What are you playing?

Argh, Dragon Age hangs at the exact same place in my new playthrough. What the fuck, this never happened on my previous characters. Googling turns up no answers.

It's like Bioware retroactively turned their previously excellent game into shit.
Argh, Dragon Age hangs at the exact same place in my new playthrough. What the fuck, this never happened on my previous characters. Googling turns up no answers.

It's like Bioware retroactively turned their previously excellent game into shit.

It's to further punish us for not admitting that Mass Effect 3's ending was the BEST EVAR! (now go buy more DLC) ;)
The Megatron stage is incredible, for sure. You feel like Megatron. Armies of inferiors fall before your might.

They did an excellent job differentiating the power levels of the Transformers unlike the first game where it didn't really matter who you played as.

I'm pretty sure that escort the bomb part was the single hardest part of the game. I didn't dislike the Optimus levels though. Though I did think that it was kind of silly that Metroplex needed so much guidance. Hey big guy, punch that gigantic laser cannon.
Finished the main campaign. There are finally people playing the multiplayer now. Got my scout up to lvl 13. Two more levels till I can get my sniper rifle. I do have to say, with the EMP grenade, I don't miss stealth at all.
Swear I'm going to bed after this post.

Nintendo has some demos on the 3DS shop that I decided to check out. If only they could bring their 3DS game catalog beyond New Super Mario Bros 2: Annoying Coin Sound Armageddon. Every other 3DS title says "Available at Retail". Great thinking, guys. Anyway.

Resident Evil: Revelations: I didn't think I'd like this at all (and the premise sounded a lot like the old Resident Evil Gaiden that wasn't released in the U.S., starring Barry and Leon), but it handles well, especially with the gyroscope. There's an item scanner, which is useful, and the stylus work on the menu is convenient. In-game stuff can get pretty hectic too. You're not fighting zombies or ganados, at least not in the demo. Instead you have these tall, white monsters who try to shove toothy worm tongues in your neck. Their heads twitch a lot, so getting a headshot is difficult, bu your ammo is limited, so you WANT that headshot. It's actually a decent balance between older gen creeping horror Resident Evil and the new controls of action-packed Resident Evil. I may get this once I have fewer games to play.

Metal Gear Solid 3D: I may get flack for saying this, but ... I like this better than on the PS2. I played this exact section (being the beginning of the game) several times on PS2. My skills have rusted since I was a teenager--I couldn't make it even inside the building. I somewhat want to blame the first-person mode when you crawl. The 3DS version doesn't have that problem. Snake crouches instead, and you're in third-person. I found it a lot easier to sneak around and keep tabs on the enemies this way. I actually stealthed into the base and took down enemies quietly, without setting off the alarm. You know, the way you're supposed to but I never can seem to do... I may get this as well if I can't translate my ability on the 3DS to the PS2, as I'd like my wife to see the story.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: I'm glad I didn't get this game. My thought process was how long I'd enjoy a game where I was essentially listening to music I already have on my iPod while tapping the stylus to the beats, and I guessed I could get the same enjoyment by putting on my headphones, hitting a Final Fantasy playlist, and tapping my pen on the table. I was somewhat wrong, but at the same time, this game is a bit difficult, and also doesn't have much going for it besides "Oooh, I know that tune from (obscure scene/location from a Final Fantasy game)!" That's mostly from the menus though; the actual gameplay music is made up of well-known tunes. Anyway, doesn't seem worth money to me, but I'm glad a demo was made available so I could confirm it.

So that's two potential purchases and one sick triceratops. Release more demos, Nintendo. Then I won't have any money.

