[Gaming] RimWorld


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It's hard to appreciate, sometimes, how stupid the colonists are. Take, for example, my Warrior, Archer. I have 12 colonists - 7 women, 5 men. Of these 12, 2 are married couples. So 3 men are available and 5 women are. Archer is currently having a psychotic breakdown and wandering aimlessly to the point of starvation. Why? Because he keeps hitting - and being rebuffed by - the two married women. He doesn't hit on any of the others, just those two. But that's not what broke him. He broke because he ate raw meat, giving him a -7 mood. Why did he do that, you ask? No fucking clue. We have 425+ simple meals in the fridge. The fridge he was standing pretty fucking close to when he ate raw meat.

It's like you're trying to supervise a bunch of suicidal idiots.[DOUBLEPOST=1505581061,1505581003][/DOUBLEPOST]In other news, I finally figured out how to keep them from wandering into my killbox maze. You set it as an area and then invert it so that everything is allowed but that. I love my killbox maze.


Staff member
It's hard to appreciate, sometimes, how stupid the colonists are. Take, for example, my Warrior, Archer. I have 12 colonists - 7 women, 5 men. Of these 12, 2 are married couples. So 3 men are available and 5 women are. Archer is currently having a psychotic breakdown and wandering aimlessly to the point of starvation. Why? Because he keeps hitting - and being rebuffed by - the two married women. He doesn't hit on any of the others, just those two. But that's not what broke him. He broke because he ate raw meat, giving him a -7 mood. Why did he do that, you ask? No fucking clue. We have 425+ simple meals in the fridge. The fridge he was standing pretty fucking close to when he ate raw meat.

It's like you're trying to supervise a bunch of suicidal idiots.[DOUBLEPOST=1505581061,1505581003][/DOUBLEPOST]In other news, I finally figured out how to keep them from wandering into my killbox maze. You set it as an area and then invert it so that everything is allowed but that. I love my killbox maze.
I think there's also a mod that you can install that will make people hit on married people less, or stop doing it altogether.


Staff member
That's fine. I am fucking with him, though. I now have 2 pieces of art in his bedroom, each an erotic piece showing the married couples having sex. Take that, you pervy fucker.


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I started another group, because starting to me is more interesting than getting off the planet. It was another completely random build and it turned out to be quite the challenge.

To start, I had 3 female colonists that NONE of them could do any violence. Not that they had a 0 shooting skill, they were incapable of violence. Ouch. One did not haul things, but she was big on growing and cooking. So while the other two went around the map scrounging the leftover bodies that predators left behind, she started on a giant rice paddy. Almost immediately we had a trade caravan (of only 1 dude) and I was able to sweet talk him into joining us, which royally pissed off the faction. He was able to shoot and kill stuff, so when the faction sent a raid to get SOMEBODY back, the guy and our pet warg showed them the error of their ways. I captured one guy but as I didn't want to feed him I let him go. (It helps that he pretty much sucked at everything.)

Now I'm up to 7 people and doing well.

I did find out today about a couple mods that I might be getting just for fun.

The first turns prisoners into batteries. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162766114&searchtext=living+battery

The second adds Lovecraft as a storyteller...


Staff member
One of my pigs had both of his back legs eaten off by a panther before I could kill the stupid thing. So I made bionic legs. Jesus christ this is one fast fucking pig! That's it. Tim to find some plasteel and make bionic legs for ALL my animals!


Staff member
I have a guy who goes around slaughtering my baby animals. They are not flagged for slaughter and I want to raise them to haul. But this dude keeps killing them! He's not a psychopath or anything, he just likes killing baby animals. Can I stop this behavior somehow without having to micromanage where he is at all times?
I have a guy who goes around slaughtering my baby animals. They are not flagged for slaughter and I want to raise them to haul. But this dude keeps killing them! He's not a psychopath or anything, he just likes killing baby animals. Can I stop this behavior somehow without having to micromanage where he is at all times?
Maybe try giving him a custom allowed area that excludes the area where baby animals roam?


