What are you playing?

Finished a second runthrough of Bioshock Infinite, this time farming the achievements for weapon kills. It actually made me try out almost every weapon for a significant period of time, which gave me a newfound appreciation for how each one worked. Still think that two out of carbine / machine gun / shotgun will work fine in any situation though.

It was fun to go through the game and look for the references I missed in my first playthrough. For example, now I know what "He DOESN'T row" means. Though I still have some unanswered questions, such as why the Lutece statue changed near the beginning.

Moving on to Burial at Sea!
Yeah, there is basically no reason to switch to a different weapon than those three unless you want/need an AOE option due to Salt shortage. Same goes with Salts: Devil's Kiss can solve most problems and the ones it can't, Murder of Crows or Shock Jockey can... though the shielding one can be helpful in a tight spot if you need to run to cover or grab health.

The Lutece Statue changed between the male and female Lutece because Elizabeth's tears were starting to bleed out into the city. That's all there is to it.
So, instead of Burial at Sea (maybe next time) I fired up Dishonored instead. Played the first mission. Not bad, not bad. I'm trying to play it stealthily, but it's not as easy as I'd hoped.

Also, found Damien and Amanda's corpses. My feels took a hit.
So, instead of Burial at Sea (maybe next time) I fired up Dishonored instead. Played the first mission. Not bad, not bad. I'm trying to play it stealthily, but it's not as easy as I'd hoped.

Also, found Damien and Amanda's corpses. My feels took a hit.
Dishonored is hard to do stealthy because they made it really fun to kill people.
I honestly feel like Dishonored is a better superhero game than most actual superhero games.

Edit: Just noticed something. That update from 2012? He's only updated 52 times since - the current comic is #359. So that's... once every three weeks, on average?
Edit: Just noticed something. That update from 2012? He's only updated 52 times since - the current comic is #359. So that's... once every three weeks, on average?
Don't look at it as average. He basically went on hiatus for 2 years and only recently started doing comics consistently.
Thanks to a friend, I just got to experience flying in Elite: Dangerous with a stick (that's mine) and an Oculus Rift (that's his).

... you guys. You guys...




I was moderately interested in the Oculus before. I had no idea what a huge impact it would make, and how incredible it felt.

When the hell does this thing come out? I need to start selling plasma now...

Dark Souls: I never knew there was a shortcut to the rat mini-boss behind the first butcher in the Depths.


It gets better: It's not a shortcut... it's the only way to access the Spider Shield on the corpse up there. Also, once you beat the Rat King, if you look on the left side of the waterfall/drain area, you'll notice you can slide down that area there. If you do this correctly (and it's not hard) you can skip to the area right before the Gaping Dragon that has a shortcut door to the Sewers Bonfire. Yes... you can skip 90% of the sewers by going down that waste chute and then taking the waterfall shortcut. The ONLY reason to actually do the sewers properly is...

- to get a handful of okay items (some soul items and I think there is a ring)
- to fight the red phantom (who is part of a chain of such encounters and can drop a special sword and shield) and he pops right night the waterfall/door shortcut anyway
- to farm basilisks for Grave Eyes for the Gravelord Covenant (and there are better, easier ways to do it)
- to farm rats for humanity
- for fun

This is sort of why I love Dark Souls.
It gets better: It's not a shortcut... it's the only way to access the Spider Shield on the corpse up there. Also, once you beat the Rat King, if you look on the left side of the waterfall/drain area, you'll notice you can slide down that area there. If you do this correctly (and it's not hard) you can skip to the area right before the Gaping Dragon that has a shortcut door to the Sewers Bonfire. Yes... you can skip 90% of the sewers by going down that waste chute and then taking the waterfall shortcut. The ONLY reason to actually do the sewers properly is...

- to get a handful of okay items (some soul items and I think there is a ring)
- to fight the red phantom (who is part of a chain of such encounters and can drop a special sword and shield) and he pops right night the waterfall/door shortcut anyway
- to farm basilisks for Grave Eyes for the Gravelord Covenant (and there are better, easier ways to do it)
- to farm rats for humanity
- for fun
Previously the water slide was the only way to do the Depths, because otherwise I'd get killed by the basilisks. Last time I decided to just mow through them, which gave me the bravery to venture down the Great Hollow at level 20-something.

I forgot about the red phantom. I might have to go down there after all.

This is sort of why I love Dark Souls.
Me too. I still haven't fought the Taurus demon this run because I went through the Valley of Drakes and Darkroot to reach the parish at level 1, just to see if I could make it. So many ways to proceed through this world.
Got my Wii-U from my brothers today.

They got me the Smash/Splatoon bundle, which I won't fault them for, but I have zero interest in either. What they did get me was Mario Maker.

Oh shit you guys, you're all in for some shit (this is aimed at anyone who plays my soon to be classic amazing levels).
Got my Wii-U from my brothers today.

They got me the Smash/Splatoon bundle, which I won't fault them for, but I have zero interest in either.
If it helps any, it was the same price as just buying a Wii U, so it's not hurting anyone for you to have them either.[DOUBLEPOST=1450658471,1450658318][/DOUBLEPOST]Undertale: I finished the true pacifist run. Now I'm on a genocide run.

I can kill the characters. That's just an RPG battle. But now that I've come to love some of them, I'm having a really hard time watching my character be mean to them in the cutscenes; just this soulless killing machine.

And worse, I can't just make it better by doing another true pacifist run, because this game remembers stuff you did between playthroughs, and a genocide run's taint will carry over. You have to go into the game's folders and delete specific files to undo the damage. I love that the game pays attention to so many choices you make, but come the fuck on.
Got my Wii-U from my brothers today.

