I tried to. It wanted a wild amount of space on my iPad, which I don’t have.
“No one wanted to be on that project because it ate people. It destroyed people,” one former developer on Fallout 76 told Kotaku. “The amount of people who would go to that project, and then they would quit [Bethesda] was quite high.”
Kotaku spoke to 10 former employees of Bethesda and its parent company ZeniMax Media who were familiar with Fallout 76’s development, all of whom shared their accounts only under the condition of anonymity. Some sources said that they signed non-disparagement agreements upon leaving the company, and feared that ZeniMax’s influence in the industry would prevent them from being hired elsewhere.
Testers who worked during the months leading up to the original launch said that they crunched 10-hour days for six days a week as the game trudged toward the beta’s optimistic launch date of November 14, 2018.
Some testers would only find reprieve when they finally left the Fallout 76 team. Two former testers recounted that one of their colleagues said in a QA group chat after leaving the project: “I didn’t cry last night when I was taking a shower.” Another said in the same chat: “I pulled into work today, and I sat in my car for a second, and my chest didn’t feel heavy like it normally does.”
I don't care if it's a Game of the Year or the worst thing ever made. No game - absolutely NO GAME - is worth exploiting and torturing workers like this.
Majority of Americans are actually pro-unions, it's just that we live in an oligarchy where the wants of the billionaires trump everyone elseI know a lot of Americans get chills just from the word, but... uuuu-niooooooons.
Darktide gameplay trailer.
That looks like so much fun. I was honestly into it before the big surprise. Which, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think they should've left that as a surprise for players to discover for the first time playing it. My jaw dropped when it happened, but I feel like it would've been a more fun surprise to experience it first hand.The Plucky Squire
Storybook characters hopping off the page into the real world isn't a new plot, but the trailer does look like they'll be using the concept to spark some interesting game mechanics.
I've been hearing it referred to as "No Man's Skyrim."Starfield looks interesting. [...]the gameplay looks like a blend of Fallout, Mass Effect, and No Man's Sky.
Considering that Devolver Digital's majority stock owners are the founders and it's employees, I wouldn't expect things to change too much. The real issue is that DD is comparatively small in it's field and doesn't have a "franchise" to drive sales. It just has whatever indie products it can put out.Apparently Devolver Digital is struggling greatly and just had a nearly 50% drop in stock value.
Fucking sucks, they're easily the most honest publisher out there just releasing games (and not adding the bullshit as a service).
Yeah, I've lost 5% of the value of my portfolio over the last 5 days.Also, at least on my books, literally EVERYTHING dropped today.
Umbrella Corporation finds 'no evidence' of widespread zombie virus at Umbrella Corporation. An investigation conducted by a large man-shaped-thing in a trechcoat acknkowledges "some substantiated instances of body horror", but concludes that the issues are not contagious.I fucking love this.
Activision Blizzard finds 'no evidence' of widespread misconduct at Activision Blizzard
An investigation conducted by the board of directors acknowledges "some substantiated instances of gender harassment," but concludes that the issues are not systemic.www.pcgamer.com
Saw the trailer in the Nintendo Direct.Gameplay trailer for Return to Monkey Island
Yeeeah buddy, that's some good news for bad timesGameplay trailer for Return to Monkey Island