What are you playing?

Gone back to Dark Souls 2. Kind of getting into the groove now. Still don't like it like I did the first game. I need to repair my PS3 or get a new one so I can play Demon's Souls.
Dark Souls 2 is generally regarded as weaker than the first game, but not an outright BAD game. It just lacks the tight map design and such that would make it as good. Are you playing the original DS2 or the Scholar of the First Sin edition? I only ask because Scholar of the First Sin actually has improved enemy and item placement to make it a bit less bullshitty and makes the difficulty flow a bit better.
Starting a stream now on Alien: Isolation. Feels like I'm getting close to the end, but since this game takes a lite version of System Shock 2's approach of heaping on objective delays, I may still be a ways out.

I have not been invaded once in Dark Souls 2 so far. Kind of a bummer. Is it a soul memory thing?

Googling it I see it's mainly a mechanics thing. Most people just PVP in the arena and unless you're a sinner you'll pretty well never get invaded.

That sucks. At first, in Dark Souls, I hated invasions, but I eventually grew to enjoy them. Unless the person fought just painfully, where they will never engage just try to lure you into enemies. Those idiots can get drilled by a literal drill.
Unless the person fought just painfully, where they will never engage just try to lure you into enemies. Those idiots can get drilled by a literal drill.
I did this, explicitly, in Anor Londo to get my ears for the Darkmoon Covenant. I have no pity at all... they knew what they were getting into.
Alien: Isolation: Well, I beat it.

Did not like the ending. I'm sure they left it open for a sequel, but I really wanted Amanda to get away after all the shit she'd been through. It was also never explained how there were eggs on the station.

Excellent game overall. Really feels like I went through an ordeal, but a rewarding one. Damn did I die a lot, but it was worth it.
Probably last thing I'll post here related to Alien: Isolation for a while; I took down my other highlights videos, deleted some stuff, tightened it up, and voila, 22 hours boiled down to less than 20 minutes of me cursing and trying not to cry.

Amazon Prime gave us a discount, so we picked up Until Dawn. I really hate half the characters, but three out of four of those I hate are now dead, so woohoo! Maybe they'll have better personalities if I make different choices on the next playthrough.
Amazon Prime gave us a discount, so we picked up Until Dawn. I really hate half the characters, but three out of four of those I hate are now dead, so woohoo! Maybe they'll have better personalities if I make different choices on the next playthrough.
I rented Until Dawn from Redbox, and since I still haven't memorized where the square button is, three people died. I don't care for Josh, and another couple of them are pretty bland. Eventually saved half of them, then replayed the last few chapters to try to save them all, which was possible now that I knew which buttons I needed to press in advance.


Staff member
I bought the humble capcom bundle and was immediately pissed off. I did $10 because I didn't have Resident Evil 5, and I don't care for fighting games on the PC, only to realize when I clicked pay that resident evil 5 was part of the main bundle. How'd I miss that? I guess I wasn't looking closely because there were multiple warnings about having to have RE5 on the $15 level RE5 DLC. Now I wish I could add that. Still don't want street fighter, though.

Anyway, most of these games seem to be very hard to play with keyboard and mouse. I could get A's and S's on the original PS2 DMC, and I can barely fill a D (heh) with the keyboard and mouse.


Staff member
I bought the humble capcom bundle and was immediately pissed off. I did $10 because I didn't have Resident Evil 5, and I don't care for fighting games on the PC, only to realize when I clicked pay that resident evil 5 was part of the main bundle. How'd I miss that? I guess I wasn't looking closely because there were multiple warnings about having to have RE5 on the $15 level RE5 DLC. Now I wish I could add that. Still don't want street fighter, though.
You used to be able to up your donation while the bundle was still running, and upgrade to a higher tier. Is that still an option?
Since I ended my Blizzard hiatus over the summer and finally got some extra cash (stopped going out to eat, finally, saving ass-loads of money), I bought the expansion for D3 and am finally back to playing it. It's a lot better with the expansion and the removal of the auction houses.
I rented Until Dawn from Redbox, and since I still haven't memorized where the square button is, three people died. I don't care for Josh, and another couple of them are pretty bland. Eventually saved half of them, then replayed the last few chapters to try to save them all, which was possible now that I knew which buttons I needed to press in advance.
If they were all bland, I'd be fine with it since the game is trying to be that kind of horror movie. What I can't stand is the "we're gonna have sex, we're so gonna have sex, it's a sex-capade, we've been sex-communicated" JUST FUCK ALREADY OR DIE. I wish I didn't know where the square button was so a couple of these fuckers who drop.
Things have gotten more intense in Until Dawn. I'm looking to finish this run tonight, and then try another run right away to see if the game's reality can match the bold claims of its fans. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward pulled off a branching story and was inventive with it too, but that game was text, character profiles, and puzzles. It didn't have 3D rendered environments to take into account.

