What are you playing?

Finished Uncharted yesterday and then played Uncharted 2 for most of the day until the PS3 froze up on me! ...and then I played some more after giving it a short break. Just finished 2 and now I'm giving the PS3 a little rest before I move right into 3! :D
And after that, I'll go through the games again to find more treasure! I think I had 36/60 in the first game and 40/100 in the second... I thought it'd be much easier to find all the shiny things @_@
Dishonored: Finished my non-lethal run; now on a kill-kill crazy run. The start of the game is a little easier, and I've been having a lot of fun tricking the guards into walls of light (favorite bit so far: when the ones too smart to run into it hesitate, I pull out the tank of whale oil, then plug it in again just as they're coming through the entry = guard confetti). I know it will get harder as my high chaos adds more enemies everywhere.

Pokemon Black 2: To make this more interesting, I'm doing the NUZLOCKE challenge, where you can only catch and use the first Pokemon you encounter in each area (doubles excluded) and any Pokemon that faints is considered dead and cannot be used any longer, either going to a Dead box or being released in the wild.

It's kind of a bitch, but it does necessitate the use of Pokemon I normally wouldn't bother with, which is cool. I'm not sure I want to keep doing the death part of it though--I lost two-thirds of my team to a random trainer between the 2nd and 3rd town, leaving me a lot more training to do before tackling the second gym. But I guess that's the point, to not suck so much.
Props for attempting Nuzlocke. I've thought about trying it, but my Pokemon faint so much I just know the game will be over before the first gym.
Well, Garry's Mod recently had a major update, to Gmod 13. I fired it up to see what it's like.

First impressions?

Previous addons from previous versions break the mod and cause a bunch of errors, there are a bunch of bugs (for example, ragdolls from killed NPCs cannot be removed, in any way, at all), and it appears to be a bit crash-happy. Also, the in-game Toybox is gone, but it's been replaced by Steam Workshop.

I'm going to stay away from Gmod for a few months and see if the problems get fixed, because right now Gmod 13 feels like a huge step backwards from Gmod 12.
Tried Uncharted 3's co-op mode with Mike tonight and I'm actually not toooooo bad! We did one mission and also tried out survival mode. I rather liked it! The split screen looks a little weird, and sometimes my character drives me nuts when I want him to take cover and he just rolls around, but other than that it was alright! :)
The fact that I keep running into poison types first is making this Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Black 2... not great. And you're supposed to name the Pokemon something cool so you feel attached. What the hell can you name a Trubbish?

It's a fucking trashbag overflowing with garbage. There is nothing to get attached to. I named it Landfill. The only good point to this thing was going into the Battle Company building where the janitor walks around singing "I'm a janitorial man, make everything spic and span."

Yeah, I brought my garbage Pokemon first in line, all over your floors. :troll:
Primal Carnage goes live this week. I donated to this in 2009 and it's finally coming. I've been able to play the beta with all my settings turned to a minimum. I would like to play the L4D with Dinosaurs style maps, but only team deathmatch has been available in beta. Starting out, I was on the dino team made up of all velociraptors, picking off humans one by one. It seemed like things were skewed toward the dinosaurs, especially when our tank equivalent, the tyrannosaur, came in.

The next match, I learned better. If you approach the game like you're a lone gun, you're going to die fast. My dinosaur team was winning because we stuck together in a pack and worked together. The human team did this in the next match, using the different human classes to keep us at bay. I felt the other players would have done better if they tried creeping through the grass. Opponents are not highlighted for either side, only teammates, which means you can walk past a well-hidden enemy in the foliage without seeing them. Makes for good stalking.

My favorite class was the pterodactyl. It's weak, but it can fly, and it's alt-fire move (if you're aiming right) is to snatch a human player by the shoulders. If you take off then, you'll carry that human, putting them out of the fight while your stamina lasts, and if you fly high enough, you can drop them to their deaths. The first guy I snatched told me to put him down--I obliged :D. Then he respawned and used the human class with a net-launcher to ground and kill me.
Pokemon Black 2 Nuzlocke Run: I just lost my starter.

