What are you playing?


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And he barely scratched the guy he was aiming at, who was healed by the fiery explosions.

Part of me feels like we should totally try Honour Mode, which is basically hardcore mode, now that we almost have two playthroughs in. The other part of me recoils in horror at the thought of the game auto saving every time I fuck something up and start unwanted combat with a whole town. ;)
Yeah, that ain't happening.
My other thought is doing a playthrough where we both have Lone Wolf as a starting trait, which means we get a buff, but can't have extra companions.


Staff member
My other thought is doing a playthrough where we both have Lone Wolf as a starting trait, which means we get a buff, but can't have extra companions.
It seems kind of contradictory, us being a couple of "lone wolves" who go everywhere and do everything together.
TIL Gas has no concept of time passing and didn't even realize we'd reached triple digits of time in this game between our two playthroughs.


Staff member
It's horrifying.

Also I'm now up to 628 hours in Space Engineers. That's a horrifically huge amount of time to have spent on a game you keep telling everybody isn't worth buying yet.
It's horrifying.

Also I'm now up to 628 hours in Space Engineers. That's a horrifically huge amount of time to have spent on a game you keep telling everybody isn't worth buying yet.
I can't even complete the new tutorials because it won't let me do what it wants me to do. Can't dive in until I understand how all the new systems work.


Staff member
I can't even complete the new tutorials because it won't let me do what it wants me to do. Can't dive in until I understand how all the new systems work.
What new systems? Oxygen? It's actually pretty easy to figure out in-game. I doubt there's a tutorial that'll help with things like programmable blocks, though.

I'm feeling the itch to make another tutorial though, covering things like Oxygen, rovers/wheel suspension, GPS and Comms.
Dark Souls 2: I'm not doing this to myself anymore.

Honestly, the tipping point wasn't any enemy I hit a wall against; I've had that in the other games. It's that it's way too much to do for this crap. I am never going to see this the way people do who call it one of their favorite games, a masterpiece, a game they've played over and over. That's Dark Souls for me, and I'm pretty sure the people who say that about it never played the first one, or Demon's, or Bloodborne. I know that's not the majority opinion, but to be honest, I'm having trouble even seeing this as a good game.

I was in the Gutter and at one point the path loops back around the huge room toward the bonfire, and I thought "wow, it's actually going to be utilize the same bonfire more than once." Haha, nope. You can get back to the bonfire, but there's no shortcut. You have start from the beginning again. I didn't fall for it, but it pissed me off. Then I hit Black Gulch, where there are bonfires on either side of a not large area ... what the hell. Really.

Decided to investigate some of the production of this because I wanted to see what else the director had done. I had no idea that the director abandoned the project and it had to be salvaged by another director. No wonder it's such a mess. Throw in that neither of them directed a game before and I'm left scratching my head as to who put either of them in charge of a follow-up to Dark Souls. Miyazaki wasn't in charge then, so it couldn't have been him. I understand he was busy with Bloodborne, but surely someone there had to have more experience than zero game direction, especially after the acclaim heaped on the first game.

I'm not attacking anyone who enjoys it; I just wish I could see it from there point of view. Each time I put it in, it felt like making myself, but I so badly want to see. But I'm done. It's not worth my time and energy. I'm going to sell Dark Souls 2, enjoy Fallout 4, and start looking forward to Dark Souls 3.


Staff member
Since getting my super duper heavy damage toxic spore spell, we've almost exclusively fought undead and trolls... two monster types notably IMMUNE TO POISON DAMAGE.


I did snag a nice pair of tenebrium (dark/evil/radioactive unobtanium) wands however. Looking forward to giving those a try. They do shadow/tenebrium damage, so they should work on anything, even void demons (which are immune to most forms of damage).


Staff member
Do you still damage the undead and trolls when the poison goop lights on fire?
Yes, but not as efficiently. Lighting the goop on fire takes extra AP, I've got spells that will light them on fire directly (fireball, for example, which does 200+ damage to everybody in a 2 meter radius of the impact point, and sets them on fire). It's especially a bad idea on trolls and zombies, as they actually are HEALED by toxic damage, so the toxic healing would mitigate much of the fire/explosion damage.

In fact, there was even a zombie troll on our previous playthrough that took us over an hour to beat because zombies "bleed" toxic sludge, so doing any kind of damage to him would cause him to be standing in toxic sludge, which would heal him double for being both a troll and a zombie. I caused a massive explosion-poison loop by setting him on fire, where the fire damage caused him to bleed poison on the floor which then exploded because the troll standing on it was on fire which caused damage which caused toxic bleeding which healed the troll and then exploded because flaming troll which caused the troll to bleed more toxin... and on that loop went for about 10 iterations in approximately 1 second, at the end of which the zombie troll was completely healed.