I also tried the demo for Stella Glow and while the story is kind of interesting, the gameplay didn't grab me. I love tactical RPGs, but I was spoiled by starting the genre with Final Fantasy Tactics and this kind of casual no frills style isn't my thing.
Finished Until Dawn. I managed to only have one death, until the very last scene where I fucked up a couple times.

Looking over the Butterfly Effect stuff, it seems less like there's much branching and more that things that make no sense connecting actually have connections ... so it's going to essentially be the same story overall. Going to try another run tonight, see how much I can screw with it, but I have a feeling I should've rented it like Klew did, because unlike Heavy Rain where it's also pretty much the same story each time, I'm not captivated by this story or these characters enough to want to go back to this after much time passes.
Did some experimenting with Until Dawn. While in some places a death will trigger an extra scene, others will cause scenes to become choppy and illogical. It's really not what it was cracked up to be by the fanbase. I'll be selling it shortly.

Meanwhile, that Shovel Knight DLC is the gift that keeps on giving. I've been taking it slow, but the new stuff you access for Plague Knight's bombs, and then the various combinations you can make with those bombs, really keep it alive with options.
Just restarted my DAoC account at the behest of a friend who wanted to run around there for a bit... I had deleted all my characters before I quick many many years ago to make it easier to stay away so I walked back in pretty blind. Seems like a totally different game now. They tried to WoW'ify certain elements for sure; but the clunky interface is still there, the awesome audio fight music. :) I still miss old frontiers though, and old school archery. What a great game back then. Ah well, I'll be doing some footage and posting a "Let's Nostalgia" on my channel of the run around, as my account is only good for a week and I have no interest or time in continuing to play beyond that. Anyone else ever revisit old favourites?
Just restarted my DAoC account at the behest of a friend who wanted to run around there for a bit... I had deleted all my characters before I quick many many years ago to make it easier to stay away so I walked back in pretty blind. Seems like a totally different game now. They tried to WoW'ify certain elements for sure; but the clunky interface is still there, the awesome audio fight music. :) I still miss old frontiers though, and old school archery. What a great game back then. Ah well, I'll be doing some footage and posting a "Let's Nostalgia" on my channel of the run around, as my account is only good for a week and I have no interest or time in continuing to play beyond that. Anyone else ever revisit old favourites?
Dark Age of Camelot? That game still has servers?!
Dark Age of Camelot? That game still has servers?!
It does! All the old servers have been archived, and when you access your old characters on them they have you transfer it to one of newer servers. Not sure how many they have or if there's cross server stuff, but they put me on Ywain 9 so there's at least 9 servers. I couldn't find Pendragon, which has a copy of my level 50 Armsman that I'd love to see again.


Staff member
Sometimes I have thought about checking back into DAOC just to see... but they still want 15 bucks a month for it, which is ridiculous... and second... well, that was also some of the happiest time I spent with Pauline, and maybe that's a wound I don't wanna go tugging at.
GasBandit said:
Sometimes I have thought about checking back into DAOC just to see... but they still want 15 bucks a month for it, which is ridiculous... and second... well, that was also some of the happiest time I spent with Pauline, and maybe that's a wound I don't wanna go tugging at.
Yeah I would dip back in if it were not for the 15 dollar a month. Not really worth it IMO.