... fuck. And two more of my team. They're being killed by wild Pokemon while grinding, goddammit. Why did I go into the dark grass?
World of Warcraft - Grinding my way to Exalted with the major factions on my druid. I'm just about at 470iLVL so I can be ready for the next set of LFR coming out soon. Trying to finish up the last of the Tillers Best Friend reps and basically all in all prepare for 5.1.
Borderlands - Played through the main game with Brick (then ditched him as he was terrible in Ned's Zombie Island) then did a playthrough as Roland (then ditched him as he was terrible in Mad Moxxi). So now it's a debate between Mordecai and Lillith. I'm not the best sniper so I'm not sure about M but I've never played Lilith so not sure about her either. (When I finally get around to beating all the DLC, I'll move onto BL2)

Games in abandonment at the moment:
Lego Batman - Just don't seem to have much interest in finishing this up. I have one more Villain scenario to go (Joker/Harley) and then the last few mini-block collections.
Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac - Stopped at King Raithwall's tomb mostly because I don't have enough game spare time to play a full RPG due to WoW but I'm sure I'll get back to this.
FTL - Way too many frustrating deaths pushed this game off my playlist for a while, HOWEVER I will get back to it again for another length of time I'm sure. The gameplay is just too addicting.

Games I want to play but am waiting for the free time:
Borderlands 2 - Kind of hoping my sister gets back into having some free gaming time so we can Co-Op this, but I don't think that time is going to be coming anytime soon so I guess I'll play it when I'm done with BL1 DLC.
Mass Effect - I own all three games but have never played 2 or 3. I want to do a fresh playthrough of ME1 before moving onto 2 but a full fledged RPG like this just takes up so much free time I don't think I'll get to it anytime soon.


Staff member
Still rolling with GW2 and FTL, but surprisingly the Millenaire mod has revitalized Minecraft for me. Makes me kinda feel like I'm playing Actraiser 3D or sommat. Also getting back into Sins of a Solar Empire on the weekends again.
Primal Carnage goes live this week. I donated to this in 2009 and it's finally coming. I've been able to play the beta with all my settings turned to a minimum. I would like to play the L4D with Dinosaurs style maps, but only team deathmatch has been available in beta. Starting out, I was on the dino team made up of all velociraptors, picking off humans one by one. It seemed like things were skewed toward the dinosaurs, especially when our tank equivalent, the tyrannosaur, came in.

The next match, I learned better. If you approach the game like you're a lone gun, you're going to die fast. My dinosaur team was winning because we stuck together in a pack and worked together. The human team did this in the next match, using the different human classes to keep us at bay. I felt the other players would have done better if they tried creeping through the grass. Opponents are not highlighted for either side, only teammates, which means you can walk past a well-hidden enemy in the foliage without seeing them. Makes for good stalking.

My favorite class was the pterodactyl. It's weak, but it can fly, and it's alt-fire move (if you're aiming right) is to snatch a human player by the shoulders. If you take off then, you'll carry that human, putting them out of the fight while your stamina lasts, and if you fly high enough, you can drop them to their deaths. The first guy I snatched told me to put him down--I obliged :D. Then he respawned and used the human class with a net-launcher to ground and kill me.
I watched a quick look of this and it looks pretty awesome.
Finally snagged Witcher 2. Only a bit into the Prologue, but it's entertaining so far. Combat is a little hard to get used to and I'm still getting the hang of it, but all in all it seems like it'll be a fun ride.
Sadly, I never got into the Witcher 2. The combat was clunky and more importantly the UI interface/inventory was frustrating to say the least. :(
Which made me sad cause the storyline and the models... for the ladies... were interesting to say the least.

Sadly, I never got into the Witcher 2. The combat was clunky and more importantly the UI interface/inventory was frustrating to say the least. :(
I had that problem as well, but I got use to it (although I initally dropped it for a couple months because of that reason). However, thank goodness I went back to it. The story was great and I've been meaning to do another playthrough.
Gotten used to the combat, honestly it reminds me of Assassin's Creed 1, in that it's pretty lame until you unlock some stuff like improved parry and the like. As for the UI I would prefer I not have to pause and go through that to get to my inventory. I think the first Dragon Age had my favorite of the WRPG style inventories. Loaded in quick, fast to navigate, easy to sell all your junk in a couple clicks, etc.
One other annoyance I'm running into is the lack of autosave. I feel like I'm playing a game in 1998 or something with how often I feel like I have to save on my own. I know it might sound like a whiny thing, but really there's no reason not to have autosave nowadays.
Okay no. Made it to the first boss, fuck that. Hits for about 40% of your health in one hit, can't see where the tentacle is going to land because the camera refuses to get out of Geralt's spine, and if you don't trap him in time to do some damage he sweeps the whole battle area with what seems to be an undodge-able attack.

