So, way back in June, I was apartment hunting. Found a 1 bedroom place that I could shack up in for a while, and on the apartment's website, it was listed as "available". Not "Available on (date)" but currently available. Put in my application, which was approved June 20. Move-in day of Mon 8/2.
A few days later, I ask when they were going to send me a lease to sign. They're cagey about it, and say that they usually do that closer to rental time. Fine.
I go out to TX and spend a week nearby and check out the area. Drop by the apartment complex, while I'm there, to look around. Ask the lady in the office about my lease, and she says "we usually send those via docusign the day before the lease starts." This seems dumb, but whatever.
A couple of days ago, I realize "the day before the lease starts" means I'll be driving cross-country, so I ring them up and ask if they could do it on Thursday instead, so I could sign before I hit the road. The lady on the phone starts hemming and hawing and says that my apartment might not be ready 8/2.
What? It was one of two apartments listed as available on their website! Not "available middle of august"...currently available! I'm moving 1500 miles, have scheduled a cross-country moving company, and am driving my car and a load of stuff myself for 2 days to get this move accomplished. I am doing it over the weekend so I don't miss any work. I can't just not have a place to stay on 8/2.
Luckily, I haven't signed a lease yet, so I put in an app on a new place in a different complex on Friday. But I lose the app fee from the first place. Freaking incompetent people....sigh.