What are you playing?

If you want to get the Wheel early, you can literally just kill Alfred at his second location to get the badge, which unlocks both the Wheel and the Ardeo. This means you can have the Wheel by the time you kill Vicar Amelia (which is what... a third into the game?). But if you want to give him the summons for it instead, I get why.

As for an Arcane build... any weapon that doesn't have a built in Arcane damage split (blades of mercy, Ludwigs, Tonitrus, etc) gets a 100% damage conversion the moment you stick an Arcane gem into it. That's something to consider when you go into an Arcane run, as it makes some weapons (Saw Cleaver, Saw Spear, Threaded Cane) viable options. That said, the Wheel and Tonitrus are still, by far, the best arcane weapons. The Wheel's buff can become MASSIVE if you have a good chunk of arcane and Tonitrus gets a buff not only in it's unbuffed state but a MASSIVE one in it's buff state. Stay away from Ludwig's, as you need a ton of high quality gems to get close to the DPS of Tonitrus.

Seriously... if you want to kill a boss, Tonitrus is basically always your best option. Most bosses don't resist bolt well and the buff at minimum stats is equivalent to bolt paper. Toss in a bunch of arcane and suddenly that buff is way better and VERY nasty. So my advice for an Arcane build is to clear Old Yharnum, get kidnapped so you can get to the Gaol early, and get Tonitrus early on. Alternatively, kill Alfred right after Vicar Amelia so you can buy the Wheel.
I might do that next playthrough. This one I'm trying to save Alfred, but next time I'm probably going to be a complete asshole, just send people to Iosefka, etc.

The Tonitrus is pretty nice even when not built up on Arcane. It slaughters the denizens of Cainhurst ... except Logarius himself. I kind of hit a wall with him tonight, so I may do him after the Forbidden Woods. The first time I fought him in playthrough 1, it was already after Rom.
The Tonitrus is pretty nice even when not built up on Arcane. It slaughters the denizens of Cainhurst ... except Logarius himself. I kind of hit a wall with him tonight, so I may do him after the Forbidden Woods. The first time I fought him in playthrough 1, it was already after Rom.
Logarius resists everything except physical and bloodtinge damage (for obvious reasons). So Evelyn. the Repeating Pistol, the Cannon... these all work well if you have enough bloodtinge to take advantage of them. Otherwise all you can do is try to stay away from his spells.
Logarius resists everything except physical and bloodtinge damage (for obvious reasons). So Evelyn. the Repeating Pistol, the Cannon... these all work well if you have enough bloodtinge to take advantage of them. Otherwise all you can do is try to stay away from his spells.
Unfortunately, I haven't touched my Bloodtinge stat, which is at 8, so I'll be doing a silly dance around him until he dies and hopefully I won't die first. Like last time.
Fired up Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Not going to lie, Abstergo Entertainment looks like an awesome place to work.
That moment when you know you're pushing a little too far in Dark Souls 2 when you have too many souls on you for comfort, but you just can't stop yourself from moving forward "just a little bit more".

I forgot how awesome the end of chapter 2 of the Witcher 2 was. Blasting soldiers off the walls with Ard signs is one of the most satisfying things ever.
Dota 2

Well, I tried it, just out of curiosity.

After just the first tutorial mission, I know it's not for me. There's just WAY too many options and it's all too overwhelming for me. Just looking at all the different characters to play and then all the different armour and whatnots in the store on the level map? Just too much.
Heroes of the Storm is a little less intense, might be worth trying for you when it goes live on June 2nd.
Dota 2

Well, I tried it, just out of curiosity.

After just the first tutorial mission, I know it's not for me. There's just WAY too many options and it's all too overwhelming for me. Just looking at all the different characters to play and then all the different armour and whatnots in the store on the level map? Just too much.
Open beta for Heroes of the Storm starts the 19th. Starting with DOTA is kinda like trying to pilot a spacestation before you know how to walk.

Also, I personally find HOTS a lot more fun than DOTA.
Typing of the Dead

Finally! My fast typing skills (80 wpm!) have a use: killing zombies!

This game is a blast. On top of that, the whole game has a grindhouse style to it, making it all the more fun.
Wow, this just reminded me that I once wrote a HotD fanfiction that had a Typing of the Dead bonus chapter.

Man, I am NOT going to go dig that piece of crap back up and reread it. My writing back then sucked so much ass. There's no way I'm going to read that drivel again.

... I'm going to read it now.
I'll be playing an hour of witcher 3 at midnight...then straight to bed because I have to work in the morning -_-

On a side note, I picked up A Wolf Among us for $5 on a PSN sale. Damn, I shoulda gotten that earlier. Cool story.


Staff member
I want to buy Witcher, but am going to El Paso end of May and Chicago end of June. Saving muh pennies.
I really want to play W3, but I figure by the time it comes out cheap on Steam/GoG, a video card that is an appreciable upgrade but still less than $200 will be available, and I will appreciate it more.
Because you're getting better?

Haha, noooooooo.[DOUBLEPOST=1431985506,1431985259][/DOUBLEPOST]To elaborate: I had a buy 2, get 1 free coupon for Gamestop, and decided since one nearby had two games I wanted but not three, I'd get one of their higher trade value games as the third, trade it soon after, and spend the store credit toward something I actually want in the future (no shortage of that this year). Well, Smash Bros 4 for Wii U was the only one in the higher trade value games that this store also had. Brought the games home, Dark Souls 2: SOTFS and Dragon Ball Xenoverse work, decide to make sure SSB4 worked too. For some reason, I'm actually enjoying it now. I cannot fathom why, as nothing about it has changed from five months ago.

So now I'm weighing whether to keep it this time or sell it again as intended.


My download speed is 200 bytes per second. SO, it'll be ready to play in....more than a year.

And after getting a time out error, I restarted the download and the speed is mighty good.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse: There's a lot more dicking around in the hub world than I expected. Also, you're expected to go do grind missions to gather materials and gain levels between the game's actual content. That kind of stuff really bogs down the experience, sometimes slowing it a little, sometimes just killing the fun.

Which is too bad, because otherwise it's plenty fun. You go through the scenarios of the show like in most DBZ games, except now you play as your own character, and also there is this fun "what if?" layer of weirdness on how some of the situations have altered from what's supposed to happen.

So I am enjoying it, but I feel like maybe I should restart as a Saiyan (currently playing as a Majin) because I don't see this getting more than one playthrough, even if we keep it in the long run for use as a fighting game.
Vampyre Story

WHY WAS THIS GAME SO HARD TO BOOT UP?! Really Steam, you guys couldn't have tweaked it a little bit so I wouldn't have to change the name of the file, nix the auto-niling or whatever it was called, and then change the file name back?! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Any whoozle fazoozles I'm loving it so far.
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Witcher 3 is excellent.

It runs....kind of good. I'm really, really done with AMD. I know Nvidia is making bad deals with companies and pushing technologies that while run much better on their cards, aren't very good overall, just to hurt AMD, but it's working. It's all because of Nvidia's machinations and fuckery, but God damn it, I gotta wait until next week for drivers for Witcher 3? BOOOO!

So, on the game front. There are a lot of fetchy style quests, but they're always interesting. Like, every fetch quest comes with a story and characters and happenings of these villagers. It's great. The controls are slightly janky, and I wouldn't have it any other way. And man, some of the animations are just laughable. For example, you don't jump so much as Geralt just sort of rises into the air.
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