I wanted something fun, not fucking Demon's Souls. Guess this one's getting uninstalled.
The tentacle sweep can be dodged. There should be an onscreen prompt to do it. The first time it took me a few tries on that thing but it's doable.
Yeah I figured, honestly I'm just frustrated. First hack-slasher I've played in awhile that was more than just "stand here and hit things." Just gonna hang it up for tonight and try again tomorrow.
Started Pokemon Black 2 over because everything died. Then my starter died after the first gym. I'm gonna keep plugging along, but it's cast a pall over it.

Still waiting for my Primal Carnage donator key. I essentially pre-ordered this game back in 2009, helping to fund its development, but the people who bought it yesterday on Steam can play it now, while I can't.
Started Pokemon Black 2 over because everything died. Then my starter died after the first gym. I'm gonna keep plugging along, but it's cast a pall over it.

Still waiting for my Primal Carnage donator key. I essentially pre-ordered this game back in 2009, helping to fund its development, but the people who bought it yesterday on Steam can play it now, while I can't.
I know your pain. I helped fund Haunts and now I don't even know if the game is coming out..
Started Pokemon Black 2 over because everything died. Then my starter died after the first gym. I'm gonna keep plugging along, but it's cast a pall over it.

Still waiting for my Primal Carnage donator key. I essentially pre-ordered this game back in 2009, helping to fund its development, but the people who bought it yesterday on Steam can play it now, while I can't.
It's fun by the way :p

Sorry, couldn't resist. So far, I'm loving the Trapper for humans and the Raptor for Dinos.
I need to stop buying games I didn't get to play when they were new. Working on Mario Galaxy 2 (fun, but Goddamn some of the stars are frustrating) and Eternal Sonata (had it on 360, traded it away before I ever beat it). ES is a solid JRPG, my only complaint is the cutscenes are obscenely long. MG2 is amazing, but like any other 3D Mario there's certain stars that make me want to pull my hair out and sometimes I miss jumps I swear I had lined up correctly.
Ever since someone mentioned Warhammer 40,000: Dark Crusade, I've booted it back up and have been playing it non-stop. It just oozes a lot of cool Warhammer flavor and it's varied enough to keep me playing. I miss playing multiplayer with it.
Traded in Pokemon Black 2 for Pokemon Soul Silver. Much happier, and the cartridge came pre-loaded with a bunch of someone else's Pokemon. So my Pokemon Black cartridge slurped it all up.

Me: Stealing other people's Pokemon better than Team Rocket.
My brother's been playing White 2 and hasn't been able to put it down.

Still working on Eternal Sonata, got a bit burnt out on WoW and have shelved it for most of this week. Considering re-upping Rift when I get my new hard drive next week to see how it's changed in anticipation of the ridiculously nice looking xpac.
Considering re-upping Rift when I get my new hard drive next week to see how it's changed in anticipation of the ridiculously nice looking xpac.
It IS ridiculously nice-looking. The dimensions (player housing) are also a very "nice" feature that some people can get lost in.
I loved Rift when it came out. The Soul system is crazy fun, the PvE had a solid flow with the fun Rift Event/Invasion deviersions, and the dungeons were challenging without being stupid hard. I think in the end my issue was the lack of finding a good guild to play with (I was on one of the RP servers, I forget which).
I just couldn't get into Rift. It looked incredibly pretty, but it just made me want to play WoW instead.

I've been neglecting WoW, because on a whim I tried EVE again, and it's grabbed me by the balls. Of course, being EVE, it's impossible to get anyone else to play, because it requires at least three or four tries before it starts to click.
I just tossed 15 bucks at Rift to see how it is now, as I've read up a bit here and there to see what all has changed. I'm so lost. I'm terrified to hop on one of my level 50's for now, so I'm leveling a Mage. I was sad to see my home server (Shadefallen) is now a Trial Only server, and had to migrate my characters to PvE servers instead.