stick an elemental jewel in a weapon, it scales from Arcane (as long as it's not already a split damage type weapon), which is something to consider if you have a certain fast weapon you like.
I'm still done with Arcane, but good call on the Blade of Mercy, because that totally fits my playstyle. I hadn't tried them before because they were so expensive, but now I'm slashing through everything on my new character and I'm almost back to where I was with the Arcane in half the time. These would've been terrible during my first playthrough because I didn't understand the proper use of dodge-back, attack, leap forward, attack, etc. if you're using a quick weapon, but now it's fantastic. Definitely worth the 40,000 blood echoes.

At this point, I'm pretty much running an Eileen cosplay; I bought all her stuff and am wearing it, which I believe totals to 84,000 blood echoes.
Witcher 3

I've gotten back into it. I think it was just that questionnaire that threw me off because now I'm back to witchering and doing my thing. I even got into the alchemy aspect of the game, which I didn't think I would.

So far, the best part of the game was the entire story with the Bloody Baron. I won't go into details, but holy crap, it was both the creepiest and most heartbreaking story I've come across in a video game.


Staff member
Starting to get really tired of the bugs in Fallout Shelter. Especially the one that won't load my vault unless I force-stop the app, clear its cache, and even then sometimes it won't load unless I reboot my phone entirely.
So one of the free games Sega is giving out, Hell Yeah!, is not very good. Golden Axe is the Genesis port, so it doesn't control quite as well as the arcade version, but it's still a nice classic to have on hand.

Also still plugging away in Blade and Soul.

Also also, got a new graphics card last week and can dig a little deeper into games that ran like crap before, as well as hopefully opening up options on what I can drop some cash on next time I have some to spare.