I just got to send this work e-mail (yes, it's my day off).
To: Regional HR Person
Subject: I know you're on vacation, but this is urgent (sorry!)
Hi [HR person];
So, while I was on vacation last month, a letter was drafted and sent out to the congregants at one of the points I serve (A). This was originally spearheaded by the Chair of that Council, but [D] had to step away from that project when his wife became very ill (and she has since passed, earlier this week). I was neither consulted nor warned, but it is what it is. I will attach a near-final draft of the letter to this email that I was cc'd on accidentally. It's exclusively finance related.
In the local newspaper this week/month, a small article appeared. I suspect I know where it originated, but at this time I don't know for sure. The Chair of the Charge Council called me this morning to tell me about it, and to follow up on a request from the Chair of the Council at the 2nd point (B) to have a Charge Council meeting ASAP.
The copy reads:
"[my employer] in [suburb] Asking for Help
Perhaps you have used the services at [my employer] Church in [suburb] for a baptism, a wedding or a funeral, or enjoyed the delicious “Truckers” Breakfast, turkey suppers, Chicken BBQ or Strawberry Shortcake Supper held in July.
Maybe you had the fun of looking for treasures at their annual flea market, or were thankful to use the services of their give-away food program.
You may have felt the spirit of Christmas at the annual Community Outdoor Christmas Tree Lighting, with a visit from Santa, followed by hot chocolate and cookies.
[my employer] Church is a vital link in the lives of so many in this area, and now, due to this long-lasting pandemic, regular Sunday worship services and many of the church's other events have not been happening.
“This has the effect of putting our finances in a very worrisome state,” says church treasurer [E]. “Thank you for your continued support. If you have enjoyed any of the above, we now ask for your help.”
Donations can be mailed to [where I work] or make e-transfers to...."
Aside from being blindsided by this, and utterly livid, I am asking for help.
How should I proceed/handle this? What do I do?
Charge Council is currently intending to meet in-person at [where I work] on either the evening of July 20 or 27 (I know, because they asked if I was available).
Help, referrals, anything is extremely welcome. I'm out of my depth here.
Thank you,
[Rev Dirona]
I mean, I'm glad that if I'm going to be out of a job it won't be because of anything I did or didn't do, but it still sucks. Because I have heard plenty of horror stories of how clergy can get run out of congregations and communities, but this is still not good.