Also, something non-demo, non-3DS.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I'm really not enjoying this as much as I'd hoped. I'm gonna play through it rather than return it, but odds are it's getting sold the weekend after I see those end credits.
Metal Gear Solid 3D: I may get flack for saying this, but ... I like this better than on the PS2. I played this exact section (being the beginning of the game) several times on PS2. My skills have rusted since I was a teenager--I couldn't make it even inside the building. I somewhat want to blame the first-person mode when you crawl. The 3DS version doesn't have that problem. Snake crouches instead, and you're in third-person. I found it a lot easier to sneak around and keep tabs on the enemies this way. I actually stealthed into the base and took down enemies quietly, without setting off the alarm. You know, the way you're supposed to but I never can seem to do... I may get this as well if I can't translate my ability on the 3DS to the PS2, as I'd like my wife to see the story.
I'm pretty sure they've had these features since Subsistence on the PS2, though I would generally say that the HD Collection is the best version.
So, after my Dragon Age frustrations, I decided to play a game that's very different. How about something completely brainless, something mindlessly violent, yet juvenile. Something filled to the brim with dick and fart jokes and tits and ass and basically every offensive crack there is. Ooooh... I know, why not Bulletstorm?

And then I found out why not. Bulletstorm requires Games for Windows Live. I start up the game, it tells me I need to sign in to my GfWL account. Fine, I do. It says I need to update the game. Fine, I wait 20 minutes for it to download the update. Then the game restarts itself. Everything's all right now, right?

Then I try to sign in again, it says there's something up with my profile, and to quit out of the game and restart it. Except after giving you this message, it dumps you at the very first title screen again, and prompts you to sign into GfWL again. And then it says something's wrong with the profile, and tells you to restart the game. And then repeat.

So, basically, you won't let me log into my GfWL profile until I've quit out, but you won't let me quit out until I've logged into my GfWL profile. GREAT FUCKING DESIGN, MICROSOFT.

Oh but it gets better. I ctrl-alt-del my way out and terminate the program. I restart the game. It starts downloading my profile, then the download freezes. I sit there for another 20 minutes wondering why my profile's so large it 20 minutes can pass without the download bar moving. In the end I have to ctrl-alt-del my way out again. So now, basically, I can't play Bulletstorm because I can't sign in to GfWL.

I'm not usually one who's easily agitated, especially over issues like gaming. But FUCK YOU, Microsoft. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. I paid for Bulletstorm. I paid full retail price for it, because I bought it the week it was released. I fulfilled all the requirements for the game, in terms of my computer's specs and having a GfWL account. I have jumped through all the hoops you've placed in front of this game, and I have done so willingly and in good faith, because I believed I would ultimately be able to play the game I paid for. And you have CHEATED ME out of my game.

None of these problems exist for the people who pirated the game. So fuck you Microsoft, eat shit and die. I'm going to play something by a company that doesn't completely suck, like Left 4 Dead 2.
I'm pretty sure they've had these features since Subsistence on the PS2, though I would generally say that the HD Collection is the best version.
I have the original MGS3 for PS2 though. Not sure if I want to buy the HD version when I'm uncertain what it is that's making the 3DS version work for me (and having no interest in MGS2 or that other thing in there).

In other news, I need to not listen to the Snake Eater song before bed, or else it's stuck in my head for the entirety of work the next day. This is the third time it's happened.
You should try the HD collection. You might not be interested in MGS2, but MGS3 comes with the MSX versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2. Also, Peace Walker is probably my favorite in the series, storywise. It has the usual nuclear problems, but it's mainly about Big Boss finally coming to terms with The Boss's death and his eventual fall to darkness. It's actually pretty good and it controls like MGS4, in that it's much easier to aim and shoot.
I haven't actually played MGS3 past the first 30 minutes...

Also didn't realize there was an entire sub-series of the franchise dedicated to Big Boss as the protagonist. For some reason I thought Peace Walker was about Raidan.

And Portable Ops is a terrible title.
Yeah. Snake Eater, Portable Ops 1 and 2, and Peace Walker are all about Big Boss. Portable Ops 1 and 2 really aren't that important, except that it's how Big Boss meets Roy Campbell and Kazuhiro Miller (the second of who is important for MG1 and 2 + Solid).