Staff member
Remember Me

Interesting so far. Yet another amnesia sufferer who is slowly remembering she's a badass. If I ever get amnesia, I'm just going to assume that means I used to be some sort of martial arts expert. In any case, it's pretty, and the story is sufficiently engaging.
Remember Me

Interesting so far. Yet another amnesia sufferer who is slowly remembering she's a badass. If I ever get amnesia, I'm just going to assume that means I used to be some sort of martial arts expert. In any case, it's pretty, and the story is sufficiently engaging.
(Amnesiac Fade, while on vacation to the Grand Canyon): "No, that's simply not true. You can estimate by the dissimilarities in the strata how long the different periods lasted."
(them): "How do you know so much about rocks?"
(A-Fade): "...I don't know?"

(tried to find one that actually has a bit of a resemblance, too!)

Primal Carnage: Extinction: I had no idea this came out on PS4! Snapped it up pretty much the moment I saw it on the PSN store and played it a bunch today. I donated to the original back in 2009 or 2010 during development, but by the time it came out, my computer was outdated. Having it now, it's a blast. Already way more fun than Evolve has been.
Primal Carnage: Extinction: I had no idea this came out on PS4! Snapped it up pretty much the moment I saw it on the PSN store and played it a bunch today. I donated to the original back in 2009 or 2010 during development, but by the time it came out, my computer was outdated. Having it now, it's a blast. Already way more fun than Evolve has been.
Speaking of Evolve, I MIGHT consider playing it again if the new monster is fun. Haven't played it in a while myself.
Holy shit, so I just happened to watch Zero Punctuation on Dark Souls that I had never watched and literally EVERY God damn thing he said about the game was dead true for me too. I, though, never put the Symphony of the Night thing together. I can play Symphony of the Night blindfolded at this point. It is literally one of my favorite games of all time. Dark Souls is just Symphony of the Night in 3D except challenging. AMAZING.

Also, I've gotten into Dark Souls 2. I can accept it for what it is.
Speaking of Evolve, I MIGHT consider playing it again if the new monster is fun. Haven't played it in a while myself.
Oh, you haven't seen my posts in the Random Video Game Crap thread. I'll give you the shorter version.

- I sold Evolve back in March and got it cheap recently thinking it'd be fun to jump back in.
- Problem: there was a major update in August that introduced Hunt 2.0 with skilled matchmaking.
- However, by segregating the player base and having a garbage program for this system, you don't really get to play. Remember how you could just turn the game on and jump into a hunt match? Well, those days are over. Welcome to extra team-making screens, extra load screens, and a wait time than is often longer than a match itself. And this happens between matches too--no more jumping from match to match in quick succession. The pace at which you played matches has slowed to a crawl. I spent 35 minutes waiting to get a match earlier this week.

You can hit Skirmish like we used to, but most of the time that's now in the new Arena mode, which is just the level 3 monster vs hunters part. That last stand alone did not make the game fun for me by itself, but your mileage may vary.

IMO they've ruined a good game. They're aware of the problem because they'll have "shorter queue" alerts, but it's been three months and Turtle Rock has done nothing to fix this.

Primal Carnage right now is having a distinct advantage in that when I turn it on, I can actually play it. I get on, I check the server list, I hop into the game mode I want, already in progress, and can just stick with that group until I decide otherwise.
I feel like the only person alive who found Dark Souls unengaging and repetitive.
It's repetitive like any video game is repetitive. It has more enemy types (you're basically battling an entire D&D monster manual of bad guys) and environments than just about any game out there. Different weapons have different move sets, types of magic that play entirely differently, armor styles that drastically change the way your character moves, etc.

Unengaging, sure, but calling it repetitive is calling all video games repetitive.


Staff member
Well in my defense, I have already said that, too.

What I didn't like was that the enemy textures are all nearly unreadable to me. What am I even looking at? Who are they? I know nothing about the protagonist, which I get is the point, but it also gives me no investment in the game. I knew nothing about the Nameless One, but I was engaged because he was interesting. My Dark Souls guy is a nobody with no reason to do what he's doing as far as I know so far.
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Staff member
I should also further explain that the one time I came close to buying Dark Souls you guys talked me out of it because the port was so bad or something.