Staff member
I have a guy who goes around slaughtering my baby animals. They are not flagged for slaughter and I want to raise them to haul. But this dude keeps killing them! He's not a psychopath or anything, he just likes killing baby animals. Can I stop this behavior somehow without having to micromanage where he is at all times?
Is he slaughtering them (one hit melee kill) or is he hunting them (shooting them from range) or is he attacking them (multiple melee attacks)?

If he's actually slaughtering them, take him off animal handling duty on his jobs.
If he's hunting them, take him off hunting.
If he's attacking them in regular melee... I'm not sure, maybe set his defense posture to be "never respond to danger".

Also, are you using the Colony Manager mod? Make sure your animal tasks in it allow babies, if so.

Also, maybe try turning off "automatically slaughter excess livestock"


Staff member
I figured it out and you're right - it was the manager. I had an upper limit on my hogs and so when one was born my guy went, "Welp. Too many, I guess." *slaughter*

I have a guy who goes around slaughtering my baby animals. They are not flagged for slaughter and I want to raise them to haul. But this dude keeps killing them! He's not a psychopath or anything, he just likes killing baby animals. Can I stop this behavior somehow without having to micromanage where he is at all times?
...every time I get a notification Dave updates this thread, I'm on my phone, and I can't remember what I clicked on. And everytime I'm like, "WTF?!? What kind of 'Rant'...oh. 'Rimworld', not 'Rant'. "

Sorry, Dave. I don't know if this is reflection of you or middle America. :p


Staff member
I started a new game (which is my favorite part - I've never actually made it off the planet) and am trying the "single adventurer" thing. He started right next to the ancient danger and so I tunneled in. I figured either he'd die or I'd have a great place to start considering it's already a roofed area. Success! Three cryptosleep pods. But I don't know what's in them so I figured I'd wait for a while before opening them just in case. Turns out it was a great idea. Two days later I had visitors. They were pretty well armed so I waited until they were all inside and then I opened one, spilling 3 aggressive people hell bent on killing everyone. And then I ran out the door.

The three killed or wounded most of the visiting group who took the bad guys out. But they then got pissed and left. Helped me with my food situation, since he's not good at growing and is a cannibal.

I was able to save one guy somehow (my medical skill is a 1) and now there are two of us.


Staff member
So, Rimworld is officially beta. Version Beta 18 is out, and it's broken all the mods >_< Well, some of them have updated for it, but if this is anything like the 16->17 transition, a lot of mod authors might just re-release their mods updated separately for beta 18, which means hunting them all down all over again. Uuuuuugh. And as of last night, Prepare Carefully had NOT been updated. UUUUGH.

Quick rundown of what's new:
  • Swamp biomes at every temperature level that are slow to traverse and difficult to build on
  • New incidents, both beneficial and harmful - Meteorites, Tornadoes, Auroras
  • New quests - Peace Talks, World Refugee, Prisoner Rescue
  • Combat logging
  • Some research (weaponry in particular) has been broken up into more stages
  • New furniture - Bedrolls (portable beds, for caravans/raids I'm guessing?), decorative bedroom furniture, more table sizes
  • More (unbuildable) quest reward items, including new perpetual power sources, orbital bombardments, and serums that cure any one thing (whatever the worst thing is on that pawn, including missing limbs), or resurrect the dead (with side effects that get worse the longer the person has been dead).
  • Ranged weapons can now be used in melee combat, granted still not as good as melee weapons but better than fists.
  • There are now two kinds of pistols, autopistols and revolvers. Revolvers are slightly slower but more damage per shot.
  • New kinds of mental breaks, and also new mental inspirations ("good" breaks).
  • World features (mountains, lakes, bays etc) will now be named, and natural caves can generate in mountainous areas that can contain cave plants... or bug hives.
  • More "tale" event types that the game notes, meaning artwork should now be more diverse than "made a masterwork statue of himself making a masterwork statue of someone having sex."
  • Crop blight is now progressive instead of instant (possible to save some of the crop by early harvesting perhaps?)
  • Spaceships are now bigger, harder to make, and also require a sensor cluster component.
  • Leaving on the distant spaceship (the one you travel to instead of build yourself) now requires several days on site to "power up" the spaceship, during which you will have to fend off raids.
  • Boomalopes can now be milked for chemfuel, and there is now a vanilla chemfuel electricity generator.
  • Mortars changed from multiple mortar launcher types and one kind of ammo to one kind of launcher and multiple kinds of ammo. There is now also firefoam mortar shells, and antigrain (whatever that is).
  • You can now banish pawns without having to arrest them and arrange an escape/abandon them in caravans.