I kinda want to see a game set during/before WW2 about The Boss right now, instead of stuff about Raiden.
So, I've always thought Duncan in Dragon Age sounded like Splinter from the original TMNT. It never dawned on me for some reason that it was the same guy (protip: It was).
I just beat the last boss in Jak and Daxter the Precursor legacy. And...it was just okay. Personally I found it kind-of annoying how during the fight you get this power-up called White Eco and all it does is make a cut scene happen. Man, I was hoping for some awesome boss-fight where I'd fight a robot in mid-air! But no...cut-scene. Ah well, I still haven't gotten all the orbs so maybe there's a boss that's actually satisfying.
Metal Gear Solid 3D: I may get flack for saying this, but ... I like this better than on the PS2. I played this exact section (being the beginning of the game) several times on PS2. My skills have rusted since I was a teenager--I couldn't make it even inside the building. I somewhat want to blame the first-person mode when you crawl. The 3DS version doesn't have that problem. Snake crouches instead, and you're in third-person. I found it a lot easier to sneak around and keep tabs on the enemies this way. I actually stealthed into the base and took down enemies quietly, without setting off the alarm. You know, the way you're supposed to but I never can seem to do... I may get this as well if I can't translate my ability on the 3DS to the PS2, as I'd like my wife to see the story.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: I'm glad I didn't get this game. My thought process was how long I'd enjoy a game where I was essentially listening to music I already have on my iPod while tapping the stylus to the beats, and I guessed I could get the same enjoyment by putting on my headphones, hitting a Final Fantasy playlist, and tapping my pen on the table. I was somewhat wrong, but at the same time, this game is a bit difficult, and also doesn't have much going for it besides "Oooh, I know that tune from (obscure scene/location from a Final Fantasy game)!" That's mostly from the menus though; the actual gameplay music is made up of well-known tunes. Anyway, doesn't seem worth money to me, but I'm glad a demo was made available so I could confirm it.
Mike just picked up Metal Gear and he's also loving it! He's seriously considering picking up the circle pro for it though since the controls are a little funny without having a pad on the right side.

I'm still super addicted to Theatrhythm. I'm a huge rhythm game fan though, and the fact that it's FF music has me sold. I'm currently working on unlocking all the hidden characters since I've hit max rhythmia, and after that I'm working towards perfect combos and all critical perfect combos. :3

And when I'm not playing Theatrhythm, I'm playing New Super Mario Bros 2! Holy crap this game is a lot of fun! I love that they brought back the raccoon suit and added the gold flower & raccoon. There's also a lot of secret paths, so I'm attempting to unlock them all without help. XD

And while I'm talking about Mario... I tried Super Mario Bros Wii U and that one was also a lot of fun! With the tablet, you're the support, so you can play with 5 people! Your support is able to mess with enemies and build up to 4 platforms at a time to help your friends reach areas. OR you can take the asshole route like my friend did on our 3rd stage (we kept passing the tablet around, and he snatched it for the final round)... Instead of helping us, he tried to kill us all! While we were running through the stage collecting coins, avoiding enemies and trying to get to the end, he kept putting platforms in our way, blocking our jumps. >.>... I survived the longest and got SO CLOSE to the end, but he ended up killing me off by putting platforms just above my head while I was trying to jump across spinning stars, attempting to NOT fall to my death. He called it "Insanity Mode"...
Mike just picked up Metal Gear and he's also loving it! He's seriously considering picking up the circle pro for it though since the controls are a little funny without having a pad on the right side.

I'm still super addicted to Theatrhythm. I'm a huge rhythm game fan though, and the fact that it's FF music has me sold. I'm currently working on unlocking all the hidden characters since I've hit max rhythmia, and after that I'm working towards perfect combos and all critical perfect combos. :3

And when I'm not playing Theatrhythm, I'm playing New Super Mario Bros 2! Holy crap this game is a lot of fun! I love that they brought back the raccoon suit and added the gold flower & raccoon. There's also a lot of secret paths, so I'm attempting to unlock them all without help. XD
I don't know why I liked the 3DS controls for MGS3; they just seemed right to me. Only thing that could make it better is my true love--the gyroscope.