They got me the Smash/Splatoon bundle, which I won't fault them for, but I have zero interest in either. What they did get me was Mario Maker.

Oh shit you guys, you're all in for some shit (this is aimed at anyone who plays my soon to be classic amazing levels).
I recommend giving Splatoon a try. I was completely disinterested in it, and then I played it. It's pretty fun.
Cities Skylines

Or at least, not even five minutes of it because the tutorial is incredibly unhelpful. I'm looking at a big slab of empty land with a turn-off onto a highway and I can't figure out how to connect the right roads to it to start. Or what roads are best. Or where to even start.

Maybe I'm just not in the mood for a city builder like I thought I was. I might refund the game.​
got Elite Dangerous a few days ago, but didn't get into it until yesterday.

It's like EVE with wing-commander style dogfighting.

I'm loving it so much.

I'm thinking I need a joystick, but I'm getting pretty good at swooping around with keyboard and mouse. I can usually land my ship on the pad in less than a minute from making the docking request. Two if the freaking starship entry is on the other side of the station from me.
Welcome, commander!

The game has some serious flaws (which you will run into if you try large-scale wing operations) but it's still pretty fun.

I just got me one of these.
I got about 150K credits in my pocket, but I'm kind of paralyzed on where to spend it. I need to spend a lot more time in the wiki first, I think.
I got about 150K credits in my pocket, but I'm kind of paralyzed on where to spend it. I need to spend a lot more time in the wiki first, I think.
Keep in mind that the base cost of a ship is only a fraction of what it actually costs. The viper I'm flying is only around 140k in credits, but I've got about two million in it for outfitting.

And never fly anything you can't afford to lose. Though, insurance cost to replace a ship is pretty low.


Staff member
Cities Skylines

Or at least, not even five minutes of it because the tutorial is incredibly unhelpful. I'm looking at a big slab of empty land with a turn-off onto a highway and I can't figure out how to connect the right roads to it to start. Or what roads are best. Or where to even start.

Maybe I'm just not in the mood for a city builder like I thought I was. I might refund the game.​
Maybe I can help. I fancy myself really good at Cities: Skylines.

When you first start out, all you can really build is 2 lane residential roads. Easiest way to start is just to start by selecting the 2 lane road, then click the end of the highway ramp it gives you, then click where you want the road to end in the open space. Try to keep it small at first. You will notice that placing roads puts these little transparent grids next to them. Those are areas you can zone as residential, commercial or industrial zones. The roads make land zone-able, no roads, no zones.

You'll need power and water pretty quickly after that. If you're not near a river, you can build a water tower to get started with that, then build water mains along under the streets you build, and that will pretty much keep your zones watered. As for power, you can either go for a regular power planet, but it pollutes, so try to keep it away from residential areas or you'll get a lot of sick people really fast. Windmills are a greener option, but they're more expensive per megawatt and they have to be built where the wind is heavy. Placing a power generating building of some sort will then show the areas that have power in bright blue on the power tab. You can use power lines to get power to places far away, but buildings (which build themselves in zones) will automatically transfer power to any other adjacent building within a certain distance, and the blue stuff will indicate that.

Build slow, expand slow, and watch your cash flow. As the population starts demanding things, it will show up on the demand meter - attend to whatever they need most. If they want more certain kinds of zones, build more roads and then zone the grids alongside them.

As your city grows you will unlock more things to build.

I also recommend raising all your tax rates to 11% right off the bat. It doesn't chase people off too much and the extra funds makes a difference.
Finally picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition. Looks like a pretty good game. Sure wish I could run it at more than 5 FPS.
I got three games for Christmas, and the big one was Xenoblade Chronicles X :D.

Right now I'm mainly jogging from explanatory cutscene to explanatory cutscene, but the game at least starts you in the wilderness so you have to learn the ropes of combat or die. One thing I really love is dash-jumping. I think the gravity on Mira is slightly lower than Earth, or at least that's my theory for why you can go super fast running and then taking a Spider-man leap over streets, cargo containers, and robots. In the city this feels like a big deal, but outside it's not because the animals are enormous. I can already tell this world is gonna be a lot of fun to explore.

And despite what GamerGate whiners say, the lack of a boob scale in female character creation does not ruin the fucking game. :rolleyes:
Finished Dishonored. Low chaos playthrough, though not entirely pacifist, but I still got the "good" ending.

Good game, good game. Feels like the lovechild of Deus Ex and Thief, with some superheroing thrown into the mix. Might do a high chaos run through someday, but for now it's time to move on to the next game.


Staff member
Dei and I finished Saints Row 3, 4 and Gat outta hell. GOH was short, as others such as Null did warn us, but overall pretty good. Was the first SR game since 2 I bothered taking over every hood and going for gold in every event. I also liked the 7 "deadly sins" weapons. Especially the Armchair-o-geddon. Gatling guns and homing missiles on a mobile recliner - the ultimate weapon of sloth.

Took about 10 hours to beat the game getting all 5 endings and 100% city takeover.
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Got the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition for Christmas. I just started it last night, so I don't have much to say other than it's supposed to take place 2 years after the events in DAI. All of the companions are there, except one in particular who is supposed to show up later in the game. From what I've read it does a decent job of tying up loose ends, but it sounds like it's really short.
Stella Glow: Hmm ... royalty has a trusted advisor who's a dick to the main characters--well, I have a hunch who's going to turn out evil before the end of this game.