Funny (political, religious) pictures

Can't read that article because it tries to block my anti-adblocker-blocker (huzzah!), but yeah. 4 fascist idiots thought it'd be fun to make jokes over the PA system suggesting the train would head for the camps, and all that sort ofROFLOL OMG HOW CAN YOU BE SO FUNNY HAHA stuff.
Didn't have anything to blow the train up with in case you're wondering. It wasn't so much terrorism as it was good old fashioned antisemitism and modern day nonconsequentialism (which is a repurposing of a term I just came up with to signify the modern day attitude displayed by so many that they can do all kinds of things without consequences. Yes, that wasn't what the word meant but I'm too lazy to think of another)
Yeah, that sums up the GOP for the last four years. Blame the other side for what they blame them, and support the things the other side actually is responsible for.
Yeah, that sums up the GOP for the last four years. Blame the other side for what they blame them, and support the things the other side actually is responsible for.
You left out the "accuse the other side of the stuff we ourselves are secretly doing," but that sounds about right.

He won't.
Once Congress certifies the electoral college results, I think it's a good bet that he resigns a few days before the inauguration and has Pence pardon him. It won't save him from state charges, but it'll keep the feds off his tail.

Unless... Pence decides he wants no part of that shitshow and refuses the office. President Pelosi for one brief shining moment.

(A guy can dream, can't he?)
I want Trump to barricade himself inside the White House. So that he is literally arrested and marched out in front of the world's press. I then want all of the lawsuits that have been waiting for him to be prosecuted and I want a full investigation by a bipartisan committee into every crime his administration committed, no matter how long that takes. I then want the full results of that investigation made public, no matter if he has pardoned himself or others for those crimes or not. Any remaining crimes should also be prosecuted fully. I want to show everyone that there are consequences to this sort of abuse of power.

Now, do I think any of that will actually happen? No.
He'll probably leave while still bitching to his supporters about how "unfair" it all is so they keep sending him money. That will become his new grift and probably even be integrated into a 2024 run. I'd hope by then that we, as a Nation, would be wise to his schtick and wouldn't let him back in, but as we saw with 2016, anything is possible.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Pence seems to be oddly quiet about all this rigamarole. I think he's just waiting it out to be done with all this.
He wants to run in 2024. It's an incredibly tight line to walk to keep "the base" and not turn off anyone who has complete revulsion towards trump. He just wants to do nothing and have this end.
He wants to run in 2024. It's an incredibly tight line to walk to keep "the base" and not turn off anyone who has complete revulsion towards trump. He just wants to do nothing and have this end.
Can't wait till 2024, where we get to hear about how Poor Prince Pence had to suffer under the madness of King Trump, unable to do anything about all those crimes.