Might be picking up New Super Mario Bros 2 tomorrow with some store credit. I LOVE that they brought back the Koopa Kids; little Bowser has been neat, but I've loved the Koopa Kids since Mario 3 on the NES.
If they could make an FPS that uses gyroscopic aiming like Ocarina of Time did, that would be awesome.
They sort of did with Resident Evil: Revelations, except you have to duck out of first person to do any menu stuff, inspect things, pick up items. But when checking to be sure a room is clear of enemies, I hold R to stay in aim/first-person mode. Turning with the gyroscope aiming is much faster than pivoting your character around in classic RE tank controls.
Yeah LordRendar Call of Prip is what I was hoping to play after the amazing first two STALKER games but it's buggy, laggy, glitchy and all around just ruining what could have been a great trilogy. I've put it on hold and moved on to other games and hope to come back to it, but as it's not exactly getting alot of updates anymore I don't know if I can push through it to finish it.
Yeah LordRendar Call of Prip is what I was hoping to play after the amazing first two STALKER games but it's buggy, laggy, glitchy and all around just ruining what could have been a great trilogy. I've put it on hold and moved on to other games and hope to come back to it, but as it's not exactly getting alot of updates anymore I don't know if I can push through it to finish it.

Im at the final area now and got the Gauss gun running.Gonna finish the main story line but im not gonna bother with the rest,
which is a pity,because it is the best part.I love running anomalities.


Staff member
Stalker: CoP keeps on crashing when I change areas. Aaaaaaaaaaarg.It really kills the creepy athmosphere.
I hear ya. I'm playing Alan Wake through for the first time, and the windows mouse cursor WILL NOT DISAPPEAR from the center of my screen, and it's murdering the game's immersion.
And when I'm not playing Theatrhythm, I'm playing New Super Mario Bros 2! Holy crap this game is a lot of fun! I love that they brought back the raccoon suit and added the gold flower & raccoon. There's also a lot of secret paths, so I'm attempting to unlock them all without help. XD
I'll back you up that this game is a blast. Maybe it's because I haven't really played a Mario platformer since Super Mario World, but I'm having a lot of fun, so screw the haters. Though usually games I'm enjoying don't make me say "dammit" so often.

The conversation at home was funny though.
Me: I got another game.
Wife: What?
Me: Mario.
Wife: Which Mario?
Me: Brothers.
Wife: -_-
Finally finished Dead Money. I didn't like it, which is why it's been so long since the last time I played New Vegas. Still don't like it, glad it's finished
Finally finished Dead Money. I didn't like it, which is why it's been so long since the last time I played New Vegas. Still don't like it, glad it's finished
See, I think Dead Money is the best of the DLC because of it's great story telling and just how well it stayed true to it's inspirations (Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Ocean's 11, etc).
See, I think Dead Money is the best of the DLC because of it's great story telling and just how well it stayed true to it's inspirations (Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Ocean's 11, etc).
I haven't played any of the other New Vegas DLCs yet.

I just found it frustrating beyond belief. Felt like I was working, not like I was playing a game.

Also I didn't buy Honest Hearts, for some reason, when I got the others. Am I going to ruin that one for myself if I play Old World Blues and Lonesome Road first (out of order)?
The DLC for Fallout 3 was all standalone except for Broken Steel, but the DLC for New Vegas all seems to tie together and all seems to tie into the core game, so I don't know if I need to play them in order or not.
Honest Hearts is stand-alone. It has nothing to do with the others DLC, except an off-hand mention of some kids who escaped "The School" (which is likely a reference to one of the labs in the Big Empty). It's more tied to the main story of New Vegas, as one of the main characters is Joshua Graham, otherwise known as "The Burned Man". Honestly, the story isn't the great in Honest Hearts, but the stuff you get from it is REALLY awesome. Lots of useful crafting recipes, some great new weapons, a few decent pieces of armor.

I'd do Old World Blues next, then The Lonesome Road. Old World Blues has some stuff about Elijah, Ulysses, and Catherine. The Lonesome Road is where the Ulysses plot ends.
I hated Dead Money. That whole you'll blow up if you don't find the sensor thing got very tiresome, very quickly. It was the low point of the DLCs for me.
Old World Blues wasn't bad... it was just really, really silly. If you liked silly, then it was great. If you didn't, then it was crap.