Staff member
I started a new colony since my old ones were basically broken. This one is all God Mode, baby! All skills for all colonists (5) are maxed out at 20. I put up steel walls around the whole thing with a kill box and then triggered the biggest raid I could. Bad idea. Even though I was totally fortified the sheer number of raiders spawned was going to overwhelm me and my defenses with mortars and sappers. Then Randy got generous. Very, very generous.

The raiders had just begun their push when every boomrat on the map when fucking berserk and started attacking anything remotely man-like. Poor bastards never got close to my base. They were swarmed by like 40 of the things who, of course, started to melee them, then explode. All I had to do is sit inside and pepper them with mortar fire of my own until they broke. Good thing I have a crematorium...


Staff member
So....Godmode means you build stuff really fast, but if you are being attacked by centipedes and then a herd of elk run through your place...don't attack the elk. They went nuts. Which caused all my turrets to go nuts. Which caused all my elephants to go nuts. Two of my guys who are crack shots decided it would be a good idea to put on shield belts and wander into the fray. Note they are distance fighters, not melee. How effective were they? Well, let's just say the whole shitshow was a bloodbath. Killed my maid (a local whom I talked into joining and have him doing nothing but cleaning), downed two of my guys, and blew up some turrets.

On the bright side, I have a metric shit-ton of elk just waiting to be slaughtered.[DOUBLEPOST=1515343331,1515343100][/DOUBLEPOST]20180107101516_1.jpg


Staff member
And all my shit will be broken again. I wonder if they'll disable the Dev cheat thing in the menu. I love making super powered colonies as a murder simulator.
The FTF thread on /r/anime has started talking Rimworld lately. So I've sent them here.

If you're here because I sent ya, stay a while. It's a nice place... mostly. :Leyla:


Staff member
Not a bad idea. There's lots of Rimworld stuff here. You HAVE to show them the Halforums Rimworld thread Gas started, though. Nothing tops that.
I wonder, coudln't you have tried to control the fire the way it stopped coming from the south? Just have a one-tile fire corridor around the place?


Staff member
They were too spread out and grew faster than my people could put them out. Now, if I had like 7 or 8 people maybe I could have pulled it off. As it was, I had to retreat back to the homestead and do my best to stop it from burning it to the ground.

While Shelly just watched.


Staff member
Things went to hell in my colony. My main hunter shot an elephant and it turned out to be the last thing she ever did. RIP Shelly.

Then Lidia got all sad & decided to sleep in the freezer, where she got sicker with her injuries and hypothermia. She didn't make it.

Then Tom, whose wife Shelly, died from elephantiasis goes berserk and beats poor Marjot to death. Mike tried to intervene, but I'd accidentally locked Tom & Marjot in the room together. I was trying to get her to safety but Tom was just too fast.

And finally, this is my playthrough of Rimworld so far in a nutshell.

Things went to hell in my colony. My main hunter shot an elephant and it turned out to be the last thing she ever did. RIP Shelly.

Then Lidia got all sad & decided to sleep in the freezer, where she got sicker with her injuries and hypothermia. She didn't make it.

Then Tom, whose wife Shelly, died from elephantiasis goes berserk and beats poor Marjot to death. Mike tried to intervene, but I'd accidentally locked Tom & Marjot in the room together. I was trying to get her to safety but Tom was just too fast.

And finally, this is my playthrough of Rimworld so far in a nutshell.

That 'nutshell' video is the best ever. Are you enjoying 1.0? I love the river waterwheel power source!