Drinking plenty of water now, prepping for this evening.
I hate that I can't throw Darts in this town. Boo Fucking Hoo insurance. It was always my routine, go out on St Patrick's Day, drink Guinness, and throw darts.
Reminds me of one time, I found the bar with Guinness and Darts. The Dart Boards were all occupied. These two guys were playing Cricket, one guy was working on 20 and the other guy was going for his bull's-eyes. The guy that was losing quit. So the winner called out looking for someone to cover the quitter's round, because "I'm having the game of my life!" I agree to step in so he could finish. On my first turn I threw triple 20, triple 19, and triple 18. The "winner" looked at me and said, "Oh you Mother Fucker..."
I ended up beating him.