Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

1) Clickbait articles are the worst.

2) As an ex-grocery store cashier, I love self checkout. I will always choose self check whenever I can. I bag better, faster, and I don't have to make awkward conversation. I've also had so many people treat teenage me like shit at checkout, or just be weird, I am happy not to add to any cashier's stress.
1) Clickbait articles are the worst.

2) As an ex-grocery store cashier, I love self checkout. I will always choose self check whenever I can. I bag better, faster, and I don't have to make awkward conversation. I've also had so many people treat teenage me like shit at checkout, or just be weird, I am happy not to add to any cashier's stress.
1)I completely agree.

2) I worked at a grocery store for a couple of years of high school, I also can bag better, faster, neater and in fewer bags than everyone seems to want to use today. I love self-checkout, but I will make a point to use that bored looking cashier when I'm not under a deadline and can ensure they have at least one good, nice, and most importantly clean (non-sexual, non-ick factor) interaction with a customer that day. I can at least be an example that not every guy is a sleaze and polite and say things like "Yes, ma'am, thank you." or "No, thank you." and it not come out of my mouth as condescending or that I can't believe I'm saying that to someone younger than I am.


Staff member
I like self checkout as long as I have not that many items. If you have a full cart and you go to self checkout, you should be flogged and released into the wild.
If you have a full cart and you go to self checkout, you should be flogged and released into the wild.
Sounds like a skill issue.

That being said, i prefer them to have mixed checkout options, even without the effect on lines, sometimes i just don't feel like doing it myself (and others i don't feel like interacting with the cashier, even when ours don't do small talk).


Staff member
The only thing that Sam's Club really has over Costco at this point is scan-and-go using the app. You scan items with your phone as you add them to your cart, then check out on the app once you have everything, then just show the resulting QR code to the door flunky on your way out. VERY convenient.
The only thing that Sam's Club really has over Costco at this point is scan-and-go using the app. You scan items with your phone as you add them to your cart, then check out on the app once you have everything, then just show the resulting QR code to the door flunky on your way out. VERY convenient.
A grocery store I used to go to in Virginia had that, using bar code scanners that store card holders could use.
Only, they were always deactivated. There was always a dozen dead ones on the display on the wall. I assume the store manager didn't like the idea, but kept the display up to fool/satisfy visiting district managers. It always was so annoying. I would happily scan and go everywhere.
The only thing that Sam's Club really has over Costco at this point is scan-and-go using the app. You scan items with your phone as you add them to your cart, then check out on the app once you have everything, then just show the resulting QR code to the door flunky on your way out. VERY convenient.
A grocery story by me had this and they got rid of it because it lead to massive amounts of theft.