So at any rate, it's just best not to use any poison based spells when trolls, zombies, or zombie trolls are involved. And skeletons/ghosts are just plain old immune.
I've been buying games for steam on a new website lately (bought 3 games through them so far) and they seem legit. Just picked up just cause 3 and all pre-order order bonuses for 35 bucks total

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I've been buying games for steam on a new website lately (bought 3 games through them so far) and they seem legit. Just picked up just cause 3 and all pre-order order bonuses for 35 bucks total

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
If this is an endorsement of the website, could you name it?
Finished Ssssss of Ssssss.

On the whole, good game. It dragged a bit near the end there, after I got powerful enough to pretty much brand captains at will. And the final climactic battle was a bit of a letdown. But overall I'd say I definitely had fun with the game.

Now... play the DLC, or move on to Dishonored...


Staff member
The longer we play divinity: enhanced edition the more bugs pop up. Several nights ago, the countdown timers on status effects stopped working - everything now shows its max number of turns of effect until it wears off. Targeting reticles and demarcations of area of effect are incorrect more and more often. Spells don't do what they claim, especially where damage is concerned - my big spore nuke should be doing 5x200+ damage, but both times I used it last night, even on something 11 levels below me, the only damage came from the residual toxin spill (which is more like 50-60 damage). We've also been noticing over the past week that often the game will notify us that the tank is getting an attack of opportunity because a monster is trying to step out of melee range, but the attack never takes place. Fire spells are occasionally inexplicably failing to ignite poison/oil puddles. Rivers are washing away toxin puddle terrain effects but not putting out fire terrain effects.

Even that aside, the "working" parts of the game are starting to increase to new levels of BS. Last night we had to navigate a trapped tomb full of instant-death lightning traps that were completely undetectable to normal (perception roll or AE damage attack) methods. The only way to move safely across the floor was to play a ridiculously kludged "warmer/colder" game that gave you the "warm" status effect when you were safely on the path and the "chilled" status effect when you started to stray from it. Stray too far into "cold" territory and BZZT lightning strikes you dead instantly. It sounds straightforward but the method by with the game controls movement (point and click to go to a location) and the method by which the UI updates your status are not really conducive to this sort of puzzle. We ended up having to savescum our way through it, abusing Dei's rogue's combat jumping skill to try to cross as much of the floor as possible.

All in all, there's a whole lot of bullshittery going on. But we've come this far and are determined to see it through to the end. I estimate we've got 15 or so hours to go (60 hours so far on this playthrough). That estimate could be off, though, because we're finding a lot more content that was either added or we inexplicably skipped on our last playthrough. We've definitely found way more bloodstones/starstones this time than before.


Staff member
Finished Ssssss of Ssssss.

On the whole, good game. It dragged a bit near the end there, after I got powerful enough to pretty much brand captains at will. And the final climactic battle was a bit of a letdown. But overall I'd say I definitely had fun with the game.

Now... play the DLC, or move on to Dishonored...
Yeah, I agree. The big problem with this game is that you get too overpowered by the end. I stopped stealthing near the end because what's the point? You can just shooty-knifey every orc. It's like, why bother having Frodo destroy the ring? Just send Talion to stab Sauron in the face.
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist

Well this was a pleasant surprise. It's a free game on Steam from one of the co-creators of The Stanley Parable.

It's interesting because it's a short, but compelling heist game where you have to break into a mansion. For a short game, it's really high on detail and the stealth mechanics are actually quite clever.

Though, I warn you: you will HATE trying to get by the tiger. Christ, that thing was a bitch.
I am playing Bioshock Infinite for the first time.

I know the story's got its twists and turns. I can only play for short spurts at a time. The urge to go online and read spoilers is overwhelming...


Staff member
Real spoiler, though not one with any plot details:

It's exactly what you think.

I don't know--I expected the story to be something deeper, but they kind of went with the low-hanging fruit of plot reveals after all that build up. Still fun and well-told though, don't get me wrong.
Damn, and here I've been meleeing people to death with my spinny glove of doom. I'm bad at games.
Nah, you be you.

That does, however, remind me of a problem with certain games where you can "build your character however you want", but if you don't happen to take certain feats and abilities, you won't be able to finish the game. Gabe pointed this out with Deus Ex Human Revolution - something to the extent of, "I made a comp-sci major, and they locked me in a room with a robo-bully and his fully automatic arm-cannon!" Or in the original KotOR, where you're perfectly allowed to build a high wisdom, high charisma Jedi Counselor who uses mind tricks and persuasion to get through most of the game... and will be swiftly diced into atoms by Darth Malak. Hell, even if you make a super melee fighter, if you neglect to take saber throw or other ranged fighting techniques as well, you pretty much can't win the final battle.
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I picked up Elite: Dangerous at the steam sale for around $13.

I... may have spent slightly more than that by now.

Wow... flash photography shows me I really need to dust.